Every baby Salad Fingers encounters he ends up rejecting (Mr. Branches, Embryo, his own baby, etc.)
Top Ten Creepiest things about the Salad Fingers Animation
Suggested by
Daniel Nemitz
Episode 10's Ending
Suggested by
Daniel Nemitz
Mr. Branches
Suggested by
Daniel Nemitz
Dr. Papanack
Daniel Nemitz
5 years ago Report
What makes this finger puppet creepy? Literally everything! Dr. Papanack is a disturbing and creepy puppet with claws for fingers, and is even seen eating Salad Fingers life sized Horce, Horace. Even he himself, Dr. Papanack, is disturbing himself! Just look at him!
Suggested by
Daniel Nemitz
Ew Improved Hubert Cumberdale
Daniel Nemitz
5 years ago Report
"New improved" Ever wonder what Huber Cumberdale would look like when he would hit puberty? Well, Salad Fingers pretty much does that for you, making The New Improved Hubert Cumberdale is made of loose skin which could have been found from Mr. Fingers Desk
Suggested by
Daniel Nemitz
Salad Fingers locks the Boy in the Oven
Daniel Nemitz
5 years ago Report
After needing help to get a fish out of his oven, Salad Fingers calls to a local boy passing by to help him get it out. But, by accident, Salad Fingers becomes distracted over a sharp hook and accidentally locks the poor boy in the oven, only to think that he is a fish. Wow Fingers, you really can't tell the difference can you?
Suggested by
Daniel Nemitz
Salad Fingers Brother Kenneth
Daniel Nemitz
5 years ago Report
Oh Kenneth has returned from the Great War, only to be a rotting corpse, so happened to be dugged up by Hubert Cumberdale after Salad Fingers and Margery were looking for sand. Kenneth, not being Kenneth, returns home without having any legs, and haves conversations with Fingers. Salad Fingers is unaware that this creepy corpse is not his brother,
Suggested by
Daniel Nemitz
The Glass Mirror
Daniel Nemitz
5 years ago Report
Ever wonder what Salad Fingers reflection is like? Well, this mirror explains it all!