Top 5 Greasy Fast Food Myths

We'll take a number 7 with extra lieeees, please.
Welcome to WatchMojo's Top 5 Myths, the series that finds the biggest myths that people actually believe and dispels them one by one.
In this installment, we're looking at the five myths about fast food that had us hungry for the truth.
#5: Fast Food Never Goes Bad
For reasons not fully clear, many fast food consumers believe that mass-produced quick bites like burgers and fries are loaded with so much preservatives that said foods will never decay. While it is indeed true that most fast-foods are loaded with enough industrial chemicals to push back their expiration dates for weeks, the notion that they are immortal for consumption is about as false as it gets. While there are several variables that factor into any given food’s longevity, including the obvious volume of preservatives present in the meal, all foods, fast or otherwise, eventually decay into inedible territory.
#4: Fast Food Is Cheap
Due to clever marketing and bait tactics like McDonald’s Dollar Menu, a good majority of us have been lead to believe that fast food is a steal. While most fast food chains certainly offer bargain menus and dishes matching dine-in establishments for less, the idea that they are more or as economically friendly than homemade meals is nothing short of a falsehood. The reality is, what one can cook up at home cannot only be far more healthier, but also far more affordable. Case in point: the average price that a family of four would spend at McDonald’s runs at approximately $35 USD. At home, that same family could have made a more filling and healthier chicken dinner for half if not a third of that price.
#3: Fast Food Restaurants Use These Controversial Ingredients…
Given the immense thickness of McDonald’s shakes and other desert dairy products, these were a string of notions that didn’t sound too far-fetched. Rest assured however, the rumor you’ve heard, whichever variation, is false. McDonald’s frozen treats are not in fact made of pig fat, cow eyeballs, or bird feathers, yeah, that got around somehow, but are indeed using real, albeit pre-made dairy mixtures. Also, McDonald’s isn’t the only one accused of using false ingredients as a business practice. One myth suggesting that Taco Bell’s beef is only thirty-five percent meat was dispelled by the company itself. So the next time you hear one of these extravagant rumors like pink goop chicken nuggets, take it with a grain of salt.
#2: Salads Are Healthy Menu Alternatives
They’re made up of mostly vegetables! What harm could they possibly do to our health? Right? Well, perhaps more harm than one might think, depending on what exactly is in the salad. No, we don’t just mean the addition of chicken. We’re also talking about the fact that most salad alternatives at fast food establishments are loaded with so much cheese, dressing, and oils that they’re just about as bad as one’s standard burger and fries. In fact, studies show that some salad options can actually be less healthy than the standard meat dishes at most fast food establishments.
#1: Fast Food Makes You Fat
Whether most of us care to admit it or not, it’s not the fault of the fast food industry that contributes to our bulkiness, and even if that were the case, it’s kind of on the consumer that they continue to purchase such foods. The fact remains that fast food alone does not and cannot lead to one becoming overweight. While it’s true that one’s diet is indeed a major contributor to one’s physical health, factors such as genetics, metabolic rates, and the most obvious: exercise, or lack thereof, are equally crucial components that weigh-in on one’s...weight. So, while we certainly don’t endorse this diet, one could actually eat fast food every day and maintain a fit figure, provided that they’re in the right age-range and do as much output as they do input.
So how many of these myths did you guys eat up? For more super-sized top 5s and top 10s with no filler, be sure to subscribe to