Top 5 Call of Duty Tutorials - Let's Play Countdown

Diamond Camo props to this week's featured video creators for their great work: M3RKMUSIC, Ali-A, TmarTn, JayEx23, and Drift0r.
Highlights: Map Tutorials
Creative videos, great advice and some sweet gameplay, what more could you ask for in a let’s play? As an infotainment professional, I can tell you that half the challenge in creating informative content is not making it boring as hell, and M3RK makes his tutorials pretty damn fun to watch. While he creates fewer videos focused on building your skills, his map tutorials are insightful and entertaining. And he’s got a great mythbusting video too.
Given how many quickscoping montages you’re likely to find throughout YouTube, it’s ironic that this is probably the only let’s player we’ll see today specializes in using the sniper. While M3RK creates fewer tutorial-focused videos than the rest of our entries today, he’s actually very much for the people, and loves to showcase anti spawn points on his channel. His map tutorials will have you brandishing that sniper rifle til sundown and rocking the best angles to get the drop on your enemies, and utilizing those sweet wall run spots to get around town. Nuketown, that is!
#4: Ali-A
Highlight: Best Class Setup Series
The most subscribed and viewed channel on today’s list, Ali-A is not camera shy whatsoever, and he definitely likes to show off his supply of sweet lids. Ali-A often gets the personal invite to Activision events alongside the cream of his contemporary crop to see the alpha and beta builds before many of us mortals, giving us the inside scoop on things to come.
Ali-A delivers big time with his recommended class set ups, his tips and advice, as well as the chance to learn from his gameplay, give us all a shot at those sweet sweet kill-streaks. He’s got some pretty serious skills, but he’s more than ready to share the wealth, as he spills the details on his personal strategy, and gives insight into his own mindset and tactics in setting up his weapons and perks.
Some might argue that his fashion sense and the blaring house music may push him into the category of style over substance, but his class setup videos can really give you the edge, not just for Black Ops 3, but also for a hanful of the other other CoD games too.
#3: TmarTn
Highlight: Gun Guide Series
Anyone who’s ever played a CoD knows that speed is key and timing is everything, and no one knows that better that this fast talking slayer. We gotta give TmarTn props for his rapid fire style and fast moving, stellar gameplay
Dealing out a surprising amount of detail in a relatively short video, TmarTn covers several of the same key points of his contemporaries, and although maybe not in quite as much depth delivers all of them in a nice deliverable care-package. If he’s good at one thing, it’s hammering home key points, using on-screen visuals to make all the key stats very clear. For more experienced players committed to their online performance, his “Black Ops 3 Gun Guide” is the place to be, but if you’re newer and just need some general knowledge to get you onto the battlefield, he’s got you covered with “Black Ops 3 Tips and Tricks”. Take a quick look, the series are guaranteed to make you a better CoD player, a better gamer... and maybe even a better person. Probably not.
#2: JayEx23
Highlights: Gold Gun Weapon Guide Series
Overflowing with personality, JayEx23 is pretty simple: he’s skilled, detailed, and not afraid to show off. Most popular throughout the CoD community for his “Gold Gun Weapon Guides”, JayEx puts in the time on his guns to earn the gold and in some cases diamond camo for his weapons, then gives you the complete lowdown on how to use them effectively and unlock those pimpin’ camos for yourself.
While there are a lot of similarities between this entry and the last, JaxEx’s cinematic introductions in his newer gun guide videos earned him a slight edge in our ranking.
Giving you the bare bones stats mixed in with his own personal brands of style and mayhem, anyone jonesin’ for the bragging rights of their maxed out guns should look here for the fastest way to become an absolute Call of Duty beast. By the way, if you’re into more than just Call of Duty check out JayEx’s Top 5 Beasts of the Week for some amazing PvP play across multiple games and genres.
#1: Drift0r
Highlights: Black Ops 3 In Depth Series
When it comes to getting nitty gritty and detailed to make you a better player, no one beats Drift0r. An engineer by trade, his signature series “Call of Duty In Depth” is just that, and his wicked attention to detail goes far beyond that of your average consumer. He practically dissects the game’s code to bring the programmed stats to light. This Call of Duty master has made a name for himself by delivering the most in-depth analysis of weapons analysis from range, damage, to attachments, to perks, kill streaks and obviously the newly added specialists.
Drift0r doesn’t mess around, but he does take the time to look beyond the obvious and see the hidden strengths with weapons in spite of their stats, revealing the surprising strengths. You really get the feeling that even though he goes into minute details on the weapons’ stats, they aren’t just a collection of numbers to him; they’re a fascinating part of a game that he loves and wants to share with all of you.
For his unparalleled ability to dissect the very foundations of the game, he earns his finest kill streak yet as the top spot on our list.
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