Top 5 Need to Know Facts About Katherine Langford

You know her as Hannah in 13 Reasons Why, but there are plenty of other things you may not know about this Australian actress! Did you know that she only had 10 days to get her visa after being cast? Langford is from Australia, a country that is definitely not America, where California is. As such, she needed to secure a 0-1 visa in order to work on the series. Oh and she only had 10 days to do it! Working quickly, Langford scored her visa, packed up her Aussie life and jumped on a plane in the nick of time! Did you know that she didn't always want to be an actor?he daughter of two medical professionals, she originally planned to follow in her parent's footsteps, hoping to one day become a doctor. Additionally, the Aussie native was a nationally ranked swimmer, so a career in athletics was in the mix!
#5: She Only Had 10 Days to Get a Visa After Being Cast
It’s safe to assume that landing a lead role in a hot new series will bring up a host of different emotions. So when Katherine Langford was informed that she’d scored the role of Hannah Baker on “13 Reasons Why,” she must have been overwhelmed with excitement, nervousness and…panic? Let us explain. Langford is from Australia, a country that is definitely not America, where California is. As such, she needed to secure a 0-1 visa in order to work on the series. Oh and she only had 10 days to do it! Working quickly, Langford scored her visa, packed up her Aussie life and jumped on a plane in the nick of time.
#4: She Didn't Always Want to Be an Actor
For many actors, the road to success is long and filled with a number of different twists and turns. Take Langford, for example. The daughter of two medical professionals, she originally planned to follow in her parent’s footsteps, hoping to one day become a doctor. Additionally, the Aussie native was a nationally ranked swimmer, so a career in athletics was in the mix. However, in her final year in high school Langford quit the swim team and turned her attention to performance. A few short films and a Netflix series later and she’s now one of Hollywood’s hottest young stars.
#3: She Has a Surprisingly Well-Rounded CV
When Langford decided to become an actor, she went all-in. The early years were tough and marred by constant rejection letters from a string of different acting schools. To compensate, Langford enrolled in acting classes in her hometown of Perth and she was eventually signed by a talent agency. From there, everything began to fall into place. In 2014 she was accepted into the Principal Academy of Dance & Theatre Arts. After an impressive performance in a stage production of “Godspell,” Langford was offered a residency at the National Institute of Dramatic Arts, which she quickly accepted. She was then offered another prestigious position at the Western Academy of Performing Arts, but turned it down to go pro!
#2: She's a Huge Lady Gaga Fan
If you’re planning on bringing up Lady Gaga around Katherine Langford, be prepared for her to talk your ear off. It all started when Langford was 16 and had the opportunity to see Lady Gaga in concert. Little did she know that this seemingly innocuous moment would be the catalyst for her acting career. Langford was blown away by Gaga’s performance and upon returning home immediately began teaching herself to play the piano. From there, things began to snowball and before she knew it she was prepping herself for a career in entertainment. To this day, Langford remains a hard core Lady Gaga fan.
#1: She Auditioned for Hannah Baker over Skype
Unless you live in Los Angeles, auditioning for big time Hollywood roles can cause quite the dilemma. Take Katherine Langford. She knew she wanted to audition for the role of Hannah Baker on “13 Reasons Why,” but was inconvenienced by the fact that she lived over 9000 miles away! What is a girl to do? She turned to technology, of course! The resourceful actress did her audition over Skype. The unconventional try-out must have gone well, as Langford got the part, even though she’d never read the book that the show is based on. Hey, when you’ve got it, you’ve got it and Langford's got it.