Top 20 Bloopers That Broke the Whole Cast

#20: Baby’s First Direction
“Breaking Bad” (2008-13)
“Breaking Bad” is packed with intense drama, and the cast really knows how to pull us in. But there’s one little cast member who steals the show in her own way. In this scene, Skyler tearfully worries about her family’s safety. Now, it’s hard enough to ignore baby Holly’s cuteness in the final cut, but in the blooper reel, it’s even tougher. As Marie comforts her sister, baby Holly adds her own commentary. The actors can’t help but laugh, taking it as Holly’s contribution to the conversation. Perhaps she was just offering notes on Betsy Brandt and Anna Gunn’s acting! Maybe this is why they say not to work with kids!
#19: A Sneeze
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (2013-18)
In this episode, the squad is invited to a party at Captain Holt’s house, but there’s just one problem: for a bunch of cops, their social skills are kind of lacking. So, Terry calls them all in for a crash course on basic manners and party etiquette. Of course, everyone has questions, including Gina, who wants to know if Jennifer Aniston-style shorts are acceptable to wear for such an occasion. Classic Gina. Anyway, in one outtake, her line is hilariously interrupted by an untimely sneeze from Andy Samberg. It’s a tiny goof and, of course, completely beyond his control, but it’s enough to make the rest of the cast burst into laughter.
#18: 8 Simple Rules to Breaking Your Castmates
“8 Simple Rules” (2002-05)
John Ritter was a comedic genius who could always make his castmates laugh, whether it was planned or not. In “8 Simple Rules,” he played the overprotective Paul, who hilariously struggles with watching his daughters grow up. The gag reel is packed with Ritter's antics, from his quirky acting choices to flubbing lines and playfully teasing his co-stars. He had that rare gift for turning any moment into a laugh-out-loud scene. How can we pick just one favorite when he gave us so many? Paul was an essential part of the show, and Ritter was clearly the heart and soul behind the scenes, too. Thanks for all the laughs, man!
#17: Ted’s Story
“How I Met Your Mother” (2005-14)
When Barney gets shaken by a blast from the past, he makes a deal with his friends: if they want him to spill his embarrassing secret, they have to share theirs first. He’s especially keen to hear Ted’s “Re-Return” story, but Ted’s reluctant to divulge it and offers up a different humiliating tale instead. Things take a hilarious turn in the outtake when Josh Radnor flubs his line. After that, the cast can’t keep it together, and several subsequent attempts to film the scene ends in laughter. Seriously, they can’t stop! It might not be the juicy story Barney was fishing for, but couldn’t they at least have finished the scene for us?
#16: “You Want a Piece of Me?”
“Seinfeld” (1989-98)
George Costanza and moral integrity rarely go together. So, it’s no surprise when he tries to impress Elaine’s colleague Anna with a bad boy image. He ends up getting arrested for bootlegging and needs his dad to bail him out, setting the stage for this outtake. Frank gets into a spat with Elaine, who’s there to bail out Anna, after she insults his son’s intelligence. Jerry Stiller, a true comedy legend, can’t even get through a simple line without cracking up the cast. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is the first to lose it, quickly followed by Jason Alexander and Rebecca McFarland. Stiller, always the pro, leans into the comedy, leaving everyone in stitches.
#15: Laughter in the Bathroom
“Will & Grace” (1998-2006; 2017-20)
Season eight of “Will & Grace” treated us to two live episodes, where there were no second chances for hilarious mishaps. The eyebrow incident had us all chuckling, but the real chaos took off in an episode centered in Karen’s bathroom. Will, Grace, and Jack discover Karen hosts secret parties without inviting them because, apparently, someone’s bound to embarrass her. As they argue over who that culprit might be, they can’t contain their laughter. Soon, they’re hurling beauty products at each other. By the time Karen enters, the absurdity of it all has clearly sunk in, causing Sean Hayes to completely lose it and take his castmate down with him.
