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Top 20 Pathetically Easy Bosses In Video Games

Top 20 Pathetically Easy Bosses In Video Games
VOICE OVER: Alex Crilly-Mckean
These bosses were way too easy. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most pathetic boss fights in video games. Our countdown of bosses includes Mysterio from “Spider-Man 2” (2004), Electrocutioner from “Batman: Arkham Origins” (2013), King Dodongo from “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” (1998), King Allant from “Demon's Souls” (2009), and more!

#20: Papu Papu

“Crash Bandicoot” (1996)

Granted, the first boss isn’t meant to be all that hard, more of a way to spice things up and give insight into what’s to come. That being said, Papu Papu might as well be just another generic enemy given how easy it is to take him down. All he does is sweep his stick along the floor in a very predictable manner, leaving Crash plenty of room to jump up and give him a face full of spin. Given how Crash is all about jumping and spinning, Papu Papu was a walk in the park.

#19: Shocker

“Ultimate Spider-Man” (2005)

Spider-Man has a huge roster of villains to choose from, doubly so given how many incarnations exist of each one. In this instance, the Shocker gets the rough end of the stick as far as villain incarnations are concerned in both the game and the Ultimate comics. So much so that he gets reduced to nothing more than a tutorial on how to use Spidey’s web-shooters. Throw in the fact he goes down after three shots of webbing and the whole fight is over in the blink of an eye.

#18: Death

“Dante’s Inferno” (2010)

You would have thought that the grim reaper would be rather high on the list when it came to challenging contenders for a boss fight, what with being able to literally snatch the souls out of people and all. Apparently Dante is the one exception, as he’s not only able to stave off Death, but actually…kill it? Is that even possible? Regardless, thanks to his move-set being easy to block and parry, it’s no wonder that Dante was able to steal his scythe and rip him a new one. Worst, reaper, ever.

#17: Old King Coal

“Banjo-Tooie” (2000)

The Grubby Boiler Monarch may look imposing when put up against our favorite feathered and fluffy duo, but when the fight starts, it's clear this king isn’t worth his crown. Essentially, if you come armed with ice eggs, then the battle is already won. Even as he fills the landscape with lava, as long as you keep peppering him with projectiles it won’t be long until his limbs start to fall off. This guy is the definition of “all sizzle, but no steak.”

#16: King Dodongo

“The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” (1998)

Link has no shortage of larger than life bosses across his landmark franchise, so it’s to be expected that over the years there have been a few who have fallen well under par. Our pick of the litter? The infernal dinosaur who doesn’t seem too concerned when you throw an endless amount of bombs into its mouth. With a habit of trying to inhale the Hero of Hyrule, it leaves us plenty of time to grab another bomb and toss it down its gullet. Another king bites the dust.

#15: 343 Guilty Spark

“Halo 3” (2007)

Don’t get us wrong, we were more than happy to blow this little ball of mechanical garbage to kingdom come. Not only was it annoying as hell, but then went all psycho and killed Johnson! You bet we were up for revenge. What we didn’t expect was for said revenge to be so easy. Not only are its attacks weak and easy to avoid, you’re armed with your very own Spartan Laser. Land three charged bursts and it's goodbye to the annoying little monitor. We certainly don’t feel guilty about ending him.

#14: Gary

“Bully” (2006)

This was it, time to beat the snot out of the sociopath that ruined our reputation and made high school even more of a living hell. As expected, Gary loves the sound of his own voice, piling on the insults and ridicule while praising how much of a genius he is while we made our way to the final confrontation. After so much bragging, he had more than earned a knuckle sandwich, except we don’t get to really enjoy it, since after exchanging a few punches he does down hard. Not that we expected anything else, but come on! At least let us revel in the beatdown!

#13: Big Bob-omb

“Super Mario 64” (1996)

As any seasoned Mario fan will tell you, when you see those sentient bombs starting to shake, you had better run for it because they make quite the boom. Going up against one of such substantial size should provide some sort of challenge, or at least make us worry about the size of the inevitable explosion. No such luck here. All you need to do to end this big guy is flip over him, pick him up, and throw him three times, which will lead to a rather disappointing bang. Wa-hoo indeed.

#12: Cloud N. Candy

“Yoshi’s Story” (1997)

If there’s one thing that Yoshi is known for, it's letting loose that tongue of his. You’d have thought any enemy with an aversion to said tongue would stay far away, but oh no, not this puffy fella. Stating that it can’t be licked, Yoshi then proceeds to, what else, lick it to death. It’s almost comical that in around thirty seconds the candy cloud fades out of existence after only a few licks. Well, we hoped Yoshi enjoyed his snack, because that was an utter breeze for us.

#11: Spark Mandrill

“Mega Man X” (1993)

Question, gamer: can you stand still in a corner and press the same button six to seven times? Well you're in luck because that means you can beat Spark Mandrill! As long as the player equips the “Shotgun Ice” special weapon, which you gain from Chill Penguin, Spark Mandrill is hilariously easy. Every shot will freeze him in his place for a short amount of time, meaning he won’t even be able to reach you before exploding into pieces. Not exactly one of Sigma’s finest.

