Top 20 Whose Line is It Anyway Scenes From a Hat
![Top 20 Whose Line is It Anyway Scenes From a Hat](/uploads/blipthumbs/WM-TV-Top20-Whose-Line-is-It-Anyway-Scenes-From-a-Hat_K9A5U7-altF_480.webp)
#20: Pick-Up Lines in Space
Let’s begin with a more recent prompt from the revival of the show. This one sees the performers delivering come-ons and other sexual situations to the audience and each other with a space theme. The jokes start strong with Ryan Stiles’ Apollo themed apology, but Wayne Brady passes the event horizon with his “black hole” line, which prompts Colin Mochrie to make an equally cringey response involving the “Milky Way.” Jeff Davis takes things from science fact to science fiction with several “Star Wars” themed pick-up lines, culminating in all four onstage and a hilarious send-off from Wayne as Yoda. It’s an out-of-this-world prompt that’ll take you to infinity and beyond… if you know what we mean…
#19: Celebrity Endorsements Doomed to Fail
Some products or services should not be advertised by certain celebrities. The guys at “Whose Line” have a fun time with this premise. Brad Sherwood does a killer Bette Davis advertising anti-aging cream. Wayne’s Mike Tyson makes for an unconvincing encyclopedia salesman. And we’re not sure what Ryan’s Christopher Lloyd was selling – and neither is he! But Colin Mochrie steals the show by playing himself advertising Rogaine! It’s a quick prompt, but a funny one that makes us think of some terrible matchups of our own. For instance, Gordon Ramsay for anger management classes or Kanye West peddling “humble pies.”
#18: Strange Welcome Greetings on Signs as You Enter Into Different U.S. States
One of the most satisfying things while driving cross-country is to see the greetings signs as you enter new states. Some of these have sayings or slogans on them, and “Whose Line” gives its performers a chance to share some odd ones. Wayne’s racially charged one for Alabama is shockingly dark. Greg uses Ohio’s to take a shot at host Drew Carey, a native of the state. Ryan and Colin, meanwhile, manage to hilariously satirize features of Montana, Hawaii, and Rhode Island with their suggestions. For our part, we’d suggest “Welcome to Illinois – more than just Chicago!” or maybe “Welcome to Florida – home of the Florida Man!”
#17: If Drill Sergeants Did Other Jobs
Drill sergeants are famous for their loud and abrasive performance of their duty getting new soldiers into shape. This prompt sees them put their talents to use in other professions. Ryan illustrates how out of place one would be in a library, while Colin does an impression of perhaps the loudest and angriest mime in the world. However, Wayne and guest Keegan-Michael Key arguably do this prompt the most justice. The latter does a hilarious teacher and/or nanny, as well as a demonstration of a drill sergeant therapist. Wayne rounds everything out on a high note by singing an improvised marching song to a woman delivering a baby. We think a drill sergeant priest taking confession or a career counselor could be funny too.
#16: The Good News & the Bad News
No matter which one you get first, bad news has a way of putting a damper on the good news. But “Whose Line” manages to make the amusing contrast between the two into comedic gold. Brad starts off strong by giving Wayne some “good” medical news. Colin then assures Wayne that they’re both in a hilarious show… except they’re up against the biggest comedy on TV at the time. Wayne closes things out with a pregnancy announcement that’s not that happy for Colin.
#15: If Celebrities Had Been the First People to Walk on the Moon
Most celebrities would probably make for terrible astronauts, but it’s funny to imagine what some of them would’ve done if they were the first people on the moon. The scene begins with Brad Sherwood quoting Neil Armstrong as himself, leading to some funny back and forth between him and Drew Carey. Wayne then does a fantastic and appropriate moonwalk as Michael Jackson. Colin continues with a general parody of spoiled celebrities, while Ryan concludes the scene with his famous Carol Channing impression. They’re all great and funny responses, and we’re left imagining other celebrities in the role too. [insert impression of a celebrity the VO artist can do, saying “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” I suggest Shatner, if possible.]
#14: Poems About Embarrassing Moments
This scene begins with an embarrassing - though still funny - moment for the cast, as Colin and Wayne both want to be the first to share their ideas. Wayne’s first poem concerns a student’s feelings for his beautiful teacher and an unspoken punch line that rhymes with “toner.” Ryan then mocks his own embarrassment when singing in the Hoedown games. Wayne returns for another poem about being scared during a mugging. Then Colin finally gets his turn and brings the house down with a punchline concerning… let’s just say, “arriving early.” To throw our own hat in the ring: “It was love from the moment we kissed, until I met their attack dog – then my pants, they were pissed.”
