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top 10 battles in US history

7 1
Suggested by bormannator

Battle of Gettysburg - Civil War

3 0

top 10 battles in US history

Play Trivia top 10 battles in US history
Suggested by bormannator

Battle of Yorktown - Revolutionary War

3 0
Suggested by MrMultiLegos

Battle of Iwo Jima - World War 2

3 0
Suggested by bormannator

Invasion of Normandy - World War 2

2 0
Suggested by bormannator

Battle of Midway - World War 2

2 0
Suggested by bormannator

Attack on Pearl Harbor - World War 2

1 0
Suggested by bormannator

Battle of Baltimore - War of 1812 (if we lost British would have reconquered us)

0 0
Suggested by bormannator

Battle of Antietam - Civil War

0 0
Suggested by bormannator

Battle of Saratoga - Revolutionary War

0 0
Suggested by bormannator

Ted Offensive - Vietnam War

1 1

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