Top 20 Times Dragon Ball Went Too Far

#20: Spopovich vs. Videl
Despite her lineage, Mr. Satan’s daughter couldn’t repeat his World Tournament win. Although, given who she was up against, Videl should just be thankful she walked away with her life. Sure, there’d been brutal “Dragon Ball” fights before, but there’s a big difference between smacking around Super Saiyans and doing the same to a teenage girl. Each blow hurts even worse because Videl herself stubbornly refused to give up. Instead, she stayed in the ring until Spopovich knocked her completely unconscious. It earned her a bit of pride, but at the cost of suffering one of the most wince-inducing beatdowns the series has ever seen.
#19: Yamcha the Peeper
Searching for the Dragon Balls is bound to bring out the worst in some people. But, in Yamcha’s defense, he didn’t even mean to spy on Bulma. His operation to rob them blind just so happened to lead him to their bathroom. Which, as luck would have it, Bulma was currently bathing in. It’s a blush-worthy moment no matter how you cut it. Especially since, at this point in the series, Bulma is just 16 years old. Although, given that Yamcha mistakes some of her body parts for Dragon Balls later that very night, unintentional peeping is the least of his crimes.
#18: Ranfan's Striptease
“Dragon Ball” is known for having some of the most creative fight choreography in the genre. But, during some battles, it’s lewd tendencies come out to play, too. Like in Ranfan’s case. Her name is a Japanese pun for lingerie, so it shouldn’t come as a shock that she flaunts her stuff in the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament. The only issue is she doesn’t stop there. Once Ranfan realizes Nam is out of her league, she preys upon his masculine desires by stripping in the middle of their match. It completely changes her character from a thrifty martial artist into a walking, talking sex-symbol. For better and for worse.
#17: Cell Loses His Lunch
Even children know that, when it comes to food, what goes in must also come out. But, no one expected that to apply to androids, too. On his quest for perfection, Cell disturbingly swallowed up Android 17 and 18 through his tail. But, after Gohan delivered one hell of a gutpunch, the cybernetic fiend ended up regurgitating his last meal. As if watching him digest her the first time wasn’t bad enough, seeing him spit 18 back out is somehow so much worse. Admittedly, Cell’s comeuppance was long overdue. But, even still, most queasy fans probably could’ve done without this scene.
#16: Punch to the Crotch
After years of beam struggles, martial arts flurries, and superpowered transformations, Android 13 dared to strike Goku in the one place he’d never been hurt before: his privates. The below-the-belt hit goes by pretty fast, but rest assured, it leaves quite the impact. Particularly because it wasn’t an accident. Android 13 made sure to grab Goku’s foot first, which means he wasn’t holding back on that punch. Considering this is a robot that can shatter buildings at will, this blow couldn’t have felt very nice. Goku’s quite literally been to hell and back, but odds are, this moment still haunts him the most.
#15: Roshi’s Tournament Track Record
With the fate of her universe on the line, the busty Caway tried every tactic in the book, including seducing her way to victory. Unfortunately, she didn’t expect her strategy to work so well on Master Roshi. The Turtle Hermit is so accustomed to suppressing his manly desires that he immediately broke free of her alluring spell. Then, long story short, Caway ended up warming a seat on the bench. Not because Roshi knocked her out, but because she got scared he’d be too handsy with her. You know it’s bad when Caway would rather let their universe perish than continue sharing the battlefield with Master Roshi.
#14: Murder of Chi-Chi and Goten
Zamasu’s Zero Mortal Plan spared no one, including women and children. So, after the fallen Kai stole Goku’s body, his first order of business was mercilessly slaughtering his family. In the end, all Chi-Chi could do was grab their son and try to run for it. Unfortunately, she didn’t make it very far before she and Goten were put six feet deep. It’s easily one of the most haunting moments in all of “Super,” if not “Dragon Ball” as a whole. The worst part, though, is that Chi-Chi and Goten were killed by someone who looks like Goku. After that, the Saiyan’s rage is completely deserved.
#13: General Blue's Type
The Red Ribbon Army have always been a rather colorful bunch, and not just because of their naming scheme. But, somehow, General Blue always takes the cake, and this moment is no different. He’s chasing Goku, his car’s just broken down, and yet, he still finds time to flirt with the small child who helps him. Blue even calls the kid his “type,” and then tries to not-so-subtly ask him out on a date. Even for a villain as outrageous as General Blue, the implication here is simply too much to ignore. It’s probably for the best that the English dub ended up censoring this scene.
#12: Roshi's "Training"
To become one of the Turtle Hermit’s prized pupils, you need natural talent, plenty of work ethic, and a cute girl to offer up. That’s right, instead of Zeni, Roshi gets paid in scantily-clad ladies. Initially, Goku struggles to find the right, ah, funds, to enroll with. The quote-unquote jokes that follow haven’t all aged particularly well. At the very least, Goku and Krillin learned a lot of great martial arts from Roshi. It’s just a shame they had to indulge the old geezer’s inappropriate ways to get there. Although, the fact that Roshi ends up with the temperamental Launch as a roommate is pitch-perfect karma.
#11: Patting Crotches
As a kid, Goku wasn’t exactly what you’d call socially aware, and it manifested in a few objectionable habits. Most notably, he determines someone’s gender by giving their private parts a quick pat-down. It starts off as an innocent, one-off gag. But, his quirk soon escalates into something more, especially since Goku does it just about every single time he meets someone new. Even if they’re elderly. The only silver lining is that, since Goku’s just a goofy kid at this point, there isn’t anything nefarious about it. It’s just a good thing he grew out of it before his pat-downs went from charming to perverse.
#10: The Dead Puppy
#9: Offering Bulma to Old Kai
#8: Teleporting into Bulma’s Room
#7: Goku’s First Girl
#6: Russian Roulette
#5: Motorboating 18
#4: Oolong Becomes Bulma
#3: Pulling Down Bulma's Top
#2: Krillin’s Golden Shower
#1: Bulma’s Final Flash