Top 20 Biggest Flexes in One Piece

#20: Doflamingo Gets Cold Feet
At the tail end of the Punk Hazard arc, one of the Seven Emperors of the Sea, Doflamingo makes a sudden appearance and attacks the G-5. Caught in his crosshairs is Captain Smoker, who eventually finds himself cornered by the leader of the Donquixote Pirates. Just before Doflamingo can deliver the final blow, Aokiji suddenly appears behind him and without moving a muscle uses his devil fruit power to cover the entire area in ice. Although Doflamingo breaks free, it isn’t long before he makes a quick exit, and honestly we can’t blame him, with the undeniable aura Aokiji has!
#19: I'm Always Negative!
Perona’s devil fruit powers are unique in the fact that she can directly affect her opponents emotional state through her negative hollows. This leaves most of the straw hat crew completely powerless such as Sanji, Zoro and Franky. However when this technique finally reaches Usopp, it has absolutely no effect, much to Perona’s dismay. When asked why the heck her ability doesn’t work on him, Usopp proudly proclaims that he’s always negative. Now being negative probably isn’t the best thing to flex about, but we can’t help but admire Ussops courage!
#18: Whitebeard Blows Out a Birthday Candle
The war at Marineford is rife with characters showing off their ridiculous powers, amid all the devastation and shocking developments. When Admiral Akainu takes action, things start to look dire, with the magma-spouting Marine launching meteor magma fists down on the pirates. However, while some of the Whitebeard Pirates’ ships are lit aflame by Akainu’s attacks, Whitebeard himself catches one on the tip of his enormous halberd. Not only that, he blows out the magma with his breath alone! The legendary pirate has quake powers, and yet he used only his lung capacity to extinguish molten rock! Whitebeard even trash talks the Admiral for good measure! Akainu may be made of magma, but Whitebeard gave him a burn!
#17: One Finger
The former first mate of the legendary Roger Pirates is no stranger to flexes in this series, especially considering the fact he swam all the way to Amazon Lily through the calm belt. Another great instance of Silvers Rayleigh flexing his abilities is during the flashback battle between the Roger and Whitebeard Pirates. With his advanced Busoshoku, he’s able to stop the devil fruit user with just a single finger. They don’t call him the “Dark King” for nothing!
#16: Too Slow
Prior to the time skip, it took a coordinated effort from all of the Straw Hats in order to fend off just a single Pacifista. Fast forward two years later and Luffy encounters one yet again, but this time he has to fight it solo. When the human weapon shoots Mouth Beams towards him, Luffy effortlessly dodges all of them, and declares them too slow. What follows is Luffy easily defeating the Pacifista with just a single blow, thanks to his newfound Haki powers.
#15: Sanji Needs a Light
Apart from Luffy’s rubber-man abilities nullifying his attacks, it’s pretty much a given that anyone who’s on the receiving end of Enel’s electrical attacks are going to be put on the verge of death. Just as Usopp and Nami are about to make their escape from the Ark Maxim, Enel sends one of his most powerful attacks, the “El Thor” straight towards them. In the very last second, Sanji sacrifices himself and takes on the full brunt of it. In a flex of his iron will, Sanji stands tall after taking on the attack, and proceeds to thank the Kami of Skypiea for the light.
#14: Kaido Knocks Luffy Out
Few things can set Luffy off, since he’s generally happy-go-lucky. But when Kaido, one of the 4 Emperors, destroys the castle where his friends and allies are and supposedly kills them, Luffy loses all his chill. Attacking the draconic pirate head-on, Luffy uses all his most powerful forms and moves, pummeling Kaido with punch after punch. But - it doesn’t hurt him. Although the anime extends the fight to have a bit more back and forth, Kaido essentially gets up, dusts himself off, and knocks Luffy out with one well-placed Thunder Bagua! He even ridicules Luffy’s ambition to be Pirate King! Defeating the protagonist in one blow and kicking him while he’s down? Oof.