#13: Little-Known Facts About Our Host, Drew Carey
One of the performers’ favorite targets for jokes throughout the show is the host. During the early years, it was Drew Carey. So when they get a prompt asking for obscure facts about him, all of them look ready to have a field day coming up with rude or insulting “facts” about him! However, immediately after Ryan and Brad go onstage, Drew immediately buzzes them off before they can say anything. Eventually, he relents, and Ryan wonders aloud what kind of middle name “Allison” is – which is actually Carey’s middle name. Did you know he was in the Marine Corps?
#12: What's Really Going Through George W. Bush's Mind During Cabinet Meetings
Another favorite target for “Whose Line” jokes is politicians, and in this case, they take shots at then-president George W. Bush. When asked to speak aloud what’s really in his mind during cabinet meetings, Wayne starts things off hilariously by remaining silent. Greg Proops then ponders over the meaning of the “W.” initial. Colin, on the other hand, suggests that Bush is puzzled at the absence of a cabinet during a cabinet meeting. Wayne then returns and makes reference to an earlier joke in the game about “where poo comes from,” with Dubya “discovering” it. These days, we’d probably see a joke about him wondering if the guy from “The Apprentice” would make a good president.
#11: Bad Songs to Sing in Prison
Prison doesn’t exactly inspire much in the way of music – at least these days. We can’t all be Johnny Cash or Elvis! But the guys at “Whose Line” manage to come up with some hilariously inappropriate songs to sing while in the joint. Wayne’s ditty about being slightly effeminate probably wouldn’t go over well “inside.” Nor, for that matter would Brad’s tune about dropping the soap. Still, even prisoners would probably find Ryan’s escaping song catchy, at least. And Colin’s oddly sincere ballad about a man wearing a wig is pretty dang funny. If we had to suggest some ourselves, we’d go with “I belong to the gang that yours hates~!” or maybe “Hey guards – you forgot to lock the doors~!”
#10: If Lessons in Love & Sex Were Taught in the Style of “Sesame Street”
“Sesame Street” is probably the least sexual thing on TV, but the “Whose Line” cast manage to turn it into comedy gold by using its style and characters into sex ed jokes. Wayne kicks things off by suggestively announcing the Spanish words for open and closed. Colin then turns Big Bird into a euphemism. Kathy Greenwood uses Wayne and Colin to show that her anatomy is “not like the others.” But the crown jewel of this prompt is easily Ryan bending Colin over to help form “the letter H!” There are so many entertaining possibilities for this one – Bert and Ernie explaining their relationship or maybe Cookie Monster displaying a desire for a different kind of “dessert.”
#9: Unlikely Subjects to Be the Basis for a Musical
Musicals can be about anything – fairy tales, Founding Fathers of America… cats. But some subjects would definitely be poorly translated to stage and to song. We doubt anyone’s going to be belting show tunes about linoleum, for instance. Ryan and Colin manage to deliver some offbeat, impromptu songs for this suggestion. Ryan’s first effort asks what’s so wrong about roadkill, while his next explores the mystery of why dogs lick themselves. Colin, on the other hand, debuts a surprisingly catchy song and dance about how food turns into excrement. Now we’re not saying we’d pay to see that, but if Colin was involved… it’d be tempting…
#8: First Drafts of Famous Movie Lines
Not every iconic movie line is a winner right away. Writers probably had to rework them a bit to make them perfect. The guys at “Whose Line” manage to deliver some funny takes on the “rough” versions of famous lines. Ryan and Wayne both offer alternate takes on lines from “Gone With the Wind.” Then, Chip Esten revamps some classics from the “Star Wars” and “Terminator” franchises. Lastly, Colin suggests a less than threatening alternative to Godzilla’s name. To throw our own ideas out there, how about “I’ll make ‘em an offer he can’t say no to, ‘cause I’ll kill ‘em if he does!” or “Say hello to my big gun!”
