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Top 20 Simpsons Moments That Will Make You Cry

Top 20 Simpsons Moments That Will Make You Cry
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
"The Simpsons" can always make us laugh, but these moments show it can also make us cry. For this list, we'll be looking at touching and sad moments from “The Simpsons” that left viewers teary-eyed. Our countdown of "The Simpsons" moments that will make you cry includes Homer's 'Do It For Her' Sign, Bart's Christmas Gift to Marge, Lisa Choosing Her Family Over Her Future, Maude Flanders' Death, and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Simpsons Moments That Will Make You Cry. For this list, we’ll be looking at touching and sad moments from “The Simpsons” that left viewers teary-eyed. Did any of these scenes have you weeping? Let us know in the comments below!

#20: Homer’s Gift to Lisa

“Lisa's Sax”

What makes “The Simpsons” so brilliant is how deftly it combines comedy with poignancy and lessons about family. Homer may be a giant doofus, but he genuinely loves his children. This trait is on full display in the ninth season episode “Lisa’s Sax.” Homer saves money for an air conditioner, but he also learns from Lisa’s school psychologist that she is incredibly smart and needs to be nurtured. As a result, Homer decides to forgo the air conditioner and uses the money to buy her a saxophone. It’s one of those beautiful moments that portray Homer as a caring father willing to sacrifice his own comfort for the sake of his children.

#19: After Prom

“The Way We Was”

Many people think that “The Simpsons” hit its stride in Season Three, and it’s here where the show entered its mythical Golden Age. But there’s still lots of great stuff in the earlier seasons, including a beautiful moment between Homer and Marge in “The Way We Was.” Marge goes to prom with Artie Ziff, despite being asked by Homer first. This leaves him despondent, but when Artie gets violent with Marge, she realizes her mistake and reconnects with the more loving and tender Homer. Once again, this touching ending portrays the Simpson patriarch as a very decent man, despite his many flaws.

#18: Be Sad

“Moaning Lisa”

We’re going all the way back to the first season with “Moaning Lisa,” an episode that helps establish the title character’s trademark existentialism. Lisa is feeling sad one day, prompting some very faulty pieces of advice from Marge. She tells Lisa that if she wants to be popular and happy, she will have to put on a fake smile and mask her true feelings. But when she sees that this clearly isn’t working, she tells Lisa to just be herself. This loving maternal support then helps Lisa feel better. There are lots of great lessons about family, reinforcement, and authenticity packed into this one moment, and it’s enough for audiences to get all gooey inside.

#17: Grampa’s Investment

“Old Money”

Grampa Simpson meets Bea Simmons at the retirement home, and the two quickly fall in love with each other. When Bea dies, she leaves Grampa over $100,000, and he goes gambling in the hopes of turning this money into even more money. Well, we see where Homer gets it. But Homer, in a rare moment of clarity and intelligence, decides to save his father from his reckless spending. Grampa then puts the money into the retirement home, allowing it to receive some much-needed upgrades and improvements. Stories of selfish people deciding to do good are inherently touching, and this is no exception. It’s easily one of Grampa’s finest, and most humane, moments.

#16: Lisa Chooses Family

“Lisa's Wedding”

This episode from Season Six is highly beloved and won the Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program. It’s also widely regarded as one of the show’s most emotional stories. Lisa visits a Renaissance fair and is told of her future by a clairvoyant. She becomes engaged to a successful but snobby Englishman named Hugh Parkfield, who hates the Simpson family. Feeling embarrassed by them, he demands that Lisa cut them out of her life. She decides to leave Hugh instead, and present-day Lisa happily listens to Homer recount his day at the fair. It’s a beautiful moment that reinforces the love that Lisa and Homer share, and it’s a sweet testament to the power of the father-daughter bond.

#15: Homer’s Letter


There are many great stories about slow-witted characters suddenly becoming intelligent, and it’s often used as a source of comedy in sitcoms. “The Simpsons” introduces a philosophical edge to the concept. Homer realizes that a crayon is lodged in his brain, so he decides to get it removed in an effort to become smart. While he bonds with Lisa over their shared intellect, Homer’s newfound brain earns him some enemies and he has the operation reversed. A disappointed Lisa finds a letter that sees Homer calling himself a coward and commending his daughter’s bravery. It’s yet another heartwarming moment between Homer and Lisa. What can we say? The writers consistently hit the bullseye when it comes to their relationship.

