Top 20 Brutal Attack on Titan Moments

VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman
WRITTEN BY: Alex Crilly-Mckean
Hope you aren't squeamish, things are about to get bloody. Join Ashley as we count down our picks for the most savage moments across the Attack on Titan series, including the likes of "Mike's Death", "Death of Levi's Squad", "Porco's Death", "Armin Nukes the Navy", "Eren's Declaration of War", and more!
Top 20 Brutal Attack on Titan Moments
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 20 Brutal Attack on Titan Moments.
For this list, we’re going over the most savage showcase of deaths and dismemberments to be found across this unrelenting anime series. Be aware of spoilers and gore down the line! Think we skipped over a particularly unpleasant demise? Snipe your thoughts in the comments below like you’re Gabi!
#20: Porco’s Death
Well, at least he died how he lived – making sure Reiner knew who the top dog really was. After suffering a vicious beatdown courtesy of Eren , it’s clear Porco is on his last legs. However, instead of simply laying down and dying, he instead chooses a much grimmer fate, but for a much nobler cause. Offering himself up to a recently transformed Falco, Porco becomes a sacrificial snack, instantly devoured, but in doing so gives Falco a second chance at life. We’re sure Colt would be happy his brother got to live on…if he hadn’t had his body get scorched.
#19: Regicide
Grisha Jaeger would do anything to save his family. Some would say unspeakable things. Seen through flashbacks, we see the lengths to which Grisha went to try and save his loved ones during the Titan invasion, including begging the Reiss Heiress to use the power of the Founding Titan to call off the attack. Naturally, due to the curse of the First King, she rejects his plea. With no other recourse, Grisha massacres the Reiss children to take the Founding Titan’s power for himself, squashing them like bugs in the process.
#18: Slowly Eaten Alive
This might just be the worst way to die we’ve ever seen, and this series has offered no end of alternatives in that regard. Whilst on the hunt for survivors, Sasha comes across Kaya…whose mother is being devoured by a human sized Titan that had broken into their home. The visual alone is pure nightmare fuel, only added too by the silence as parent and child are put through two very different kinds of hell. And we thought regular Titans were bad.
#17: Eren Is Devoured
That’s certainly one way to go against convention – have your lead be eaten during his first mission. Overconfident and underprepared, Eren finds himself in a dire situation when a Titan snatches off his leg and sends him flying. Despite being heavily injured, the mad bastard still finds the strength to leap in at the last second to save Armin from being killed…only for him to take his place instead. The way his arm is snapped off still gives us chills!
#16: Killing the Kidnappers
Hard to feel sympathy for a gaggle of scumbags who not only did away with Mikasa’s mother, but had every intention of enslaving and selling her. Even so, watching Eren and Mikasa, as children no less, cut down their assailants is all kinds of disturbing. Just goes to show that Eren always had that little bit of a monster in him, whereas poor Mikasa was molded into a loyal weapon without even realizing it, just because she was encouraged to go on living. Innocence well and truly lost.
#15: Yelena Shoots Greiz
Even before she scared the shit out of everybody with her now iconic death stare, Yelena was still all kinds of imposing, and it all stemmed from the casual manner in which she did away with people who caused her grief. Tired of her subordinate’s endless ramblings and anti-Eldian rhetoric, Yelena straight up puts a bullet in Greiz’s head without her expression ever wavering. And that was just for some guy mouthing off, can you imagine what she’d do to someone who insulted Zeke?
#14: Declaration of War
It’s the event that lit the fuse, that kickstarted the final conflict between the oppressed Eldians and paranoid Marlians, and right at the heart of it all, is Eren. Just as Wily Tybur declares war on Paradis, Eren immediately answers by going on a rampage for the whole world to see. Not only does he crush and devour Tybur, but turns most of Marley’s military into paste. The carnage and fallout of this act is unprecedented, both in scope, and as an indicator to how drastically Eren has changed after all these years.
#13: Mike’s End
He may have had the sharpest nose out of the whole Survey Corp, but it seems that not even Mike could pick up the scent of death circling him. Making the fatal mistake of trying to take out the Beast Titan, not only was the veteran soldier presented with the unseen sight of a Titan actually talking…but was then subjected to one of the most gruesome deaths any character has had to suffer. Being torn apart by multiple Titan like they’re at a buffet? That’s a bad way to jump off the mortal coil.
#12: The Female Titan Kills Squad Levi
No matter how skilled you are, no matter how coordinated, unless your name is Levi, there’s always a chance you’ll end up undone by a Titan. Despite their solid teamwork, the Special Operation Squad are ultimately bested by the Female Titan’s regenerative abilities and fondness for smearing her foes across the forest floor. It’s a bitter reminder of just how ruthless and unfair this world can be, especially when it comes to characters we had only recently grown fond of. That goes double for Petra. Can’t unsee that sight.