#7: U.S. Cities That Will Never Have a Song Written About Them
Some U.S. cities have rich, vibrant names that evoke the country’s past or describe its features. And then there some real duds! This scene sees the performers devise odes to the latter. Jeff offers an unconvincing musical slogan for Oxnard, while Colin comes up with a patriotic song for Doglick. And we’re not entirely sure which town in Alabama Wayne is singing about, but we admire his enthusiasm! Ryan really “goes to town,” so to speak, on this one, coming up with songs for Walla Walla, Washington, Butte, Montana, and Weed, California. For our part, we’ll offer “Beat your way to Deadhorse, Alaska!~” and “Spend time with those you love~…in Intercourse, Alabama~…”
#6: Refreshingly Honest Statements That Will Earn You a Black Eye
The truth hurts sometimes – literally, on occasion. This scene sees the performers deliver honest assertions that would earn a punch to the face. Brad delivers a few great truth bombs, including aspersions on his hypothetical partner’s weight, as well as remarking on Ryan’s resemblance to Neil Patrick Harris. Also, just a flat out request to be punched in the eye, which Ryan hilariously subverts. However, Wayne is the real highlight, using the opportunity to drag Drew Carey for not doing anything on the show. And when Drew retaliates by delivering a fake laugh at Wayne’s next joke, Wayne brings his previous bit back to mock the host once again. As for our home truth: until viewers stop suggesting, we can’t run out of ideas!
#5: Pull the String on the Drew Carey Doll & It Says...
Speaking of knocking Drew down a peg, this prompt gives the performers another opportunity by allowing them to put words in the mouth of a hypothetical Drew Carey doll. After a previous scene sees Greg mock Carey’s… let’s say “modest” movie career, Colin opens up by having the doll essentially fire Greg. Ryan meanwhile has the toy hoping that something else will be pulled besides the string. Greg also gets a chance and has the doll claim that Drew and the character Mimi from “The Drew Carey Show” are both played by him. These days, the doll would probably say something about “coming on down,” given that Carey hosts “The Price is Right.”
#4: What Drew Whispers in His Date’s Ear
Yes, we told you that mocking Drew Carey was a favorite of the “Whose Line” cast, and the audience’s suggestions take full advantage of that. This scene is short, but absolutely brutal. Chip suggests that Drew doesn’t remember his date’s names. Ryan, meanwhile, goes for the jugular by having “Drew” whisper that his ostensibly paid date can “keep the change.” Ouch! In the same vein, we’d probably go with Drew drawing on his experience on “The Price Is Right,” and have him ask his date to [“come on down.”]
#3: Dr. Seuss-Inspired Pick-Up Lines
While we’re feeling a little loose, let’s turn to Dr. Seuss. The performers act out suggestive lines and looks based on the famous rhyming kids’ books. Wayne tries to entice a girl for a meal, with words that whirl and don’t sound real. Brad uses Horton and a young bird’s quote, hoping to pick up a chick. But the audience thinks he’s quite a goat, and his “mommy” joke is the mark of a… jerk. Colin’s rhyming goes on for quite a while, yet still manages to make us smile. Ryan’s first verse probably made Drew curse, while the words he spoke next, were definitely a flex. We’d conclude this with a dirty rhyme of my own, but rhyming is hard, we wanna’ go home!
#2: Famous Hollywood Roles as Played by Carol Channing
It’s no secret that one of Ryan Stiles’ best impressions is Carol Channing. However, a guest-starring Robin Williams also gets in on the fun when the performers are asked to do famous roles played by the late entertainer. Williams puts Channing in the biblical epic, “The Greatest Story Ever Told.” Meanwhile, Ryan envisions Channing in “Spartacus,” as well as playing Dirty Harry. We’d try to suggest one of our own, but it’s such an obscure impression that we’re not sure we can get anyone to do it properly. Do we have Ryan Stiles’ number?
#1: Things You Can Say About Your (Blank), But Not Your Partner
We’re bending the rules a bit with this one, but it’s our list, c’mon – it’s such a frequent format. One of the most used scenes from a hat involves things you can say about your “insert noun here” but not your significant other. Given how absolutely filthy some of the innuendos can get, it’s no wonder it’s so popular! Subjects have included businesses, dogs, and computers. Still, in terms of sheer volume, the one about restaurants might take the cake! All four performers bring their A-game in that one, especially Colin! As far as what we’d say? “They’ve got great wieners!”