Top 5 Things You Missed In The LOTR: The Rings Of Power Trailer

The first trailer for “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” is finally here and it has us extremely excited! For this list, we’ll be looking at details that either stood out or that you may have missed in the official trailer for Prime Video’s new series. Our countdown includes Familiar and Fresh Heroes, an intimidating Comet, the closing shot of hands, and more! What part of this trailer rules them all? Inscribe it below!
#5: A New Old Middle-earth
At the moment, “The Rings of Power” is reportedly the most expensive television show ever made, and it sure looks like it. The first sixty seconds show several vast locations that pop off the screen, alive with all the blood, sweat, and bank accounts that made them real. Some landscapes look familiar, like an autumnal forest that resembles Lothlorien. However, the opening narration suggests that there are other “wonders in this world,” so it’s likely we’ll be seeing parts of Middle-earth that we’ve never encountered before. Stormy seas, waterfalls, and icy cliffs may be just the start of new settings we’ll visit. The new series undoubtedly carries the look of its father trilogy, while bolstering a visual prominence to stand on its own proudfeet.
#4: Familiar and Fresh Heroes
If you were in awe of the spectacle, you might have missed the appearance of a few young protagonists. We lock eyes with a youthful Galadriel as she dangles from a high peak, and a hunky Elrond smolders at the camera with adolescent eyes. Notable newbies include Prince Durin IV, the prince of Khazad-dum before it was infested with orcs and balrogs, and dwarven Princess Disa, an original addition for the “Rings of Power'' story. We also get to glimpse Arondir, a new elf archer who will supposedly engage in a forbidden love affair, and there are even some faces we don’t yet know… We’re equally excited to revisit some old Tolkien friends as their younger selves and to meet the universe’s new and diverse participants.
#3: The Great City
“The Rings of Power” takes place during The Second Age of Middle-earth, though the creators have confirmed the timeline will be heavily condensed from the thousands of years encompassed in Tolkien’s appendices. This means we might see ancient events like the Fall of Numenor, a once great city of Men that sank beneath the sea. The trailer’s opening rises over a breathtaking metropolis that many believe is the soon-to-be-lost Numenor. However, clues like the fiery watchtower in the background suggest that it could be somewhere from The First Age, like Valinor or The Grey Havens. Shortening the timeline, as well as recently acquiring the rights to “The Silmarillion,” gives the writers freedom to surprise even the most die-hard Tolkien scholars. What do you think?
#2: The Comet
From sinking cities to fiery skies, the world before the One Ring isn’t without its apocalypses. About midway through the teaser, we glimpse what appears to be a flaming comet or falling star. We know it doesn’t bring the extinction of the elves, but what is it? A dark omen? An enemy attack? One of the Valar from Middle-earth’s creation stories falling from above? In “The Fellowship of the Ring” novel, Samwise Gamgee sings a poem about an Elven king named Gil-Galad. The elf noble fought Sauron in an ancient war, and the lyrics include the line “into darkness fell his star.” Could this be foreshadowing that we’ll see those events unfold? Surely the image is a sign of something wicked this way coming…
#1: Hands
You’d be a fool of a Took to think that this trailer’s closing shot wasn’t chosen with careful purpose. The promo leaves us with an image of two dusty hands, with one significantly smaller hand clasping its neighbor. Though Tolkien’s text states that hobbits weren’t significant before The Third Age, “Rings of Power” will introduce the harfoots, generational ancestors to the hobbits who “thrive on secrecy.” We even get our first look at one, played with a lighthearted smile by Megan Richards. Does the unknown little hand belong to a harfoot? Someone’s child? The fingers could even come from one of the very first hobbits, effectively connecting our new show to Peter Jackson’s trilogy. Maybe it’s just a distant relative of those moose antler guys…