Script Written by George Pacheco
These celebrities don't even bother with a last name! Or is it a list of celebrities with no first name? Regardless of which name they go by, these musicians are all known by only one name! Mr. Hotline Bling – Drake - makes an appearance with his singular name, alongside other music legends like Sting, Slash, Bono, Bjork, and many more of the best musicians of all time! Well, at least the best musicians that go by a single name. Is being a one-name celebrity the key to success? Whatever the answer, our hips don't lie! ~cough~ SHAKIRA! ~cough~
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These celebrities don't even bother with a last name! Or is it a list of celebrities with no first name? Regardless of which name they go by, these musicians are all known by only one name! Mr. Hotline Bling – Drake - makes an appearance with his singular name, alongside other music legends like Sting, Slash, Bono, Bjork, and many more of the best musicians of all time! Well, at least the best musicians that go by a single name. Is being a one-name celebrity the key to success? Whatever the answer, our hips don't lie! ~cough~ SHAKIRA! ~cough~
Watch on Our YouTube Channel.