Can you just take it down a notch, please? Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Anime Villains Trying Too Hard To Be Evil.
For this list, we're looking at the bad guys in anime who devote every waking moment of their lives to being as sinister as possible, maybe to a fault. Keep in mind, we're not saying that these characters are terrible excuses for antagonists, it's just that the word subtlety doesn't exist in their vocabulary. Finally, be on the lookout for a little try-hard spoilers down the line. read more...
For this list, we're looking at the bad guys in anime who devote every waking moment of their lives to being as sinister as possible, maybe to a fault. Keep in mind, we're not saying that these characters are terrible excuses for antagonists, it's just that the word subtlety doesn't exist in their vocabulary. Finally, be on the lookout for a little try-hard spoilers down the line. read more...