Top 30 Most Embarrassing Video Game Trophies and Achievements

#30: Not a Total Waste
“Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth” (2024)
The “Yakuza” games have one achievement notorious for its subject matter, but recently, “Infinite Wealth” has something that will make you laugh out of shame. In order to pop the achievement “Not a Total Waste”, you’ll have to get to a point in the story where you’ll get to explore a labyrinth made of scrap and abandoned construction equipment. One of the randomly generated tiles is of an open bathroom, housing four toilets. At least one of them will have an item shining from inside. Grab it to get the achievement, and hope your brief moment of humiliation was worth it.
#29: Pitchin’ a Tent
“Halo 4” (2012)
It’s already bad enough that the name of this achievement is a blatant innuendo to forever mark your Xbox profile. The requirement for earning it? It is perhaps one of the most boring moments of play that requires zero effort. All you have to do is sit in one spot for a full minute. Sixty seconds of doing absolutely nothing in a multiplayer game! That means you have to go out of your way to look for a spot where you can either rack up kills or know no one is going to find you. Well, at least you get 40G out of it. A for effort?
#28: Need Glasses
“Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy” (2008)
For this achievement, the embarrassment kind of depends on how good you truly are at shooters. Most of you out there probably average at about seventy percent accuracy with PC players being just a smidge higher. But if you want to get every achievement in “The Bourne Conspiracy”, you will need to finish a mission with an accuracy of ten percent or less. If you’re incredibly bad at shooters and get by with the skin of your teeth, maybe you won’t have a hard time grabbing this. As for the skilled, you might have to do some exploiting or speedrunning to grab this. Hope 5G is enough for your troubles.
#27: Mondays Be Like…
“DiRT Rally” (2015)
In most racing games, wrecking your car is a minor inconvenience. When you wreck, you respawn and only ever lose a bit of time or fall a position or two. In “DiRT Rally”, it is possible to wreck so horrendously that it ends the race in an instant. And that is how you pop the “Mondays Be Like” achievement. Smash into a wall, drive off a cliff, do anything you can to cause the car to be “unrecoverable”, as the game puts it. Welcome to the brutal world of rally racing.
#26: Weak Sauce
“Blitz: The League” (2006)
Speaking of miserable losses, “Blitz: The League” offers an achievement that requires you to lose. Thing is that it isn’t something like obtaining a losing streak. No, you’re going to need to handicap yourself and lose the very first match in Campaign Mode. Yeah, not a good way to start your campaign, and you don’t even get anything for it! That’s right - this achievement nets you not a single point of Gamerscore. So, is going for every achievement really worth it in this case?
#25: Seriously 2.0
“Gears of War 2” (2008)
Some of the worst achievements you can go for are the super grindy ones. The first “Gears of War” was already awful with the “Seriously” achievement, demanding you off ten thousand players - not enemies, players - in online matches. For “Gears of War 2”, this achievement gets worse by tacking on an extra zero. On the bright side, the achievement counts enemies across every mode. But did we really want to be spending that much time with this game? Ideally, no, and very, very few players have gone back for the grind.
#24: The Menace To Society
“Fable II” (2008)
“Fable II” has two achievements that implore you to be a truly awful person. One of them is The Menace to Society, which tasks you to “commit an act of public indecency or see another Hero commit one”. To do this, you need to acquire the “Vulgar Thrust” expression, head to a public setting, remove your clothes, and then, use said expression on every villager until one of them calls the police on you. And no, your quest in becoming a creepy pervert does not end with this one achievement; we’ll get to the other one later.
#23: Shake It, Baby
“Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary Edition World Tour” (2015)
The “Duke Nukem” games really want you to relish in the action movie fantasy. At some point or another, we’ve all dreamed of being the ultimate badass that can get all the love and admiration we want. However, one achievement for this remaster of “Duke Nukem 3D” requires that you interact with a nightclub dancer. It honestly shows how Duke Nukem the character is sort of from a bygone era, and we can’t imagine many trophy and achievement hunters are too proud of having this one. Hey, at least he tips well…we hope.