#11: Armin Nukes Marley
Who could have ever imagined that the timid, yet kind-hearted Armin, would one day cause such destruction? After Eren and the Survey Corps infiltrate the nation of Marley and declare all out-war, Armin infiltrates the perimeter of Marley’s naval fleet. Once in position, he transforms into the Colossal Titan, annihilating the fleet as well as killing scores of innocent people. What makes this even more tragic, is that only by becoming the very thing he fought against, was he finally able to understand the feelings of his predecessor Bertholdt.
#10: Gelgar & Nanaba's Despair
Although they fight valiantly against an incoming Titan horde, veteran scouts Gelgar and Nanaba perish feeling not pride, but overwhelming anguish. In his final moments before being carried away by Titans, Gelgar desperately tries to enjoy one last bottle of booze. Unluckily for him, it was ironically used to treat Reiner’s wounds. As for Nanaba...her final moments are a lot worse. Falling into hysteria as she’s torn apart by Titans, all while begging for mercy from her abusive father. It is a scene so brutal, that even Ymir felt sickened by it.
#9: Levi Beats the Hell Out of Eren Jaeger
Despite risking his life to stop a Titan invasion, the revelation of his Titan powers results in Eren being brought to trial. The fact that most people are demanding his execution is bad enough, but even that is tame compared to what comes next. After an intense declaration from Eren almost causes him to be shot by armed guards, Levi intervenes and proceeds to beat the ever loving crap out of him. Although he does this to save him, watching Levi dish out a beating while Eren is unable to fight back is a sight so savage that even those wishing for Eren’s demise are left speechless.
#8: Leaving Marco to Die
In the aftermath of the Battle for Trost, Jean discovers that his friend Marco is among the many victims who perished during the Titans invasion. The fact that Marco was bitten nearly in half is brutal enough, but when the true details of his death are later revealed, it becomes so much worse. After accidentally discovering that Bertholdt and Reiner are the Colossal and Armored Titans, they quickly subdue him. Rather than kill him themselves, Reiner forces Annie to strip Marco of his ODM gear, making him unable to escape from an incoming Titan. Though they successfully keep their secret intact, the act of leaving Marco to die leaves them all traumatized.
#7: Armin Gets Burned
When it comes to standing up to bullies, they don’t get much bigger than the Colossal Titan. In order to help Eren defeat the Titan, Armin acts as a decoy by fighting it on his own. Gathering all of his courage and determination, Armin forces the Titan into a battle of attrition after it tries forcing him away using a blast of scalding steam. Forced to endure unimaginable pain, Armin refuses to back down. While his resolve remains strong, Armin’s self-sacrifice results in his body being burned beyond recognition.
#6: The Deaths of Zofia & Udo
One moment you’re enjoying a festival with your friends, next thing you know you’re fighting to stay alive. After Eren transforms into a Titan and kills the head of the Tybur family, his actions also result in the deaths of numerous civilians. Among them is the Marleyan soldier Zofia, who is crushed by a piece of debris. Her comrade Udo, on the other hand, is not as lucky. In his futile attempt to save Zofia, he’s trampled to death by a terrified mob, while his friends Gabi and Colt are forced to watch the horrific scene, unable to help.
#5: Hannes’ Death
During the operation to save Eren from the Armored and Colossal Titans, both he and Mikasa have an unfortunate reunion with the Titan responsible for killing his mother. Eager to make up for his cowardice and inability to save Eren’s mom, Hannes attempts to kill it himself. Upon learning that he is unable to turn into a Titan and help Hannes, Eren desperately tries to trigger his transformation to the point where he damn well nearly bites through his hand. In the end, Hannes is unable to avoid the Titan’s grip and is devoured. The scene is so traumatic that Eren’s mind breaks down, cursing his own powerlessness.
#4: Bertholdt Begs to Be Saved
Whether fans like or despise Bertholdt for what he’s done, there is no denying that his end is wholly unpleasant. After losing the battle against Eren, they decide to keep him alive long enough to turn a dying Armin into a Titan, so that he can eat Bertholdt and acquire the Colossal Titan’s power. Rather than accept his fate, Bertholdt desperately calls for help from his former comrades, who refuse to rush to his aid. However, it is Bertholdt’s final words that are the most chilling, as he desperately calls out to his Marleyan comrades. Though he reaped what he sowed, watching Bertholdt squirm in his final moments is easy to sit through.
