Top 5 Funniest Game Show Answers

For this list we're focussing on silly or facepalm-worthy answers given by contestants, which means no questions designed for the blatant innuendo – although Bradley Walsh's uncontrollable laughter never gets old.
Special thanks to our users mac121mr0, Blake Crash Priddle and Brandon Dembs for submitting the idea on our interactive suggestion tool: WatchMojo.comsuggest
#5: The Statue of Liberty
“The Chase” (2009-)
The Chase has had plenty of hilarious moments, with the laughter usually stemming from the host, Bradley Walsh. But under the pressure of a cash builder round, or with the eyes of The Chaser staring down at you, it’s pretty easy to panic. When you get the colour of the Statue of Liberty wrong, though, you have to hope that it’s a case of the pressure getting to you and not the alternative – that you’re one of the only people in the world that has never even seen a picture of the famous American landmark.
#4: Cherry Pickers and Cheesemongers
“University Challenge” (1962-)
Regardless of whether you’ve watched “University Challenge” before, you expect a certain level of intelligence from contestants on anyquiz show. And no matter how intelligent you are, sometimes a couple of extra seconds to think before you speak can make the world of difference. That is especially true of one contestant who, given a long list of terms, quickly buzzed in to tell Jeremy Paxman what they were also known as. Only trouble is, his answer was completely wrong. And in his haste to respond, he probably offended quite a lot of people.
#3: Traffic Light Conundrum
“Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?” (1998-2014; 2018-)
“Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?” is arguably one of the hardest game shows to actually win – or at least, to win the top prize. Within a few questions most people are waved off and the next contestant repeats the process. But before you get that chance, you have to complete the “fastest finger first” round. The rules? Get the answers in the correct order, in the quickest time. Easy enough, right? So, what are the chances of all ten contestants getting it wrong? Apparently, higher than you might think, and on such a simple question as well!
#2: Who Shot J.R.?
“Pointless” (2009-)
With no multiple-choice questions to narrow down your options, “Pointless” is packed with complete shots in the dark when it comes to guessing the answer. And some of them are absolute doozies. It’s especially funny when the contestant thinks they’ve got it right, or they’ve just got the wrong end of the stick completely. This stand out answer centred on Lee Harvey Oswald assassinating someonein Dallas. Even if the infamous name didn’t ring a bell, you might expect most people to think of Dallas the city… but this poor woman thought of the TV programme. How embarrassing.
#1: Too Much Turkey
“Family Fortunes” (1980–2003)
“Family Fortunes” is not without its fair share of funny answers. After such a long run, it’s tricky to narrow it down. Whether it’s contestants cracking under the pressure, or just not thinking before they press their buzzer, the folks on this show come out with some truly unbelievable responses. Even with such steep competition however, one of the most memorable moments in the history of the show remains the time when, during the final round, one contestant was absolutely determined that ‘turkey’ was going to be on the board. Credit where it’s due, though, it was eventually right.