Top 20 Stupidest Moments on Judge Judy
#20: Not Horsing Around
It’s safe to say the plaintiff didn’t see this verdict coming. In a hilariously short segment, Judge Judy hears a case involving a leased horse. But get this, the plaintiff is suing for board and feed of a horse that she never finished paying for. So, not only is she not winning her case, she still owes $1,400. The defendant’s delighted shock is funny enough, but it’s the plaintiff’s overly dramatic reaction that makes this moment absolutely ridiculous. It’s the definition of cringeworthy. Sometimes, justice is swift. Sometimes, it’s so swift that it can leave you freaking out on the bench outside the courtroom.
#19: One Mistake After Another
Did he think he was showing up to court or an audition? Either way, the judge is not having this defendant’s clearly rehearsed story about how he was not at fault for wrecking his friend’s motorcycle. After she’s finished making mincemeat of his courtroom demeanor, she starts poking holes in his story. Once she shakes him up a little, he starts admitting to other indiscretions involving other bikes he had no license to drive. You can tell that even through her frustration, Judge Judy is likely enjoying watching him crash and burn. Litigants like this just make her job so much easier.
#18: Wrong Outfit, Wrong Attitude
Judge Judy doesn’t ask for much. She just wants you to tell the truth, wear the proper attire, and not be a complete moron. This witness’s “Beer Equals Fun” shirt was his first mistake. After all, it doesn’t take a genius to know that this isn’t appropriate courtroom attire. But the defendant’s unearned smugness and childish comments about “being real” are the icing on top of the stupid cake. Her potshots at the unflappable Judge Judy just read as bizarre. Going toe to toe with the judge rarely works out — and by rarely, we mean never.
#17: No Interruptions
This plaintiff is the owner of a motorcycle rental business who clearly doesn’t take kindly to cancellations. Her strict implementation of a “no refunds” policy is arguably questionable, but her courtroom behavior is downright impossible. As soon as the judge starts telling her why she’s wrong and why her business practices are unfair, she can’t stop interrupting. Watching the woman spin out in an attempt to add, edit, or completely contradict her previous statements is maddening to watch. However, seeing the judge dismiss her case is so, so sweet. Staying silent probably wouldn’t have helped her much, but it sure would’ve made the whole shtick appear a little less ridiculous.
#16: Unpeaceful Protest
These two neighbors decided to bring their unhinged feud to the courtroom. This longstanding conflict escalated to the defendant staging a protest in front of the plaintiff’s house, spewing profanities into a bullhorn. Luckily for us, it’s all been caught on video. The defendant insists she was exercising her first amendment right, and that’s not a crime. The judge, however, insists that her conduct was disorderly, which actually is a crime. To be honest, the plaintiff doesn’t come off too well either, considering this entire debacle started over something as trivial as fallen hedge trimmings and debris. It almost feels like these two deserve each other.
#15: No Tolerance for Lying
A case about a car accident takes a dark turn — literally. These litigants were in the middle of an argument while the plaintiff was driving, and he alleges the defendant took control of the vehicle and caused an accident while intoxicated. Yet both have a little trouble being honest. However, introducing liars to the truth is Judge Judy’s specialty. After busting the plaintiff for a stupid lie early in the case, she turns her laser focus on the defendant. Her version of events clearly doesn’t match up with the police report, which the judge is not having. You can probably guess what the final ruling ended up being here.
#14: Moronic Behavior
Divorce can be messy, but in the “Judge Judy” courtroom, outrageous behavior is even messier. As a family court judge for many years, Judith Sheindlin definitely seems to have a soft spot for children caught up in divorces. This defendant doesn’t have to say more than a few words in court to earn her ire. Why, you ask? Well, she (without evidence) once told her young daughter that her ex — i.e. the little one’s father — may not actually be her father. It goes without saying, but this makes the judge lose it. The woman’s lack of remorse just makes it even more frustrating, and ultimately, more satisfying as Judge Judy lays into her.
#13: Salad Dressing
The customer is always right — sometimes, maybe. Not this guy, though. We can all relate to the frustration that comes with someone messing up your delivery order. But this plaintiff decided that he deserved a credit for an entire sandwich due to forgotten salad dressing on a previous order. You see, he had previously wanted that extra dressing for a sandwich. That Judge Judy actually has to explain to him why he’s so wrong probably has her wondering why she spent all that money on a law degree. It’s so stupid that it’s easy to forget this is actually a vandalism case that the plaintiff does win. When the judge renders her final judgment though, she knocks off the cost of the meal.
#12: Interpretive Dance
Judge Judy probably thought she had seen it all, but alas. This defendant had to repeatedly replace a makeup artist, the plaintiff, because she was often under the influence at work. When asked to give an example of her erratic and out of control behavior, the man decides to do a dramatic recreation. His performance is hard to describe, but it’s nothing short of beautiful, heartfelt, and stirring. No one who experienced it will ever be the same. In all seriousness, everyone watching seems like they can’t believe their eyes. Even his witness can’t keep it together after that. Was it necessary? No. Was it dumb? Sure. Are we better for having watched it? Absolutely.
#11: Poorly Done Research
When the judge steps out to take care of her cough, the plaintiff sees an opportunity to joke with his friend and taunt his cousin, aka the defendant. It’s all rather immature, to say the least. As soon as she returns, though, she lets him know the business. She watched his entire overconfident monologue, and let’s just say she’s far from impressed — and tells him so. We’re betting she would’ve seen through him quickly even without this. But she does seem almost grateful that he gave her the ammunition to call him out for being an idiot on national TV. It’s among the most satisfying examples of instant karma we’ve ever seen on this show.
