Top 20 Worst Movie Kisses EVER

#20: Beverly & Howard
“Howard the Duck” (1986)
“Howard the Duck” is a multiple Razzie-nominated, box-office disappointment about an anthropomorphic duck who travels to earth from another planet. Upon his arrival, he meets Beverly and saves her from a couple bad guys. The two become close and this leads to a flirtatious evening at Beverly’s apartment - and eventually, a little peck on the beak. The kiss itself is pretty simple and sweet, but let's not forget that Howard is a duck. The moment itself isn’t helped by the bad acting and cheesy dialogue either.
#19: Pat & Tiffany
“Silver Linings Playbook” (2012)
“Silver Linings Playbook” is considered one of the best films of 2012. It was a critical and commercial hit and well deserving of the praise. As you may remember, the romantic dramedy culminates with, as most romance films do, a kiss. It starts when Bradley Cooper’s character chases down Jennifer Lawrence to profess his feelings. From an audience's point of view, it’s a pretty good kiss. The actors seem engaged and the chemistry is there. But, so was apparently a whole lot of saliva. Cooper admitted to Graham Norton that, after the second take of the kiss scene, JLaw told him, “You're a wet kisser… (and) it was not a compliment”.
#18: Daniel & Ali
“The Karate Kid” (1984)
In “The Karate Kid,” Mr. Miyagi taught Daniel martial arts as well as many important things about life. However, he probably should’ve taken a moment between the waxing on and waxing off to teach him how to kiss as well. Or maybe Daniel hadn’t eaten in a while and was just really hungry when he went in for the smooch with Ali. The start of the kiss on the lips is nice. But then actor Ralph Macchio continues and practically inhales Elisabeth Shue - who looks to be just hanging on for dear life trying not to get sucked into the void of Macchio’s open mouth.
#17: Laurie & Jo
“Little Women” (1994)
Look, we all know that passionate kissing often involves the passing of saliva between the mouths of the parties involved. But just because we know it, doesn’t mean we want to see it. Which brings us to the mouth on mouth action between Christian Bale’s Laurie and Winona Ryder’s Jo in the 1994 version of “Little Women”. The scene in question involves Laurie confessing his love for Jo and taking her in his arms for the kiss he’s been dreaming of. Jo, caught off guard, initially reciprocates but then ends the kiss and pushes him away. However, for a second, the two friends remain connected via a string of spit from their lips. Couldn’t they have just done (or used) another take?
#16: Edward & Vivian
“Pretty Woman” (1990)
In “Pretty Woman,” Vivian says she does everything except kiss on the mouth. That is, until she falls in love with Edward. She kisses him while he’s sleeping, and when he wakes up he returns her affection in kind. However, from our end, the kiss doesn’t look like something worth breaking rules for. Richard Gere intensely holds Julia Roberts’ head and kisses her, but then spends, what feels like an inordinate amount of time with his mouth open and not kissing her - as if searching for her lips. Then there’s the big final scene kiss at the end of the movie in which they awkwardly smoosh their faces together. Maybe Vivian doesn’t kiss on the mouth because she just isn’t very good at it?
#15: The Kid & Apollonia
“Purple Rain” (1984)
Prince was, without a doubt, one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century, but he was not really one of the greatest on-screen smoochers. While “Purple Rain” has been hailed as a classic rock musical, Prince’s love scene in the film has not been praised in the same way. The scene in question gets going with Prince doing some weird hand movements in front of his love interest’s face as if trying to hypnotize her. He then seems to be hypnotizing the audience when he takes an awkwardly long amount of time to finally kiss her. When he eventually does, the over-dramatic lip-locking head movements are a bit much. And they get even more dramatic when things move to the bedroom.
#14: Spencer & Martha
“Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” (2017)
In “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” four high school students get sucked into a video game and turn into their avatars. But while Spencer looks like The Rock and Martha looks like a kick-ass woman, they’re still the same awkward, shy teenagers inside. The same teenagers have never kissed anyone before, until they admit their feelings for each other and kiss in the game. Although, can you really call what they do kissing? And while it goes better for them on their second attempt back in the real world, it’s still a little more face-smashing than good kissing. We’re sure they’ll get better though.
#13: Superman & Lois
“Man of Steel” (2013)
He may be faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But when it comes to PDA, Superman doesn’t always have the best instincts. In the climactic scene of 2013’s “Man of Steel,” Metropolis is blasted to ruins, but Superman is able to save Lois Lane from a similar fate. Now, we get the emotions of the moment and all that, but making out while the city collapses behind you… that’s just not a very good look. Even Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter just held hands as the city exploded around them in “Fight Club”.
#12: William & Penny
“Almost Famous” (2000)
There’s no denying that we were all rooting for William and Penny to get together in “Almost Famous”. The way it happened though, well, that leaves a retrospectively bad taste in our mouths. Finding her in her hotel room drunk and on drugs, William does the right thing and calls for help. However, in the time it takes for the help to arrive, William finds Penny draped all over him and he decides that’s the perfect time to tell her how he feels. The problem is that he also uses her state as an opportunity to kiss her as well. The lack of consent is hard to ignore these days.
#11: Marty & Lorraine
“Back to the Future” (1985)
The mid-‘80s were a tough time for actress Lea Thompson as far as on screen kissing goes. We already discussed her 1986 smooch with Howard the alien duck. And the year before that, her character made out with her son when she played Lorraine McFly in “Back to the Future”. Well, at least she didn’t know he was her son. But Marty knew. And while all the flirting she did was awkward enough, the kiss took it to a whole other level. Thankfully, immediately after it happened, she too felt how wrong it was.
