Top 5 Facts about Celiac Disease

#5: It's Genetic
If someone in your family has Celiac Disease, it makes you more likely to suffer from the disorder as well. If one of your closest relatives has been diagnosed with the disease, that’s all the more reason for you to be tested. The University of Chicago’s Celiac Disease Center found that if someone has Celiac Disease, there is a five per cent chance that their parents, siblings or children will also have the disease. If you want to find out more, genetic testing is an option to see if you carry the genes HLA-DQ2 or DQ8, which are indicators of the disease.
#4: It Affects More People Than You'd Think
A few decades ago, Celiac Disease was a rarity, occurring in only about one in every ten thousand people. Today, the number most cited is one in a hundred and thirty three, meaning approximately one per cent of the population. There are many theories about why the numbers have jumped so dramatically, with some believing that a simple awareness of the disease has increased the number of diagnosed cases. Others have cited advances in medical technology as a reason that more people are diagnosed. It seems though that more people than ever are actually suffering from Celiac Disease and there aren’t any solid conclusions as to why this is taking place.
#3: The Only Known Treatment Is Going Gluten Free
Sadly, if you are diagnosed with Celiac Disease there is no medical or pharmaceutical cure to improve your symptoms. The only thing that has been proven to work is eliminating all traces of gluten from your diet. This is harder than you’d think and goes beyond just skipping toast in the morning. Gluten can be found in many foods, especially processed foods including soy sauce, cereal, processed meats, soups and sauces. You have to be very diligent to ensure that there is no gluten hidden in seemingly safe foods.
#2: It Often Goes Undiagnosed
Because the symptoms of Celiac Disease can be somewhat generalized, the disorder can often elude the detection of medical professionals for years before being diagnosed. Symptoms like bloating, constipation, fatigue, headache and anxiety are present with many different gastrointestinal ailments. In fact, as many as 83 per cent of people suffering from Celiac Disease have not been properly diagnosed and the average time it takes for someone to receive a diagnosis after noticing symptoms is six to ten years. If you’re worried that you have Celiac Disease, be open with your doctor about your concerns.
#1: Gluten Sensitivity & Celiac Disease Are Different
While the symptoms for these two conditions may look very similar, the way that they actually affect the body is quite different. Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disorder, which means that the body responds to the consumption of gluten by attacking the small intestine, causing a host of other problems. Gluten sensitivity is more complicated, and more controversial, with many claiming that it isn’t a real disease at all. The jury is still out on this one, but regardless, if you feel like gluten doesn’t agree with you, try cutting it out and seeing how you feel.