Top 20 Best Drinking Games

#20: Drunk Jenga
This variation on a childhood classic allows you and your friends to personalize your experience. All you need is Jenga and some sharpies to have a fun time. Simply write down your challenges on the pieces, set up the game as usual, and then get to pulling. The tasks can range from something as simple as toasting the group, to something more wild like swapping clothes. There’s also plenty of opportunities to include drinking challenges as well. When someone causes the stack to fall, not only have they lost, but they then have to chug the rest of their glass. With all the different combinations of rules and set-up options, this has the potential for endless possibilities.
#19: Flong
Beer pong and flip cup are great on their own, but a seamless merge of the two creates a fast-paced relay game called Flong. Two teams set up cups in a line on either end of the table and form a single file. The first player then attempts to sink the first cup. If they miss or hit the wrong one, they must keep shooting until they do. Once successful, they gulp its contents and flip it, then return to the back of the line, passing the baton to the next teammate. The first group to clear their cups wins. Flong combines the most interesting elements of both games, resulting in a tumultuous yet exciting time for everybody, whether you win or not.
#18: Where’s The Water?
Where’s The Water takes the concept of Russian Roulette and puts a fun, less deadly twist on it. For this, you’ll need a collection of clear liquors and water. Fill glasses with these beverages, then have your friends choose one randomly and throw it back. Their task is to convince the group they didn’t have the booze. Depending on the alcohol used and the participant’s acting skills, the guesses can vary in difficulty. Some have even taken this to the Internet, where they post their reactions and invite viewers to try figuring it out. It’s a great way to ease into a party, and get everyone in the mood for more fun.
#17: Beer Die
Beer Die is a unique competition that requires a certain level of precision. There are two main objectives, depending on what side you’re on. One team is tasked with tossing a die high in the air and trying to either land it in their opponents’ cup, or on the ground. The defending side has to catch it one-handed– but only once it has bounced off the table and before it hits anywhere else. Besides the main rules, there are other faults that could result in a drink penalty. These vary from the thrower missing the table, to someone saying the number “five”. Considering the concentration it requires, these can be easily forgotten– which means everyone will likely be drinking at some point.
#16: International Drinking Rules
The beauty about this is that it isn’t really a game– at least not in the classic sense. The idea behind “International Drinking Rules” is that you continue on with regular conversation while trying not to break a variety of hyper specific regulations. There are plenty of options to choose from, such as only being allowed to sip with your pinky up, or forcing guests to only use synonyms for the word “drink”. While it sounds simple, it can get complicated depending on how many are incorporated. It can also be easy to forget you’re playing, meaning more broken rules and more liquor being consumed. It’s a great way to have a good time without creating a competitive vibe.
#15: Truth or Drink
If you want to learn more about your friends, then this is definitely the activity for you. Truth or Drink has recently become popular, and for good reason. It doesn’t require any set up, and there aren’t any extra aspects to memorize. Just ask someone a question, about anything you’d like, and they can then either answer, or take a sip to get out of it. Depending on what’s asked, this can either end in a lot of secrets – or alcohol – being spilled. It can also go on for hours, due to there being so many ideas for different questions. Truth or Drink is an adult twist on an adolescent game, making for a delightful, nostalgic time.
#14: Titanic
While this may seem like it involves watching the movie “Titanic”, it’s merely only inspired by the events. All you need is a glass with a full pint of beer, and an empty shot cup floating on top. Then, everyone takes turns adding liquor into the floating glass, while trying to keep it from sinking. There’s also room for sabotage, as someone could add as much as possible without submerging it, forcing everyone else to use small drops. Whoever sinks it then has to consume the entire pint, including the shot. It’s a great game to play at home or at a bar, with the latter even presenting the opportunity to invite other people to join the fun.
#13: Beer Ball
While it may be a tad more intense, this contest will still be the highlight of any celebration. One team starts by throwing a ping pong ball at the other team’s cans. If a can is hit, then the thrower grabs it and drinks as much as possible before the other players can retrieve the ball and slam it onto the table. The speed required on both ends adds an element of excitement to the match. For a more sanitary twist, you could just chug your own beer before the ball is returned. Beer Ball maintains the same general setup as Beer Pong, but with far less precision needed. It fosters a more spirited energy, making it perfect for a party.
#12: Screw the Dealer
Screw the Dealer is unique, simply because it’s all based on chance, rather than skill. It’s centered around participants trying to guess the card on top of a deck. If they get it on the first try, then the dealer has to take multiple shots. However, if the guess is wrong, then they get to try again, this time with a hint. This is the only extra chance they get– another wrong answer means they have to drink the difference. For example, if the card is a 10 and they guessed 3, then they would have to take 7 sips. While it certainly has a calmer energy than its contemporaries, there’s still plenty of opportunity for people to have a great time.
#11: Beerio Kart
Video games and beer are great on their own, and combined they’re even better. The objective is simple– win a round of Mario Kart while finishing your cup. The biggest catch is that, like real life, drinking and driving isn’t allowed at all. This means everybody has to get creative about finishing their libations. Some may choose to down as much as possible right after the countdown, while others may opt to wait until they fall off the platform. Of course, the difficulty can be adjusted based on the level chosen– and we definitely wouldn’t recommend starting with “Rainbow Road”. It’s the perfect lowkey tournament for a night in, while still being tons of fun.
