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Top 3 Things You Missed in Last Night's The Walking Dead

Top 3 Things You Missed in Last Night's The Walking Dead
Eugene needs to pick a team or get eaten. Welcome to Watch The Walking Dead, the weekly show where we look at the most fun and interesting moments, references and easter-eggs in the newest episode of AMC's The Walking Dead. Today, we're looking at Season 8 Episode 7, “Time for After”.
Eugene needs to pick a team or get eaten. Welcome to Watch The Walking Dead, the weekly show where we look at the most fun and interesting moments, references and easter-eggs in the newest episode of AMC's The Walking Dead. Today, we're looking at Season 8 Episode 7, “Time for After”.

#3: The Mafia
During his re-affirmation of loyalty to Negan, Eugene calls himself 'made', referencing what a stereotypical mafia group calls an inducted member. Because Eugene's speech often consists almost entirely of references, most of them go over everyone's heads. Eugene doesn't realize this, and assuming Negan picked up on and is rolling with his mafia reference, goes to kiss Negan's hand instead of shaking it, as one might do as a sign of respect to a mafia boss. Opse.

#2: Gabriel's Infection
When last we saw Gabriel he was in low spirits but fairly good health. In this episode however he is running a serious infection and it looks like he may die from it. The infection happens when he and Negan covered themselves with walker guts to escape the horde and reach sanctuary. A trick that almost always seems to be the show's 'get out of jail free card', its nice to see some actual downsides to the process.

Before we get to our top theory, here are some of the best lines from this week’s episode:

"Cease and desist all betrays and backstabbery"

"Your spectacular mullet"

"You look like a potato and shit caracole"

#1: Eugene's Proof
Eugene almost ratted out Dwight's betrayl at the end of the episode, but what you may not have realized was that it wouldn't have just been his word again Dwight, but that Eugene also had hard proof. Earlier, while preparing to launch the homemade drone, Eugene is making an audio log of the process. The tape is still recording when Dwight interrupts him, and captures Dwight's entire confession and motivation. Eugene had the recorder with him when he goes to Negan, and while he doesn't play it back for them, that tape still exists, and you can bet we will see it pop up again soon.