#14: “Son of a B-”
“Supernatural” (2005–20)
This season three episode sees con artist Bela Talbot do everything she can to steal a lucky rabbit’s foot. Although ultimately unsuccessful, she does manage to drive away with Dean’s winning scratch tickets. Now, how would you feel if someone disappeared with your chance at winning thousands of dollars? There’s certainly no mistaking Dean’s feelings as he loudly exclaims: “Son of a b****.” But hang on, is that smile we see on Sam actor Jared Padalecki’s face? According to the star, his co-star’s overzealous response wasn’t what he was expecting. But he didn’t want to ruin the take, so he turned his head away from the camera to hide his reaction. Unlike the time Padalecki accidentally hit his on-screen father causing everyone to break.
#13: A Forking Good Blooper
“The Good Place” (2016-20)
In season four, the gang is tasked with getting demon Shawn on board with their idea for “The Medium Place.” He refuses, leading Jason to say, “Shawn, you used to be cool. But you’ve changed, man.” As this blooper shows, the idea that Shawn was ever “cool” and Manny Jacinto’s epic delivery were simply too hilarious for the cast to handle. According to series creator Michael Schur, they were so tickled by this line that they couldn’t stop giggling “for three and a half minutes.” William Jackson Harper, who played Chidi, also revealed that they laughed so much that “Ted [Danson] cried.” If you ask us, it sounds like “The Good Place” set is a forking great place to be!
#12: Carlton Breaks the Set
“The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” (1990-96)
Speaking of fun sets, Alfonso Ribeiro, who played Carlton on “Fresh Prince,” once shared that the cast loved to entertain their audience to the fullest. On one memorable day, he asked the directors to focus on him because he had something “funny funny” planned. In the scene, Will tells a dramatic tale about Lisa as payback for a prank pulled by her and Carlton. The scene could have ended shortly after Riberio’s panicked exit. Instead, the actor indulged in a hilarious, over-the-top masterpiece that takes down his castmate, some extras, and the entire studio audience. It was such a riot that, of course, they had to keep it in the final cut!
#11: The Dentist
“The Carol Burnett Show” (1967-78)
Tim Conway had a real knack for finding humor in everyday situations; we’ll be seeing more of that later, too. In this episode, he plays a freshly graduated dentist who accidentally anesthetizes himself, setting off a chain of hilarious mishaps. His co-star, Harvey Korman, can’t hide his laughter as things spiral out of control. Yes, in this context, “the whole cast” might just be one other person, but Korman’s reaction alone is worth an ensemble of a thousand. Eventually, Conway can’t resist joining in the laughter as well. According to Conway, Korman found the whole thing so hysterical that he might have had a little mishap himself.
#10: Hot ‘N’ Foamy
“Frasier” (1993-2004)
The actual aired take that led up to this moment is absolutely hysterical. After reading their mom’s notebook, Niles finally signs his divorce papers, only to later discover the “Niles” in her notes wasn’t him at all. He takes a moment to cool off, only to end up a little “hot and foamy.” In the outtake, as Niles emerges covered in foam, you can see his on-screen family members smirking. However, that’s not what breaks them. Martin starts to deliver his detective expertise on the situation but breaks down before finishing the line. Soon enough, everyone else is laughing along with him. In the next take, Daphne’s hilarious follow-up line sets them off again.
#9: “She Drove Me Here!”
“Parks and Recreation” (2009-15; 2020)
Ah, Craig, how do we describe Craig? Well, he’s loud, a little intense, never shies away from voicing his opinion, and is very… enthusiastic about everything. He’s also hilarious and a beloved addition to the “Parks” team, courtesy of actor Billy Eichner. In this scene, Leslie puts together a team to brainstorm ideas to improve community relations following the Pawnee-Eagleton merger. Craig introduces himself and his friend Madison who drove him in. In the blooper, it’s clear that everyone’s getting a kick out of Eichner’s delivery, and Aziz Ansari even eggs him on. Of course, it’s not long until they all break. We only wish this conversation had made the final cut.
#8: “Thor & Dr. Jones”
“The Big Bang Theory” (2007–19)
We wonder how many takes of this classic “Big Bang” scene it took before the director raised their hand and went, “Ah well, good enough.” In this season nine episode, a crowd gathers at the comic book store to see “Footprints on the Moon” make their musical debut. The guys have penned some… interesting lyrics, but we commend their commitment. In fact, in the episode that aired, Kaley Cuoco can be seen chuckling when Howard really goes for those high notes. Still, that’s nothing compared to the outtake. When Howard tries to harmonize, Cuoco can’t contain her laughter and soon brings some other cast members down, too.