#13: Bartolomeo's Piss Break
The Corrida Colosseum tournament introduces a whole bunch of unique characters, including the captain of the Barto Club, Bartolomeo the Cannibal. In the opening Battle Royale round, Bartolomeo suddenly decides that now would be a really good time to take a piss in amongst all of the ruckus, much to the dismay of the crowd. The Fish-Man Karate master Hack takes great offense to this and strikes him from behind while he’s in the middle of it. Unfortunately for him it’s revealed that Bartolomeo was just baiting him with his barrier devil fruit powers, completely breaking his hand. Talk about taking the piss!
#12: Shoot Down That Flag
While desperately attempting to rescue their fellow crewmember Nico Robin, the Straw Hats confront the CP9 members right in the middle of Enies Lobby. The Cipher Pol agency's leader Spandam is more than happy to remind them just how out of their minds they are, and that to fight against them is the same as opposing the entire world. Not one to back down against anything, Luffy boldly orders Sogeking to shoot down the World Governments flag, an act that is seen as a declaration of war. No matter what the Straw Hats come up against, even if it’s the most powerful organization on the planet, they’ll always watch out for each other.
#11: Nothing Happened
Just as we all thought that Thriller Bark was coming to a close with Gecko Moria's defeat, Kuma arrives on the scene and makes short work of whoever was left standing. With the Warlord of the Sea seemingly unstoppable and out for Luffy’s life, Zoro decides to offer his own to the cyborg instead. This sways Kuma and instead offers to let him go only if Zoro if he can withstand all of his captain's pain. Zoro accepts despite the fact that it could very well kill him, and when Sanji discovers him surrounded in blood afterwards, this is all Zoro can say. [SB]
#10: Mihawk’s Smallest Knife
Dracule Mihawk is the world’s strongest swordsman. His introduction has already established his clout and abilities, given that he single handedly destroyed Don Krieg’s fleet. However, when Zoro challenges the man he hopes to surpass, Mihawk delivers a monumental flex on the Straw Hats’ swordsman. Rather than use his massive, ship-slicing blade, Mihawk instead pulls out a tiny blade hidden in his necklace. After lamenting that he doesn’t have a smaller one, Mihawk proceeds to utterly dominate Zoro in a duel, despite his apparent handicap. While Zoro’s determination ultimately wins Mihawk’s approval, he first must endure the Warlord’s disrespect.
#9: Crocodile Gives Luffy 3 Minutes
Speaking of a Warlord’s disrespect, when Luffy and company are being pursued by the Warlord Crocodile, the Straw Hat captain stays behind to buy time. After trading barbs, Crocodile starts to get impatient. But, in a show of contempt and confidence, he throws down an hourglass timer in the sand. He lets Luffy try to fight him for 3 minutes. Crocodile’s utter certainty that Luffy can’t hurt him in a few minutes is such a huge flex. And he’s right! Try as he might, Luffy can’t so much as injure Crocodile in that time. Meanwhile, Crocodile pokes holes in Luffy’s dreams - and his body.
#8: Gum-Gum Jump Rope
Prior to this moment Kaido was an unstoppable force of nature, able to take on pretty much any attack Luffy threw at him. Unfortunately for the overlord of the Wano Country, he could have never seen the awakening of Luffy’s Gum-Gum fruit coming. With his new Gear 5 abilities, Luffy is able to bend reality as though it’s a wacky classic cartoon. Even when Kaido attempts to retaliate with a bite, Luffy grabs both ends of him in his Dragon Form and proceeds to use him as a jump rope! Not only is it a massive flex against Kaido, but it’s also one of the most disrespectful moments in the franchise!
#7: Can Luffy Throw a Punch?
Despite receiving ridicule at the hands of Bellamy, a “big time” rookie pirate, Luffy returns to confront him when his new friend Cricket’s gold is stolen. Bellamy tries to flex on Luffy, mocking his dreams as he shows off his spring-based powers by bouncing around town in an apparent blur. However, Luffy angrily recalls Bellamy’s question and throws it back at him “can he throw a punch?” Then, when Bellamy goes in for a final attack, Luffy punches him to the ground - making Bellamy lose consciousness and gain a new dent in his face! He didn’t even use his Devil Fruit powers or name the attack! Luffy doesn’t flex often, but when he does it’s always impressive.