#14: Grampa Was Santa

“Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy”

In this hilarious episode from Season Six, Homer and Grampa become traveling hucksters straight out of the 19th century. They peddle Simpson & Son Revitalizing Tonic, which supposedly sparks physical passion. But father and son bicker along the way, and Grampa harshly reveals that Homer was an accident. A devastated Homer abandons Grampa, believing that he is unloved and unwanted. But he later finds a photo of Grampa dressed as Santa and entertaining Homer, realizing that, accident or not, his father truly does love him. It’s a moment that digs into the roots of Homer and Grampa’s relationship and confirms that there is indeed a beating heart underneath all the coldness.

#13: Santa’s Little Helper Remembers Bart

“Dog of Death”

If anything even vaguely touching or upsetting involves a dog, it’s guaranteed to elicit buckets of tears. “Dog of Death” sees Santa’s Little Helper getting adopted by Mr. Burns and brainwashed into becoming a vicious attack dog. Bart visits the mansion to see about his old pal, but he is violently attacked by the brainwashed pup. But in a moving moment of clarity, Santa’s Little Helper remembers his old owner and reverts back to his true self. There’s something special about a child’s relationship with their dog, and this moment strikes upon it with a brief but beautiful montage. It’ll have you hugging your canine buddy or fondly remembering an old friendship.

#12: Maggie Goes Home

“Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily”

The idea of Child Services showing up at your door is a nightmare for any loving parent. Marge and Homer are visited by the agency after being found negligent and all three kids are taken to live with the Flanders’. Maggie takes a particular liking to the family, as she is finally shown some love and attention. She even begins speaking in some Ned-isms, indicating that she has completely left her old life behind. But this is disproven in the poignant ending when Maggie reaches out to Marge and is happily lifted into the air. Maggie isn’t often given much of a “character,” but when she is, she hits with incredible emotion.

#11: Bart's Gift

“Marge Be Not Proud”

Happy homemaker and mom supreme, Marge Simpson just wants one thing for Christmas: a nice family photo. This year, however, Bart’s got a bigger reason for not wanting to be part of the family portrait: he was caught shoplifting. When Marge finds out, her positive view on her mischievous son is broken and she wonders if she’s spoiled him. Bart, feeling adrift, decides to show them just what sort of person he really is. Returning home, it seems he’s disappointed his mother again – until he reveals what he’s done. It’s such a surprisingly thoughtful moment that it’s hard not to feel moved.

#10: Lisa Tries to Help

“The Squirt and the Whale”

This later-seasons episode has a real classic feel. Following a storm, a whale washes up on shore at Springfield Beach, and idealistic Lisa tries to lend assistance. When the town can’t help, she tries emotional support. She reads to the marooned mammal and stays with it throughout the night, certain that things will be alright in the end. But by morning, there is nothing more she can do; and despite her dreams, poor Lisa finds the whale has died in the night. The most well-meaning and innocent member of the Simpsons family, Lisa, learns a hard lesson that sometimes, despite hope and good intentions, nature is cruel.

#9: Baby Talk

“Lisa's First Word”

Throughout this flashback episode, we see that when Lisa was firstborn, Bart hated her. Jealous of the attention the new baby was getting, Bart did everything he could to get rid of her. Finally, little Bart decides their house just isn’t big enough for the two of them and plans to run away. That is, until Lisa says her first word. Excited, Bart tells Homer and Marge that he’s her first word. Then we flash-forward, after an episode of Homer getting teased by his kids, and Maggie says her first word (without anyone hearing). It's "Daddy," making for a one-two punch of adorableness.

#8: Maude Dies

“Alone Again, Natura-Diddily”

The Flanders crew was always the perfect foil to the unruly (albeit more-relatable) Simpsons. Squeaky clean, always honest, and good-natured to a fault, Ned seems like the happiest guy on Earth. But during a day at the raceway, Maude is struck by a barrage of t-shirts thrown from the bleachers, and dies as a result of the freak accident. While she was always something of a secondary character, she was still the first truly major death in the series, and it shakes Ned's faith to the core. There is something so sad about seeing the unflappable Flanders and his kids brought so low.