#10: Very Gnawty

“Donkey Kong Country” (1994)

The original SNES Donkey Kong Country has some pretty unique boss fights throughout its playtime, but unfortunately the very first one you encounter is essentially an oversized common enemy. Surrounded by his stash of bananas, all this goofy looking beaver will do is casually hop along the screen towards you. This will give you plenty of chances to jump on his head to deal some easy damage. And in every instance when you do hit him, Gnawty will stop moving and laugh towards the screen, giving you more than enough time to get to safety.

#9: The End

“Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater” (2004)

A part of the Cobra Unit, The End is actually quite a challenging boss, where you have to stealthily pinpoint his position as he hides in the forest. So why is this legendary “ancient sniper” on this list? Well there’s a very unique and unorthodox reason. If you save your game in the middle of the fight and wait at least eight days before playing again, a cutscene will play where The End has died of old age. Now if you can’t bear to wait that long, you can go onto your PlayStation 2’s console settings and move the internal clock ahead instead. We’re sure anyone who mistakenly did this was just as disappointed as Snake himself!

#8: King Allant

“Demon's Souls” (2009)

FromSoftware’s Souls series is home to some of the most brutal bosses in video game history, so to say this boss fight was a shock is putting it lightly. After defeating the incredibly tough “Old King Allant'', you must journey below the nexus to face off against his true form. As it turns out, he’s actually a mutated, disgusting ball of flesh, who can barely move and dishes out some pretty pathetic attacks. This boss fight will be over before you know it, as he’s completely open to all of your attacks, so you’ll just be wailing away at him without a care in the world.

#7: Sephiroth

“Final Fantasy VII” (1997)

Now granted, we did just defeat Safer Sephiroth, which is seen by many as the true final boss. However we can’t help but feel slightly disappointed in how quickly this final showdown with Sephiroth ended. Right after their incredible dramatic face off, Cloud’s limit gauge will be instantly maxed, allowing him to use his Omnislash and easily putting away his eternal foe. Even if you opt not to use his Limit Break, Sephiroth will proceed to attack you, allowing Cloud to counter attack and win the battle anyways, even if you don’t have the Counter Attack Materia equipped!

#6: Ganon

“Link: The Faces of Evil” (1993)

There’s a very good reason why Zelda fans like to pretend that the CDI spin offs don’t exist, as they’re some of the worst games of all time! After battling your way through the hell that is “The Faces of Evil” you’re rewarded with this pathetic display against Link’s long time nemesis Ganon. Following some of the worst animation in existence, all he will do is launch some meager fireballs at you. To defeat Ganon, Link will have to throw a book at him, essentially one-shotting the Demon King. Not only is this game disrespectful to the Legend of Zelda franchise, but to Ganon himself!

#5: Lucien Fairfax

“Fable II” (2008)

“Fable II” had been building up the dastardly villain Lucien Fairfax throughout the game, so the fact that his reign of terror ended like this was underwhelming to say the least. As he’s giving out his pre-battle villain speech, you’ll have to bring out a music box to break his shield. You’re then prompted to shoot him with your gun, killing him instantly. If you take too long to pull the trigger, Reaver will do it for you instead, somehow making the boss even easier than it already was.

#4: Mysterio

“Spider-Man 2” (2004)

“Spider-Man 2” is one of the few movie tie-in games out there to actually receive a good reception from both fans and critics, but this boss fight left us scratching our heads. In his confrontation against the master of illusions, Spider-Man catches Mysterio robbing a convenience store. As the battle is about to begin, Mysterio’s health bar builds by three full levels, meaning this is likely going to be a long fight. However all it takes is one single punch to take him down, wiping out all of his health. Spidey would certainly make One-Punch Man proud with this one!

#3: Electrocutioner

“Batman: Arkham Origins” (2013)

Within the Arkham franchise, Batman has encountered some boss battles that were pretty easy to say the least. Killer Croc in the first game is one good example where all it took was a batarang to get him off our tail. However this pales in comparison to the caped crusaders clash against the Electrocutioner. After making his grand entrance into the arena, the Electrocutioner appears like he’s going to be a tough opponent to take down. As it happens, all it takes is one single kick from Batman to send him out for the count. Even the generic enemies that follow him put up a better fight!

#2: Professor Nakayama

“Borderlands 2” (2012)

In the final story mission of the “Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt” DLC, the main antagonist Professor Nakayama finally reveals himself. Just as we’re preparing ourselves for some sort of boss fight, he accidentally trips during his introductory cutscene. What follows is him falling down the stairs with his health bar taking damage with each hit. This continues until he finally reaches the floor and dies. To be honest we certainly weren’t expecting much resistance from the Professor, but this defies all expectations!

#1: Bob the Killer Goldfish

“Earthworm Jim 2” (1995)

This face off is over so quickly it’s hard to even call it a boss fight! “Earthworm Jim 2” was one of the funniest games of its time, and this is made immediately apparent to players with its very first boss battle. Literally all you have to do is walk up to him at the end of the stage, and let everything play out. After the dramatic “fight” graphic, Jim will go over and grab the goldfish out of his bowl and eat him. Quite frankly, it doesn’t get any easier than that!

What’s the easiest boss you’ve ever faced? Let us know in the comments below!