#6: “A Mere Emperor”
Jinbe is a staunch ally of the Straw Hats, who wants to join their crew. However, to protect his own people, the Fishman pirate allied with Big Mom. Upon meeting her during the most chaotic tea party ever, Jinbe decides to resign. The only problem is that Big Mom can suck out people’s souls. But, when the enormous Emperor matriarch tries it on Jinbe - it doesn’t work. The caveat to her powers working is that the victim has to fear her - and Jinbe doesn’t. A man who wants to join the crew of the future Pirate King can’t be scared of a measly Emperor! No wonder everyone calls him “Boss!”
#5: Whitebeard’s Last Stand
Equally one of the most respected and feared pirates on the planet, Edward Newgate was one of the most powerful pirates to ever exist, with strengths rivaling that of the King of the Pirates, Gold Roger. Unfortunately his legend would finally come to an end at the Summit War of Marineford. After enduring countless attacks from the Admirals, the treacherous Blackbeard and his crew’s relentless bullet frenzy was enough to put an end to him. But despite this, even in death, Whitebeard stands triumphantly. The fact that he has not a single scar on his back is a real testament to how he never backed down from a fight.
#4: Kizaru Styles On the Supernovas
Marine Admirals can do plenty of flexing themselves! Borsalino, codename Kizaru, immediately shows why his title isn’t for show. When Luffy causes an international incident, Kizaru arrives on the scene via cannonball to help suppress any pirates in the area. After casually and accidentally blowing up a tree the size of a mountain, Kizaru runs into Luffy’s peers, fellow up-and-coming rookie pirates, Hawkins, Apoo, Drake, and Urouge. With lazy, unfocused disregard, Kizaru steamrolls these Supernovas of the pirate world using his light-based abilities. Their attacks do no damage, he kicks Hawkins at the speed of light, and then all full of laser holes. Kizaru isn’t all there, which makes his easy defeat of the Supernovas an even bigger flaunting of his strength.
#3: Shanks Stops the War
The war at Marineford doesn’t go well for almost everyone. Whitebeard and Ace die, Blackbeard is ascendant, the Marines and pirates die by the droves, and Luffy’s life is in danger. But at the eleventh hour, who should appear to intervene, but Luffy’s mentor, Shanks. The Emperor steps in to save Koby and buy time for Luffy to escape. He then makes a speech to all the hardened pirates, battle-hungry Marines, and the wild card that is Blackbeard about how pointless their fighting has become. Shanks then challenges anyone who still wants a fight to go up against him and his crew. And none of them want to mess with him! If stopping a war nearly singlehandedly isn’t a flex, what is?
#2: Luffy Ignores Two Emperors
Luffy and his fellow Worst Generation members make their way to the roof of Onigashima to confront Big Mom and Kaido. It’s an epic showdown, with the old generation facing the new. However, rather than respond to the 2 Emperor’s barbs about his ambitions, Luffy walks right past two of the most powerful pirates on the planet without a glance and tends to his friend Kin’emon, whom Kaido defeated earlier. The disrespect Luffy shows them is probably unintentional - his buddy is more important to him, after all. But even if it was, Luffy’s oversized, incredible punch to Kaido’s face and his declaration that he’ll overtake them and become Pirate King definitely shows that Luffy thinks they’re beneath him - or they will be soon.
#1: Every Single Conqueror’s Haki Moment
Yep - all of them! Conqueror’s Haki lets its users release a burst of concentrated intimidation to knock out opponents that lack the willpower to withstand it. Every time it’s used throughout the series is essentially its user flexing on whoever they use it against. Conqueror’s Haki is flexing distilled and then released onto opponents. Those who use it are able to physically illustrate how much stronger than their opponents they are. When two users clash, it’s like a flex-off between who can outdo the other. And anyone who can’t withstand it, isn’t worth their time anyway.
If there’s a “One Piece” flex you can’t believe we forgot, style all over us with your knowledge in the comments!