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VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
These pop culture vamps put the “fang” in “fangtastic.” In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 vampires from movies and TV. For this list, we're focusing on movie and TV characters that are 100% vampires – no half-human hybrids on this list, and no vamps based on video games.

Special thanks to our users jkellis, Phenom24uk, MadHatter0, ServedBestFrozen, Kate Smothers, Ashleigh Hungary Tompkins, bormannator, Philip Folta, HaleyPotter417, lazyboy758, nut99237, Turtle Gamers, Fazil Mohammed, Daniel John, Vivian Nicole, rodan4777625350, TheAwesomeViolet, mac2103, ragana-klaudija, Jumior Saul, Norris Vaughn, assassin king, Tyler Smith, Hayden, Suma Frazier, TEAMbravo935, Rotasevian and Brendyn Robertson for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest read more...