#7: Barney's Film

“A Star Is Burns”

The Springfield Film Festival is all anyone can talk about in this episode, and everyone wants a chance at the grand prize. Most entries are either silly or over-the-top. When local souse Barney Gumble’s film comes up, the audience assumes it will be more of the same. However, his entry is a surprisingly poetic musing on his life as an alcoholic (with comedic elements: it is “The Simpsons,” after all). Comic relief aside, alcoholism is an immensely serious affliction, one which impacts thousands of peoples’ lives. This black-and-white short film humanizes an otherwise punchline of a character, and manages to (within the laughs) signal that he is not just a joke.

#6: Happy Birthday Lisa

“Stark Raving Dad”

You won’t be able to find “Stark Raving Dad” on Disney+ or any modern DVD prints owing to the involvement of Michael Jackson. It’s too bad because new viewers won’t be able to witness one of the show’s most uplifting moments. Bart reneges on a promise to remember Lisa’s birthday, and the neglect greatly upsets her. But Bart is there to mend the wound. With the help of fake Michael Jackson, Bart pens the lovely “Happy Birthday Lisa” and sings it to her as a surprise gift. It’s a gorgeous moment between brother and sister, a humanizing moment for Bart, and a certified banger.

#5: Bart’s Test

“Bart Gets an F”

It’s no surprise that Bart is not a world-class student, but when Mrs. Krabappel tells him he’s got to pass the next test or repeat the fourth grade, he begins to get serious. For once in his life, and despite all temptations, he studies hard. After the test, Mrs. K thinks this is business as usual and marks the paper on the spot. Bart finds out that even with his best efforts he still failed. His sincere hurt and disappointment is nothing short of heartbreaking. It becomes a great moment of character for both Bart and Mrs. K, but first it’s just a ten-year-old kid crying his eyes out.

#4: The Note

“Lisa's Substitute”

Lisa has always been the odd one out in the Simpsons household. Although brainy and independent, Lisa lacks a certain confidence and, as she sees it, also a male role model she can truly look up to. When her teacher is out sick, Mr. Bergstrom seems like the mentor she has always craved. But as a substitute teacher, it’s not long before it’s time for him to leave. Devastated, she asks him not to go. In a final lesson, he hands her a note that he promises will help. The simple message has resonance for lonely kids (and adults) in need of guidance everywhere.

#3: Homer’s “Death”

“One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish”

After consuming deadly fugu, or blowfish, Homer is told he only has one day left to live. He tries to live his last day to the fullest, making a checklist and trying to get it all done. He’s waylaid and doesn’t get to do everything, including spending more time with his kids. The real heartbreak occurs at night; after spending what he thinks is a last moment with his loving wife, he goes from room to room saying goodbye to his children. He then goes off to face his impending death alone. Fortunately, Homer lives to see another sunrise.

#2: Do It for Her

“And Maggie Makes Three”

In this flashback episode, a story about why there are no pictures of Maggie at home, we see that Homer had actually made it in life: he managed to land his dream job and quit his gig at the nuclear plant. But when Marge became pregnant with Maggie, he was forced to return to the better paycheck at the power plant. Gloating, Mr. Burns writes a sign for him to stare at: "Don’t Forget: You're Here Forever." However, we see at the end that Homer has covered it with pictures of little Maggie so that it reads instead, "Do it for Her." It's sudden, sweet moment that will have you reaching for the tissues.

#1: A Farewell

“Mother Simpson”

Homer thought his mother was dead for most of his life. When he unexpectedly gets her back, he learns the truth: that she loved him, but was on the run from the law. The pair are looking forward to making up for lost time, but no sooner is Mother S. back then she is forced to leave again. Homer gets her out in time, but must say goodbye once more. After she is gone, Homer sits sadly on the hood of his car, staring at the stars. The stillness and reflection of the moment as the credits begin to roll makes this one of the most poignant, tear-jerking, and memorable scenes in the entire series.