#7:Cricket “Fakes” It
“It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia” (2005-)
Charlie and Mac are reunited with old friend Pete, but they’re disappointed that he’s more together than they remembered. So, they turn to Cricket to help lure the old Pete out with what can only be described as an exorcism. There’s just one problem, Cricket doesn’t know the required Latin to perform such a task. Now let’s cut to the outtake. Cricket waxes lyrical about the importance of “faking it.” And something about his co-stars’ reactions suggests that maybe this wasn’t the dialogue they expected. They try to play along but can barely get through a sentence without giggling. They’re certainly not faking just how funny they find this scene.
#6: The Couch Gag
“Boy Meets World” (1993-2000)
Eric spends this episode in an array of disguises as he seeks vengeance on Topanga. But it turns out he’s no match for her, physically or mentally. Unfortunately, one of his more creative yet ill-thought-out costumes didn’t make the final cut. However, the bloopers can be seen at the end of the episode. Shawn and Angela have been sitting on the couch embracing for a while, seemingly unaware that Eric’s hiding in the cushions. His reveal is so funny that it breaks everyone. And since it didn’t make the final cut, we can only imagine the amount of takes ruined by laughter.
#5: No One Is Safe Around Betty White
“Hot in Cleveland” (2010-15)
This is wild to imagine, but apparently, the late great Betty White wasn’t meant to be a series regular on “Hot in Cleveland.” She was initially signed on as a guest star in the pilot episode but come on, it’s Betty White! Of course, folks loved her. And if she hadn’t been convinced to join the cast, we may never have gotten so many hilarious bloopers! In one of our favorites, White’s Elka talks about her dating profile. White can barely get through the punchline without giggling, which sets off a domino effect with her scene mates. In fact, it’s so funny that it even gets called back to in a later outtake.
#4: Kitty’s Dance
“That '70s Show” (1998-2006)
In the episode, Kitty and the girls head to a club for Donna’s bachelorette party. The usually wholesome matriarch unveils a wild streak when she starts grooving in front of the exotic dancer. It’s so funny that even in the episode, Mila Kunis can be spotted openly laughing. However, as this outtake shows, she wasn’t the only one who found the moment hysterical. Even Debra Jo Rupp can’t keep a straight face! According to the actress, she improvised the whole thing and intended to keep going until someone yelled cut. We imagine she would’ve kept dancing for a while, as everyone was probably doubled over and too breathless to call it anyway.
#3: The Plasma TV
“The Office” (2005-13)
The “Dinner Party” episode was beloved by critics and fans alike, and for good reason. The writing was top-notch, the acting was on point, and it gave us one of our favorite “The Office” bloopers. Michael shows Jim and Pam his new plasma TV during a tour of his and Jan’s home. The camera then shows it. If you thought that was funny, check out this outtake. They can barely keep it together, but Steve Carell’s attempts to keep going just make them break even more. The actor acknowledges that it’s going to be a long day. Eventually, they completely lose it, and everyone needs a moment to regroup.
#2:Ross Plays the Bagpipes
“Friends” (1994-2004)
Ross Geller is at the center of two hysterical “Friends” bloopers that broke everyone involved. But before we “PIVOT!” onto our pick, we just had to take a second to appreciate this moment. The cast managed to one-up their own hilarity a couple of seasons later when Ross showcases his newfound talent to the gang and urges them to join in— which Phoebe does. In the aired episode, you can see that Jennifer Aniston struggles to maintain composure. However, she’s far from the only one who catches the giggles in this blooper. We get it, we’ve probably watched this scene hundreds of times, and it never gets less funny.
#1: The Elephant Story
“The Carol Burnett Show” (1967-78)
According to Carol Burnett’s memoirs, a golden rule of sorts on her show was that everyone should stay in character. But here’s the thing, when something’s just that darn funny, the rules pretty much mean squat. During this installment of "The Family" sketch, the group plays a game of “Password.” Mickey Hart, played by Tim Conway, tells such a ridiculous story about elephants that everyone, including Burnett, struggles to maintain their composure. The more details he adds, the more they begin to crack. However, it’s Vicki Lawrence as Mama who finally fully breaks them all. It’s still one of the funniest TV bloopers of all time.
Which set looks like it would be most fun to work on? Let us know in the comments.