#10: Movie Drinking Games
At some point, you have to try one of the many movie drinking games on the Internet… once you’re twenty-one or over that is. Simply choose a movie with your friends and settle on a variation of rules. The number of rules will depend on how classic your movie is and the number of memorable moments, quirks, and catchphrases. Word of advice: when drinking to movies like “The Room”, “Star Wars”, or the James Bond films, maybe leave a few rules out, otherwise you might find yourself feeling the alcohol far too early in the film.
#9: Straight Face
If you’re the giggly kind of drunk, this game might be close to impossible for you to win. Simply grab a writing utensil and a few sheets of paper, and have everyone write down something that might make the other participants laugh. Then, when you’ve got your golden line of comedy ready, have someone else read it out loud. Those who so much as giggle or smirk must take a drink! We’d suggest trying to fill your head with sad and sobering thoughts, but after you’ve lost a couple of rounds well, it’s only going to get harder. Should you lose, prepare for a hangover with the added curveball of a sore face.
#8: B-S
This card game is great for big groups. Supporting up to ten players, it starts with the distribution of an entire deck of cards among the group. After agreeing on a card to start on, whoever has said card begins by playing it face up. Each player takes turns placing a card - or multiple cards - face down, claiming their played card is in the correct numerical order. If someone suspects a player has played an incorrect card, they call their bluff. If their claim is correct, the offender takes a drink. If not, the accuser drinks. The game continues until one player uses all of their cards. There are many variations out there, including a cardless one, meaning there’s endless fun to be had.
#7: Most Likely
This particular drinking game is best enjoyed with a group of old friends. Each round, one person asks who would be the most likely to do a specific act or say a certain phrase - kind of like the “most likely to…” titles awarded in a high school yearbook. Within a few fast seconds, everyone must point to the person who they think would be the most likely candidate. Then, whoever has the most fingers pointed at them must take a drink. Yeah, they’ll likely protest and deny it, but hey, in this game, majority rules. Be warned, you might be shocked to discover just what your friends think of you!
#6: Quarters
Need something less talkative? Not in the mood to break out the playing cards? Got some loose change lying around? “Quarters” is easy to set up, easy to learn, but damn hard to master! Ideally made for two to four players, “Quarters” involves each player bouncing a quarter into a glass or cup set in the middle. If the player makes it in, they choose a player who has to drink. They can do this up to three times in a row if they make all three shots. If they fail, play passes to the next player. There are many variations of the rules, as well as different versions, but “Quarters” is great if you want something that requires more skill.
#5: Never Have I Ever
Everyone has led a different life and experienced different things; it’s part of what makes us human. It’s also why we play the classic game of “Never Have I Ever”. Each player takes turns stating something they’ve never done. Feel free to get as simplistic or crazy as you want. Those who have experienced it must take a drink. This can lead to some interesting (or insanely weird) conversations, both with friends you thought you knew everything about, and people you’ve just met. Hey, being an open book can get you places.
#4: Flip Cup
Derived from a similar drinking game known as “Boat Races”, “Flip Cup” involves two teams of four, with each player given their own drink. Starting at one end, each teammate must finish their drink in a red solo cup and then flip the cup upside down. The next teammate cannot start their turn, or even touch their cup, until the former has finished. Be sure to apply some moderation, though, as flip cup can shoot up your blood alcohol levels in mere minutes. Requiring a hefty amount of speed and energy, this may not be a game for slow drinkers or the uncoordinated.
#3: Slap Cup
Please don’t take this literally. You aren’t slapping cups full of beer. Too messy! Gather a good number of cups in the center of the table, with the center cup being filled with the most beer. Yeah, it’s similar to another popular drinking game, but it’s a different set of rules. You and a teammate stand at opposite ends of the table. The opponent next to you must toss a ball into one of their cups. If they make it in, you must take a drink from that cup. Play keeps going until only the center cup remains. Should your opponent make it to the center first, you best be prepared to guzzle the whole thing down.
#2: King’s Cup
To play “King’s Cup”, form a circle with your friends and place a cup in the center of it. Then, place any number of cards around the cup and every player takes turns drawing a card. Each card is assigned to a specific rule, which can differentiate depending on how you play. But, they mostly involve giving drinks, taking drinks, or dividing drinks up. Some will even require you to do actions, but again, there are many different sets of rules you can play by. The King card is the most fun though, allowing the player to invent a new rule.
#1: Beer Pong
Ahhh, yes, the granddaddy of drinking games! If you’ve been to…well, any house party, chances are you’ve seen a group of people playing this. The rules are simple: two teams have anywhere from six to ten cups on opposite ends of the table. They each take turns tossing ping pong balls into each other’s cups. If one player makes it into one of the cups, the other must take a drink. It’s easy to learn, quick to liven up the party, and a classic drinking game for anyone to have fun with. Be warned though, there are some real beer pong pros out there. The game has become such a staple amongst partiers that several variants have been created, such as Chandeliers and Corners.
Which of these drinking games will you be playing at your next party? Let us know in the comments below!