#22: Try a Tutorial
“The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II” (2006)
These days, many folks complain about insufficient matchmaking in their online games. Everyone wants balance, but there was a time when getting matched up with a player several ranks higher than you was enough to become frustrated. In “The Battle for Middle-earth II’s” case, there was a chance you had an easy win coming your way. One achievement requires that you lose to a player who is twenty ranks or more below you. And you got diddly-squat for giving someone a win.
#21: Smooth As ****
“HuniePop” (2015)
“HuniePop” also has a few achievements that might cause you to hide the game from your profile on Steam. We’ll get to one of them later in the list, but for this one, you have to be a perfectionist. To be truly the smoothest player around, you need to successfully sleep with every girl without failing a single date! Way to go, Casanova - you buttered up every PNG in a video game by effectively shuffling “Candy Crush” tiles around. If only dating was that easy in real life.
#20: Getting My Ass Kicked
“God of War Collection” (2009)
Part of the appeal with the “God of War” games is their relatively high difficulty; if you’re one of the few to pop the Platinum trophy for the first game on PS3, you have our utmost respect. However, we are aware of the embarrassment you must have endured in your first run. Assuming you’re the type to struggle with hack-&-slash games, you may have popped the trophy called “Getting My Ass Kicked”. Simply die enough times consecutively and the game offers to turn on Easy Mode for you. You can refuse it, but the trophy will tell the world of your struggles.
#19: Casanova & Over the Rainbow
“Bully” (2006)
Leave it to Rockstar Games to create a world where you can live out some of your craziest fantasies - and your dumbest. Ever wanted to be a troublemaker and throw eggs at cars? Well, “Bully” lets you do that. You know what else “Bully” lets you do? Go around and make out with people! If you’re wanting to pop every achievement on the “Scholarship Edition”, you’ll need to kiss twenty-five girls for the “Casanova” achievement, but you’ll also need to kiss twenty guys for the “Over the Rainbow” achievement. Basically, you’re gonna make Jimmy a thirsty horndog! PlayStation users will only have to worry about “Casanova” as kissing guys was only implemented in the “Scholarship Edition”.
#18: Bruh
“MLB 15: The Show” (2015)
We’re all guilty of watching a sports game and having yelled at our TVs because a player did something stupid. Well, those who were aiming for platinum in “MLB 15: The Show” got to experience what it’s like to be on the other end of that situation. All you have to do is make the first pitch of the game and let the first batter run the bases and score. In other words, hold the ball and do nothing else! Just watch as you deliberately allow the AI to get a 1-point lead at the start of the game. Yep...totally doesn’t make you feel like trash! “Bruh” indeed.
#17: Turd Burglar
“Duke Nukem Forever” (2011)
“Duke Nukem Forever” wasn’t exactly one of the best games to come out of 2011. Its poor graphics, terrible level design, and abysmal failure to modernize “Duke Nukem” led many players back to the store to return their copies...unless you were one of the few who wanted all of the trophies or achievements. In that case, you should already be familiar with the “Turd Burglar” achievement, which requires you to pick up a piece of poo. Yep, just any old poo! It could be yours, or it somebody else’s poo. No one knows, and no one wants to know! Just grab your 10G or bronze trophy and continue your merry way! Sicko...
#16: 20 Straight Losses in DOA Online
“Dead or Alive 4” (2005)
There’s nothing more satisfying than keeping a stellar win-loss ratio. It makes you feel like you know the ins and outs of your favorite game, and it justifies your bragging rights. Yet, when a game like “Dead or Alive 4” teases you with a “reward” to intentionally lose, the game is basically asking you to take the lesser of two evils. Do you maintain your impressive record and skip accomplishing all of the achievements, or do you take the twenty required losses like a boss and go for the completion, despite earning no Gamerscore? It’s a tormenting dilemma, and one that would stain anyone’s Xbox profile.
#15: Adult Content
“Dead Rising 2: Off the Record” (2011)
If you’re looking for more achievements to degrade yourself, but want a bit of an extra challenge in doing so, “Dead Rising 2: Off the Record” has got you covered. The “Adult Content” achievement tasks you in taking a lewd photo that is worth over a thousand Prestige Points. How disgusting could a zombie game get? Well, on the bright side, it’s nothing too filthy, but you’ll have to take a photo of some suggestive looking merchandise in the appropriately named Uranus Zone. Hey, this achievement could have been a heck of a lot worse, but we’re still a little regretful of nabbing this “achievement”.
