Top 20 Best Supergirl Moments

#20: Supergirl Saves a Plane
Throughout her teenage years and early adulthood on earth, Kara Danvers AKA Kara Zor-el hid the fact that she’s an alien. That meant she had to keep her superpowers and the fact that she’s Superman's cousin under wraps too. But when the plane her adopted sister Alex is flying on is sabotaged, Kara doesn’t hesitate to fly into action. The rescue is far more complicated than just catching the vehicle. Kara has to carefully guide the plane over a bridge in order to save everyone. Fortunately, she succeeds in the feat of strength thanks to quick thinking. Even in the first episode, we saw Kara was even willing to reveal a long kept secret to save the people she loves.
#19: Kara Confronts Her Mother’s Hologram
“Hostile Takeover”
Years after Kara thought she lost her entire family, she was able to talk to a hologram of her mother Alura. Supergirl consistently sought wisdom and counsel from the program without question for some time. But when Kara’s aunt Astra suggests that the digital creation of Alura might not be trustworthy, the heroine confronts her false mother. Melissa Benoit does a great job at portraying Supergirl’s anguish when the hologram reveals that it had been deceptive. And although Kara isn’t talking to her actual mother, their falling out still feels real and heartbreaking. After this emotional conversation deeply hurt Supergirl, she got a chance to heal when she eventually reunited with her real mother.
#18: Supergirl Uses Everything to Defeat Red Tornado
“Red Faced”
Once the military completed building a strong android codenamed Red Tornado, they ask Supergirl to test its might. But after she beats up for a while, the machine appears to go rogue. Supergirl is later forced to confront the Red Tornado after the reveal that it was being controlled by a third party. When the android still keeps going after its operator is defeated, Kara has to push herself to her limits. In a stunning scene, Supergirl channels all her negative emotions into one continuous laser blast. We can feel everything she’s going through as the scene cuts between flashbacks and the present. When Supergirl finally emerges triumphant, it feels like we’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster with a satisfying payoff.
#17: Kara Confronts Lena
“It’s a Super Life”
After Lena realizes she’s one of the last people in the friend group to know Kara is Supergirl, the relationship between the two crumbles. Fortunately, the Kyrptonian is given a chance to go back in time and confess her secret earlier in the 100th episode. This gave the show a creative way to look back and led to a great moment between Kara and Lena. Once Supergirl realizes there was never a good time to be truthful, she confronts her friend. Instead of begging for forgiveness, Kara warns Lena not to stop out of line because of bad feelings. This strong conversation served as a great reminder that sometimes we have to accept our mistakes to move forward.
#16: J’onn Jones Reveals His True Identity
“Human For a Day”
Both the audience and most of the heroes thought Hank Henshaw was in charge at the Department of Extranormal Operations. Although this leader came off as cold, there was evidence he could care about people deeply. But it turned out that there was a good reason that Hank projected such a rough demeanor. After he displays extraordinary abilities while trying to stop a psychic villain, Alex pushes him to explain where his strength comes from. His emotional story ends with the reveal that he is a ridiculously famous Martian. This moment was a fantastic plot twist that would greatly improve many aspects of the series. The scene also gave the beloved yet underused Martian Manhunter the chance to start shining in live-action.
#15: Cat Grant Discovers Kara Is Supergirl
“Blood Bonds”
Don’t you hate it when your boss figures out your secret identity? It happened to Kara in season 1 when Cat Grant realizes her mild-mannered assistant Kara might moonlight as Supergirl. Although the kryptonian tries to brush off these accusations, her boss remains convinced of her discovery. In order to protect her true identity and keep her job, Kara’s shape-shifting friend J’onn pretends to be Supergirl while she appears as Kara. The idea of this impersonation is clever, witty and light-hearted. And even though we later learn that Cat figured it out anyway, this scene still shines. Kara showed us here that her human life and career is just as important as her heroic pursuits.
#14: Brainy Stops the Big Bads
“Immortal Kombat”
During season 5, Brainy alienates his friends and works with Lex Luthor in an attempt to stop a group of powerful elemental villains. But after all the hero’s hard work, he finds out that the new plan is to let his friends die to save the world. Brainy refuses to accept this plot and puts his own life on the line to stop the elemental villains. Although the process is extremely painful for him, he proves how strong and noble he is by facing certain death to protect his friends. Fortunately, Brainy’s plan isn’t the end of his story. This scene turns out to be a triumphant high point in the hero’s long career.