#10: Frank & Min
“The Wings of Eagles” (1957)
John Wayne was famous for playing the tough guy, the man’s man. And although he could break out the romance when need be, in this kiss from “The Wings of Eagles” it looks like he forgot to put away the tough guy. Maybe Maureen O'Hara’s red hair confused him and he took her for Raggedy Ann. Because that’s the only thing we can think of to explain why he shakes her around so violently before kissing her. We’re surprised she wasn’t wearing a neck brace for the rest of the film.
#9: Ginny & Harry's First Kiss
“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” (2009)
In the novels, the Harry and Ginny love story is one of the epic romances of the “Harry Potter” series. Everyone who's read the books can probably remember reading about their first kiss and feeling excited that the long-awaited moment had finally arrived (assuming no one had previously spoiled it for them). But in the movies, the scene just doesn’t have the same resonance. And one reason for that could be the lack of enthusiasm and the blandness of the kiss that ended up on the screen. Harry even seems a little embarrassed afterwards - and we’re embarrassed for him.
#8: Bella & Jacob
“The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010)
Unlike the first two kisses on this list, there’s nothing bad about the actual kiss between Bella and Jacob in 2010’s “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.” It’s even pretty hot. No, what makes this kiss one of the worst isn’t the actual smooch, but why it happens at all. You see, as you might remember, Bella had already agreed to marry Edward at this point. Team Jacob had lost the Bella battle. The only reason she asked Jacob to kiss her was in an attempt to try to keep him from going off and doing something rash. We know that, but did Jacob? It all feels very “stringing along, playing with emotions” by Bella and that’s just not cool. Werewolves have feelings too, you know.
#7: Everyone
“Cry-Baby” (1990)
There are many wonderful things that start with the word “French.” French toast for breakfast, French fries are delicious and many of you probably started your day with French press coffee. But perhaps the greatest “French” there is, is a French kiss. Although, unlike pizza, which, even when it’s bad it’s good, a bad French kiss is just, well… bad. Which brings us to the montage from John Waters’ 1990 teen musical rom-com, “Cry-Baby.” It begins with Johnny Depp giving Amy Locane her first French kiss and proceeds to a number of wetter and more tongue-tangling smooches. And yes, we get that it’s all meant to be exaggerated and over the top, but that doesn’t make the kisses any less awkward to witness.
#6: Pee Wee & Gina
“Big Top Pee-wee” (1988)
With “Cry-Baby,” we were critical of the kissers doing too much - particularly with their tongues. Well, it can go the other way as well, as Paul Reubens proved with his wooden, unenthusiastic make out session with Valeria Golino in 1988’s “Big Top Pee-wee.” The buildup to the kiss is quite hot as the anticipation grows. But once their lips are locked, Golino looks to be giving it her all while Reubens barely moves. He looks like he’s trying to decide what to have for lunch instead of kissing this beautiful woman. And what makes it even more painful to watch is the fact that the kiss goes on for a minute and a half.
#5: Andie & Benjamin
“How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (2003)
It might take 10 days to lose a guy, but we can tell you that you can lose a girl in just one day with a bad kiss. Kinda like the big smooch Matthew McConaughey plants on Kate Hudson at the end of “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.” Try not to get swept up in the moment and sweeping romantic music and just watch the kiss. McConaughey grabs Hudson’s face so hard with both hands it looks like he’s about to pull it right off her body in some kind of rom-com meets “Mortal Kombat” finishing move. And when that doesn’t work, he opens his mouth so wide it’s almost as if it’s to inhale her internal organs right up and out of her body.
#4: Claire & Owen
“Jurassic World” (2015)
They say that timing is everything. Well, when it comes to the big Claire and Owen kiss in “Jurassic World,” the timing - as Chandler Bing might say - couldn’t BE more wrong. Claire has just saved Owen from having his face eaten off, but there are still dinos on the loose and people running around trying to stay alive. And given that they are, at least partially responsible for what’s going on, maybe they should focus on cleaning up the mess and not each other’s tonsils. Save people now. Kiss later!
#3: Mark & Juliet
“Love Actually” (2003)
We get it. Mark finally built up the courage to reveal his feelings to Juliet and he did it in a super romantic way with the cue cards. But does he deserve a “run out to the street kiss on the lips” for it? She loves her husband, she doesn’t want to be with Mark. But the way she grabs his face to kiss him, then lingers afterwards, feels like, to quote Lloyd Christmas, [“so you’re telling me there’s a chance.”] And we can’t talk “Love Actually” and bad kisses and not also mention Jamie and Aurélia. Yes, his marriage proposal is sweet and romantic, but the only thing worse than his broken-Portuguese is his kissing technique. He’s lucky she didn’t take back her “yes.”
#2: Luke & Leia
“Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back” (1980)
There’s an expression in sports that “a tie is like kissing your sister.” And for those of you wondering, the expression dates back to at least 1892, so it was not in reference to the 1980 Luke and Leia “Star Wars” smooch. A smooch that, we should point out, was between two people who had no idea they were at all related at the time. Or was it? Remember what Leia says after she finds out that they’re siblings? [“I know. Somehow… I’ve always known.” ] We’re hoping that by “always” she means only after she planted a big kiss on Luke.
#1: Amy & Bumper
“Pitch Perfect 2” (2015)
A great movie kiss often comes with a great buildup that works up to that moment when eyes meet and lips lock. In “Pitch Perfect 2,” we definitely get that as Fat Amy sings and paddles her boat across the lake towards Bumper - the target of her affections. However, once the kiss finally happens, that’s when the great buildup turns into the worst kiss. Actually, what Bumper and Fat Amy do here is less kissing and more just mashing faces together. And then there’s her tongue, which instead of finding its way into his mouth appears to be trying to lick it clean. Sure, the scene is played for laughs. And they get those laughs. As well as the top spot on our list.