Magical girls, shonen epics and JoJo – what an amazing ten years it's been! Welcome to WatchMojo and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 20 Anime of the Decade.
That's right people, we're tackling the big one – counting down the truly exceptional anime that has come out between 2010 and 2019, just as we're on the cusp of reaching the new year. Keep in mind this list is purely subjective given the monstrous amount of series out there, so be sure to comment your own choices below. Also we won't be including any anime movies, otherwise Your Name would be on this list! read more...
That's right people, we're tackling the big one – counting down the truly exceptional anime that has come out between 2010 and 2019, just as we're on the cusp of reaching the new year. Keep in mind this list is purely subjective given the monstrous amount of series out there, so be sure to comment your own choices below. Also we won't be including any anime movies, otherwise Your Name would be on this list! read more...