#14: Bad Loser
“FIFA 10” (2009)
One of the most annoying things that can happen in online games is when someone decides to quit when you’re winning. If you were unlucky enough to play “FIFA 10”, there’s a huge chance some of the people who quit while you were winning were simply going for the “Bad Loser” achievement. To pop this achievement, you must forfeit five online matches when you’re losing. The devs were clearly aware how easy this would be to achieve as the achievement doesn’t net you any Gamerscore. So, is it really worth making yourself seem like a poor sport about losing? Mmmm, probably not.
#13: Go Get Some Sun
“Call of Duty: World at War” (2008)
We can’t blame video games for being addictive. Hey, if its a good game, we’d LOVE to spend hours upon hours playing it! That isn’t to say you should dedicate your whole life to it, and “Call of Duty: World at War” will remind you of that when you pop the “Go Get Some Sun” achievement. To earn this, you must reach your tenth prestige, which takes a heck of a long time to do. No joke, you’re looking at hundreds of hours of playing “Call of Duty”! At that point, it might be best to listen to the game and go live life for a bit. Besides, it doesn’t give you any Gamerscore!
#12: Welcome to 2047
“Command & Conquer 3” (2007)
One of the most annoying types of achievements are the ones that require you to push a button hundreds or thousands of times. Well, it’s a good thing “Command & Conquer 3” didn’t task you with anything like that! Oh, wait… It did. The “Welcome to 2047” achievement requires the player to press the A button a total of 2,047 times! Oh, and you have to do so in a single mission. While you are awarded with 20G for your Xbox profile, this achievement is so easy to nab, yet so time-consuming that it feels kind of humiliating. Think about it; you just spent ten whole minutes mashing a button for 20G! Was it worth it?
#11: Doing the Unthinkable with Momo
“HuniePop” (2015)
Dating sims can be pretty weird; they have a habit of throwing the player into bizarre and sometimes uncomfortable situations. So, what else could “HuniePop” be hiding besides a kinky fairy and buxom alien bounty hunter? Well, if you’re trying to 100% the game, not only are you going to have to sleep with everyone without failing, but you’ll also have to sleep with Momo. This young lady will refer to you as “Master” the whole time, making everything that much weirder. Oh, and she thinks she’s a cat. That’s kind of important ...Can we please move on?
#10: The Call of Nature
“The Last Guardian” (2017)
While “The Last Guardian” didn’t set the world on fire, there were still a handful of players that enjoyed their time with Trico. Depending on who you ask, his AI was either a masterpiece or extremely frustrating. Anyways, those who stuck around and committed to popping the game’s Platinum trophy got to witness a truly unforgettable sight. One of the trophies you’ll need to achieve, “The Call of Nature”, requires you to watch Trico go to the bathroom. Because, you know, there’s nothing quite like watching your pet take a dump. And -adding insult to injury- it really took time and effort to catch Trico in the act. Hope that was a memory worth making!
#9: Pervert
“Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse” (2012)
This is“Family Guy” we’re talking about. Did anyone really expect them to NOT put a perverted and profane trophy in the game? In the level “No Cheese Please”, Stewie can enter a room containing a few cash bags. Typically, players would be quick to run in, grab the cash, and run out. However, they’ll be greeted with a little surprise - one Glen Quagmire handcuffed to a bed and dressed like a baby. Simply stand in this room for thirty seconds, and BAM! You’re a pervert! What makes this achievement worse is that the achievement’s icon is one creepy Herbert. Doesn’t help that “Back to the Multiverse” just wasn’t a good game to begin with.
#8: The Paramour
“Fable II” (2008)
It’s amazing that you can do just about anything you want in today’s games. For example, did you know that you can sleep with almost anybody you want in “Fable II”? Well, you can, and there’s an achievement for a horndog character like yours! All you have to do is make love twenty-five times...or commit voyeurism and watch another Hero do so. REMOVE LINE: The only catch here is it cannot be a prostitute. (C’mon, guys. It’s “making love”.) Should your friends find this achievement on your profile, you have basically admitted that you went out of your way to experience virtual sex twenty-five times, all for a measly 10G. You proud of yourself?