#13: Supergirl Leaves Her Perfect Life
“For the Girl Who Has Everything”
By the time Kara arrived on Earth, she had seen her home planet of Krypton explode and had to cope with the loss of her family. So, when an alien parasite leaves her trapped in an illusion where her family and home are still intact, it becomes nearly impossible for her to leave. But with some emotional words from her adopted sister Alex, Kara decides to leave the hallucination. This leads to a heart-wrenching moment that has Supergirl saying goodbye to the family she lost. Fortunately, Kara gets revenge against the villain who put her through this cruel gauntlet. It also helped that her loved ones in the real world were there to support her in the end.
#12: Supergirl & Superman Save a Rocket Together
“The Adventures of Supergirl”
Supergirl seems to have a knack for saving giant things falling from the sky. When a spacecraft’s engines are sabotaged and it starts to plummet towards Earth, Supergirl and her cousin Superman fly off to save it. Although this is the first time that the two have ever worked together, it’s almost like second nature to them. It’s fun to watch them quickly bring the spaceship down into a cornfield. As they celebrate their successful rescue with excitement and glee, we see the strong bond the super-powered cousins share. This fantastic scene was just the opener to many more fun and strong family team ups.
#11: Lena & Kara Bury the Hatchet
“Immortal Kombat”
Watching the once close Lena and Kara barely being able to stand next to each other for a portion of season 5 was difficult for fans. The duo that had constantly supported and trusted each other for multiple seasons had been torn apart by secrets. But when the world was threatened, the duo worked together to stop the big bads. When all the dust had settled, the two had a long-awaited conversation. Both acknowledged the mistakes they made throughout their friendship. But they were also open about how important they were to each other. By the time the credits rolled, it felt like Lena and Kara’s tattered friendship was finally healing.
#10: Winn Returns as a Fully Fledged Hero
“Back from the Future Parts One & Two”
At the beginning of the series, Winn was your stereotypical quirky tech guy. But he goes through a serious upgrade after living in the future. Upon returning to the past, Winn reveals that he’s now a capable superhero. He has no problem stepping out from behind a computer to confront enemies and even his own evil doppelganger. And although his dad was an evil villain named Toyman, Winn volunteers to take the name to turn the moniker from a dark title to a shining beacon. It’s fantastic to see how far Winn had come since the very beginning of the series. While he couldn’t stick around for long, it was still satisfying to know Toyman was out there saving lives.
#9: Supergirl’s Speech Frees the People from Mind Control
“Better Angels”
In the season 1 finale, Supergirl struggles to free the citizens of National City from the villainous Non’s mind control device. After being forced to fight her sister Alex, Kara realizes that a message of hope is enough to free a person’s mind. Supergirl then teams up with her remaining allies to give an improvised speech that is broadcast across the city. The stirring monologue is full of emotion, heart and inspiration. She displays all her best qualities: her courage, her resilience and her ability to hope in the darkest times. Supergirl’s speech definitively proved that she isn’t a heroine just because of what she can do. Kara’s honest words and kind heart are her most powerful traits.
#8: Alex Confesses What She Did to Kara’s Aunt
Kara’s Aunt Astra was willing to hurt a lot of people to achieve her twisted goals. But Supegirl’s sister Alex put an end to the villain’s scheming permanently with a kryptonite sword. However, Martian Manhunter pretends that he was the one who slayed Kara’s aunt. Initially, this lie drives a rift between Supergirl and J'onn Jones. But after the tension between them builds to an unbearable point, Alex tells her sister what really happened. The confession is extremely emotional and impactful thanks to a brilliant performance from Chyler Leigh. While she expects her sister to walk away, Kara decides to embrace and forgive her sister. Seeing Supergirl reach out to J’onn in the aftermath of the confession added another heartwarming layer to this raw scene.
