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Tamajain Alexander

Top Ten Personalities of Doctor Who

5 0
Suggested by Sadik Ahmed

Sylvester McCoy

3 1

Top Ten Personalities of Doctor Who

Play Trivia Top Ten Personalities of Doctor Who
Suggested by Sam Ricketts

Christopher Eccleston

2 0
Suggested by Sam Ricketts

Arthur Darvill

3 1
Suggested by Sadik Ahmed

David Tennant

2 1
Suggested by Sadik Ahmed

Matt Smith

2 1
Suggested by Sam Ricketts

Catherine Tate

2 1
Suggested by Sam Ricketts

John Barrowman

2 1
Suggested by Sam Ricketts

Jenna Louise Coleman

2 1
Suggested by Sadik Ahmed

Tom Baker

2 2
Suggested by Sadik Ahmed

Paul McGann

1 1

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