star wars Luke Skywalker The Last Jedi Kylo Ren How It Should Have Ended HISHE Rey Snoke Admiral Ackbar Holdo Darth Plagueis Obi-Wan Kenobi

Top 3 Ways How It Should Have Ended Improved Upon Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The web series How It Should Have Ended has given us some of the funniest and sharpest film parodies of recent years. That being said, the series has always been more about satirizing movies than improving upon them. In The Lord of the Rings, it would’ve made a lot more sense if the characters just used those giant eagles from the get-go, but that also would’ve made for a significantly less epic experience. With their take on Star Wars: The Last Jedi, however, HISHE managed to fix several problems that arguably would’ve made for a superior film.

Just to be clear, we here at WatchMojo LOVED The Last Jedi, but no movie is perfect and there’s always room for improvement. In this case, HISHE made a few tweaks that were not only humorous, but felt like they belonged in a Star Wars picture, thus making an already awesome movie even better. Here’s why… oh, and SPOILER ALERT:

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3. Admiral Ackbar In Charge

We were all bummed to see fan favorite Admiral Ackbar get unceremoniously killed off in the first act. In the HISHE version, Ackbar not only survives the initial attack, but also assumes control instead of Laura Dern’s Holdo, who many would agree was one of the film’s weaker links. Ackbar also tells everybody upfront about the Resistance’s plan, avoiding the pointless trip to that casino and mutiny. Best of all, this gives Ackbar one last chance to say his immortal catchphrase: “It’s a trap!”

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2. More Payoffs

The Force Awakens set up several lingering mysterious, such as the identities of Supreme Leader Snoke and Rey’s parents. Well, in The Last Jedi, the big twist is that there is no twist. We never learn who Snoke is and Rey’s parents were apparently nobodies. HISHE delivers by revealing Snoke is actually Darth Plagueis and Rey is a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Granted, the HISHE writers also acknowledge that delving into these backstories probably would’ve been too much of a detour. We gladly would’ve traded the whole casino subplot for Snoke’s origin story, though.

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1. The Climax

The handling of Luke Skywalker’s character was one of the most divisive elements of The Last Jedi, particularly during the film’s climax. To save the Resistance, Luke projects an image of himself across the galaxy, tricking Kylo Ren. Where some thought this was Luke’s most badass moment ever, others couldn’t fathom the idea of Luke using a Force power that had never been established before. HISHE found just the right balance, however. We still get the epic showdown as Luke stands before several AT-AT Walkers. This time, though, he’s there in person and uses the Force to stop the blasts in place. Since we already saw Kylo Ren stop a blaster bolt in The Force Awakens, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to think that a seasoned Jedi like Luke could pull this off. Along with Rey, Luke then whips out his lightsaber and knocks the blasts back, destroying all the Walkers.

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It doesn’t get much cooler than that!

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