#7: Dreamer Defeats a Hateful Enemy
“Reality Bytes”
When Nia’s friend Yvette went out for a date, it turned out she was being targeted by someone who hated people in the trans community. The attacker also wanted to lure out Dreamer because he resented that she was a well-received trans superhero. Nia then decides to make a fake dating profile to get the villain out in the open. Overwhelmed with rage, she nearly ends his life while in her Dreamer costume. But Supergirl convinces Nia not to give into anger and be better than the villain ever could be. This harrowing storyline serves as an extremely relevant plot that draws attention to real threats that trans people face. Seeing Nia confront and rise above a hateful enemy was powerful and moving.
#6: Alex Remembers Who Kara Is
“Red Dawn”
DEO Agent Alex sadly volunteers to erase her own memory to keep Supergirl’s identity a secret. Unfortunately, Kara wasn’t allowed to undo this noble sacrifice. But when Supergirl is badly beaten during a battle, all of Alex’s memories start flooding back. The agent immediately runs to let her wounded sister know she remembers everything. Just when it looks like it’s too late, Kara finds a way to heal and see her Alex again. The powerful performance from Chyler Leigh and the dramatic weight made this reunion into one of the show’s most emotional moments. Fortunately, this wouldn’t be the last time the two sisters shared a tender scene.
#5: Kara Flies Back In Time
“Battles Lost and Won”
Supergirl’s long struggle against Reign seemingly ended in the middle of the climactic “Battles Lost and Won” episode. Unfortunately, beating the villain led to the deaths of Kara’s mother and two close allies. Before Supergirl stops to grieve, she realizes that there’s still time to save them all. She decides to use an ally’s ring and a disruption in time to go back to an earlier point in the battle and save her loved ones. The imagery and circumstances of the scene serve as a direct homage to when Superman did something similar in the 1978 film. While we would’ve loved this moment for the callback alone, the fact that Supergirl beat Reign and saved her friends was icing on the cake.
#4: J’onn Reunites With His Father
“Far From the Tree”
J’onn Jones believed he was the only green martian to survive a violent conflict on his planet. He was understandably shocked to discover his father was still alive. When the two first meet, J’onn’s dad M’yrnn thinks the reunion was a cruel trick. For the bulk of the episode, the two can’t get on the same page. But a couple of brushes with death and the vision of an emotional memory allow Jonn’s dad to see the truth: his son is alive. What makes this tearful moment more powerful is the fact that M’yrnn was played by Carl Lumbly, who voiced J’onn in many animated appearances. Seeing him embrace David Harewood’s new Martian Manhunter felt like a beautiful passing of the torch.
#3: Supergirl Defeats Superman
“Nevertheless, She Persisted”
Thanks to a hunk of silver kryptonite, Superman is brainwashed into thinking his cousin Kara is his old enemy Zod. The confused Krytponian immediately tries to take the heroine down. But Kara refuses to go down with a fight. Although Superman hits Supergirl with hit after hit, she endures and strikes back. After an intensely close battle, Kara puts everything she has into one final attack and knocks her cousin out. Supergirl’s defeat of the immensely powerful Superman took an unfathomable amount of physical and emotional strength. Even Superman acknowledges how incredible it was that Kara defeated him when he was giving it his best.
#2: Alex Comes Out to Kara
One of the biggest strengths of the “Supergirl” series was how well it handled LGBTQ+ characters and relationships. Its strong reputation of representation really began with Alex. After spending time with the openly gay Maggie, the DEO Agent decides to come out as gay to her sister. At first, Kara is confused and awkward about Alex’s announcement. But their rocky conversation is soon followed by a much better talk. What made Alex’s coming out scene so impactful was how authentic it felt. Instead of showing it as an easy and smooth process, everyone involved stumbles and struggles to express themselves. But in the end, Kara makes it clear that she accepts her sister as is and will always support Alex going forward.
#1: Kara Reveals Her Identity To the World
Even though Kara definitely deserved to celebrate after defeating two tremendous enemies in the series finale, she still felt torn in two. She felt unable to move forward while trying to split her time between her civilian and heroic identities. After struggling to choose how to proceed, her old mentor Cat Grant calls Kara for a funny and brutally honest pep talk. Their conversation pushes Supergirl far out of her comfort zone. But ultimately, it was exactly the push she needed. Kara ultimately puts down her glasses and faces the world as her true self. Holding on an image of Kara beaming with glee as she reveals her secret to everyone was the perfect way to end the series.