#10: Don’t Sass the Judge
Let’s just begin by saying that this case is titled, “Teen Keyed Girl's Car ‘Because She Deserved It’” – not a promising start, right? We meet former co-habitants Makayla and Sierra, who come to the court after the former scratched the latter’s car. There’s a bizarre and slightly tragic story about their living situation, but the part that qualifies this case for our list comes toward the end. The judge is sympathetic to the defendant’s troubled background and tries to offer her some advice. Makayla interrupts with what she thinks is a smart-mouth question. Of course, it backfires when the judge replies to her “fresh mouth,” shutting her up once and for all.
#9: The Judge Catches a Liar
You know how when the claimants enter the court, they’re asked to take an oath of truth? Well, you should probably be especially afraid of fibbing to this judge. She suspects the plaintiff’s story is false and gives him several opportunities to come clean. Still, he sticks to his guns, and even his partner backs him up. But it all falls apart when the judge suggests they make a call to the plaintiff’s father-in-law. That should’ve been his cue to stop talking and take the loss, but he continues to defend himself – poorly, by the way. No matter how well rehearsed your tall tale might be, Judge Judy can always sniff out a lie.
#8: You Can’t Always Help Stupidity
We’re not entirely convinced that this plaintiff has ever watched “Judge Judy” before. He’s arguing that his ex won’t return or pay him back for a tractor while she’s counterclaiming that he owes her for a truck. To make matters worse, the defendant kicked him out of the house after he embarked on a relationship with her best friend. Luckily, the judge was there to serve justice and highlight the plaintiff’s stupidity. Well, actually, she doesn’t have to do much; the plaintiff pretty much confesses to his own idiocy. Judge Judy just sums it up really neatly.
#7: Do You Want the TV or Not?
In this ridiculous argument between exes, Judge Judy has her patience tested by an aggravatingly stubborn litigant. All she wants to know is does he want his television back, but his replies suggest this argument isn’t even about the item. There's nothing complicated about her question, which only warrants a yes or no answer. However, the plaintiff insists on deflecting or posing his own questions so incessantly that we just want to bang our heads against a wall. Just as we think it’s finally settled, the whole thing starts again over a computer. Clearly, this guy was confident he would win, and he refuses to go down quietly. Jeez, man – just stop talking!
#6: What’s Rocket Science?
Oh, the internet, it’s a cesspool of embarrassingly dumb moments people can never live down. And indeed, this is one of those. The plaintiff asked for reimbursement after her friend playfully pushed her into a pool while she was holding her iPhone. You don’t need a background in law to figure out the fairest solution here. Or, in Judge Judy’s words, it’s not rocket science; after all, what is rocket science? We don’t know whether to laugh, go “aw, honey,” or sit her down with a “Rocket Science for Dummies” book. The audience chooses to laugh, leading the woman to timidly rethink her answer. Sometimes silence is golden; unfortunately, she learns that the hard way.
#5: Nothing Gets Past the Judge
You know what sets Judge Judy’s court apart from any run-of-the-mill courtroom? It’s on television. This means everything you say and do is recorded, and that little wired thing they attach to litigants at the beginning is a microphone. Clearly, this guy didn’t get the memo because he rejected the judge’s ruling under his breath. Did he forget that he was mic’d up, or does he not know how a microphone works? Either way, he awakens the judge’s beast mode, and she reminds him of the contract he signed before appearing on the show when the case later gets recalled. If you ask us, he got off lightly, but his idiocy will forever live in infamy online.
#4: Guess Who’s Not Coming to Dinner?
This case involves two sisters and a deer who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The defendant hit the poor animal while driving her sister’s car and followed up with arguably the most… rational decision? She waited for the authorities to- oh, no, wait, she decided to eat it. At least she was kind enough to offer her sister some, but we guess she just doesn’t have a taste for “rigor mortis stew.” This whole exchange is hilariously unhinged, and we don’t know how everyone got through without collapsing in fits of giggles. Maybe they feared they’d end up with a dinner invitation too.
#3: Attack of the Tupperware
Karina Roy, a.k.a Tupperware Lady, has become somewhat of a “Judge Judy” icon. We’re not sure exactly where she thought she was, but it can’t have been this Judge’s courtroom. Her animated storytelling is so incompatible with the tale she’s weaving that we can hardly believe our ears. Her tone is unnecessarily dramatic, and every detail is accompanied by theatrical arm gestures – and over tupperware. Who knew that containers could be the source of such drama? The audience is clearly amused, but the Judge most certainly isn’t. Did Roy really think Judge Judy would be swayed by her dramatics? Way to make the most of your 15 minutes of fame, eh?
#2: Loserds!
Just a little Judge Judy 101: when you pay this courtroom a visit, you check your attitude at the door. Unfortunately, that’s not what this defendant chose to do, bringing the metaphorical gavel down on her own head hard. Throughout the case, the litigant repeatedly proves that she’s not the brightest bulb and has somewhat of a temper. Still, you have to commend her on her unwavering determination to sway things her way. She sees nothing wrong with her behavior, which included cussing out the plaintiff and his friends; remind us why again? Her post-case confessionals don’t do her any favors, either.
#1: A Premature Confession
Being a judge means making a lot of tough calls. So it must be nice when the litigants do some of the heavy lifting once in a while. This infamous case sees the plaintiff, Ginny Paradeza, accuse the defendants of stealing her purse. She provides the judge with a list of stolen items, unexpectedly assisted by one of the men who's denying the theft. Yes, that is what you heard. The defendant corrects the plaintiff's account and basically hands her the win. There aren't many moronic moments that elicit laughter from Judge Judy, but she just can't help herself. The case is decided incredibly quickly after this, but these two were branded "dumb and dumber" for a lifetime.