#7: What Are You Doing?
“Nier: Automata” (2017)
As we’ve seen throughout the list, games will force players to do some of the creepiest, most perverted stuff to satisfy their completionist needs. We’re sure it’s all in good fun, but Platinum Games really pushed the envelope with “NieR: Automata”. In order to pop the trophy/achievement “What Are You Doing?”, you’ll have to attempt to look up 2B’s skirt ten times. With this achievement on your profile, everyone will know you tried getting a peek at an android’s underwear. Good luck explaining this to whoever catches you in the act! You are really going to need it!
#6: View of the Valley
“Asura’s Wrath” (2012)
Yeah, we’re not out of the woods just yet on the perverted achievements. In Chapter 10 of “Asura’s Wrath”, the titular protagonist will find himself at a hot spring with some very well-endowed attendants. One of them will come down to Asura to serve him some tea. So, what should you do? Drink the tea? Chug the tea? Splash the water a bit? How about stare at her chest until she realizes what's happening and covers herself up? Yep, that’ll do it! We’ll just tell everyone we only did this for the achievement. No way was it for anything else.
#5: Long Road Ahead
“Guitar Hero II” (2007)
Yeah, we know that the “Guitar Hero” games didn’t really teach us how to play guitar, but it felt damn good pretending we were rock legends! Well, it did until “Guitar Hero II” reminded us of how much we really suck by giving us the “Long Road Ahead” achievement. Simply fail any song on the easiest difficulty, and you’ll be awarded 10G. As if intentionally failing on Easy wasn’t shameful enough, “Guitar Hero III” would include two achievements that required you to fail a single song ten times and another that required you to fail a song that was at least ninety percent complete. Thanks for the reality check, guys...
#4: Snake Beater
“Metal Gear Solid HD Collection” (2011)
When the “Metal Gear Solid” games were remastered for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita, they came with an assortment of bizarre tasks to increase your Gamerscore or nab more PlayStation trophies, such as sending a lewd picture to Otacon. However, the most shameful one requires you to find a locker containing a poster of a lovely lady. View the poster in first-person, and then, call Otacon so he may see you in your perverted glory. Really, Snake, don’t you have more important things to take care of?
#3: Perverted
“South Park: The Stick of Truth” (2014)
No, “South Park” didn’t rip off “Family Guy”. Whereas “Back to the Multiverse” required you to make an uncomfortable situation look worse, “The Stick of Truth” demands you to participate...more or less. In the segment where the New Kid chases the underpants gnomes, they’ll make their way into their parents’ bedroom and catch them…*ahem* in the act. Here’s the worst part of this - you must have your character facing towards them, and watch them have sex for sixty seconds. Ugh, we feel dirty just from describing this… Hope no one was around when you had to go through this segment.
#2: I Swear! I Did It by Mistake!
“Lollipop Chainsaw” (2012)
“Lollipop Chainsaw” is one of the most insanely ridiculous games you could ever play. It knows its outrageous, and it indulges in its own absurdity. So, you could expect some occasional juvenile behavior such as Juliet telling the player not to use the camera to look up her skirt. Of course, that’s the first thing many players tried doing at the start of the game, and before they knew it--*achievement noise*. With an achievement like this on your profile, everyone knows that you deliberately tried seeing panties on a character model for 10G or a bronze trophy. Have you no decency?
#1: ...I Did It For the Trophy
“Yakuza 0” (2017)
We thank you all for calling us out in the comments for this one as it definitely beats the rest of these trophies by a mile for most embarrassing! “Yakuza 0” provides plenty of options to kill time and deviate from the main story for a bit. You can play some old SEGA games, gamble, go to a telephone club... or watch some softcore porn. What's surprising is that there’s even an achievement attached to it! It even gives you the excuse we know you’ll tell everyone - I Did It For the Trophy. Go on, head to the video booth, and explain to everyone how you only did it for the trophy. We’ll all be listening!
Did you pop any of these trophies and achievements for yourself? Be honest! Let us know, down in the comments below!