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Top 10 companions of The Doctor (Doctor Who)

7 4
Suggested by planetoffire

Zoe Heriot

2 0

Top 10 companions of The Doctor (Doctor Who)

Play Trivia Top 10 companions of The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Suggested by planetoffire

Sarah-Jane smith

1 0
ABCXYZ 10 years ago Report
Sarah Jane was the best. she is the only one that was with 3 doctors.
0 0
Suggested by planetoffire

Rose Tyler

1 0
Suggested by planetoffire

Martha Jones

1 0
Suggested by planetoffire

Amy Pond

1 0
ABCXYZ 10 years ago Report
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Sexy Lady
0 0
Suggested by planetoffire

Tegan Jovanka

1 0
Suggested by planetoffire

Donna Noble

0 0
Suggested by planetoffire


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Suggested by planetoffire


0 0
Suggested by Shaun Harriss

Jo Grant

0 0

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