#3: Levi Slaughters the Beast Titan
After being forced to watch the Beast Titan mercilessly kill his fellow soldiers, Levi is more than ready to unleash his full fury on it. Though the Beast Titan is among the strongest Titans out there, it proves powerless against Levi’s rage. What follows is a one-sided revenge massacre where Levi overpowers and eviscerates the Beast Titan. Hacking and slashing until he rips Zeke right out of his hairy hideyhole and gives him a taste of Survey Corp steel. Turns out there was only one beast on that battlefield, and it wasn’t Zeke.
#2: Eren Loses His Head
Gabi’s personal arc may have seen her dramatically transform as a character, but one thing remains the same – you put a weapon in this girl’s hand and someone important is going to die! Case and point, when she blasts Eren’s head off just he’s about to make contact with Zeke. Narratively, this moment is exquisite. Emotionally, it’s exhausting, given how we’re sort of rooting for both characters by this point. Visually…she turned Eren’s head into a blood-gushing Beyblade, there are no words!
#1: Eren Eats the War Hammer Titan
Originally wanting to destroy all Titans, learning the truth about the world behind the walls forces Eren to confront a new enemy; humanity. As a result, Eren’s personality drastically changes to the point where he’s even willing to kill other humans, including civilians. One of the most brutal examples of this was demonstrated in his victory over the War Hammer Titan, Lyra. Following Lyra’s defeat and capture, Eren brutally dismembers the Jaw Titan, Porco, before using his Titan to break open the Lyra’s crystal shell. Eren then demonstrates a new level of ruthlessness by forcing Porco to kill his comrade against his will and then gluttonously swallowing her remains. Holy shit Eren.
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 20 Brutal Attack on Titan Moments.
For this list, we’re going over the most savage showcase of deaths and dismemberments to be found across this unrelenting anime series. Be aware of spoilers and gore down the line! Think we skipped over a particularly unpleasant demise? Snipe your thoughts in the comments below like you’re Gabi!
#20: Porco’s Death
Well, at least he died how he lived – making sure Reiner knew who the top dog really was. After suffering a vicious beatdown courtesy of Eren , it’s clear Porco is on his last legs. However, instead of simply laying down and dying, he instead chooses a much grimmer fate, but for a much nobler cause. Offering himself up to a recently transformed Falco, Porco becomes a sacrificial snack, instantly devoured, but in doing so gives Falco a second chance at life. We’re sure Colt would be happy his brother got to live on…if he hadn’t had his body get scorched.
#19: Regicide
Grisha Jaeger would do anything to save his family. Some would say unspeakable things. Seen through flashbacks, we see the lengths to which Grisha went to try and save his loved ones during the Titan invasion, including begging the Reiss Heiress to use the power of the Founding Titan to call off the attack. Naturally, due to the curse of the First King, she rejects his plea. With no other recourse, Grisha massacres the Reiss children to take the Founding Titan’s power for himself, squashing them like bugs in the process.
#18: Slowly Eaten Alive
This might just be the worst way to die we’ve ever seen, and this series has offered no end of alternatives in that regard. Whilst on the hunt for survivors, Sasha comes across Kaya…whose mother is being devoured by a human sized Titan that had broken into their home. The visual alone is pure nightmare fuel, only added too by the silence as parent and child are put through two very different kinds of hell. And we thought regular Titans were bad.
#17: Eren Is Devoured
That’s certainly one way to go against convention – have your lead be eaten during his first mission. Overconfident and underprepared, Eren finds himself in a dire situation when a Titan snatches off his leg and sends him flying. Despite being heavily injured, the mad bastard still finds the strength to leap in at the last second to save Armin from being killed…only for him to take his place instead. The way his arm is snapped off still gives us chills!
#16: Killing the Kidnappers
Hard to feel sympathy for a gaggle of scumbags who not only did away with Mikasa’s mother, but had every intention of enslaving and selling her. Even so, watching Eren and Mikasa, as children no less, cut down their assailants is all kinds of disturbing. Just goes to show that Eren always had that little bit of a monster in him, whereas poor Mikasa was molded into a loyal weapon without even realizing it, just because she was encouraged to go on living. Innocence well and truly lost.
#15: Yelena Shoots Greiz
Even before she scared the shit out of everybody with her now iconic death stare, Yelena was still all kinds of imposing, and it all stemmed from the casual manner in which she did away with people who caused her grief. Tired of her subordinate’s endless ramblings and anti-Eldian rhetoric, Yelena straight up puts a bullet in Greiz’s head without her expression ever wavering. And that was just for some guy mouthing off, can you imagine what she’d do to someone who insulted Zeke?
#14: Declaration of War
It’s the event that lit the fuse, that kickstarted the final conflict between the oppressed Eldians and paranoid Marlians, and right at the heart of it all, is Eren. Just as Wily Tybur declares war on Paradis, Eren immediately answers by going on a rampage for the whole world to see. Not only does he crush and devour Tybur, but turns most of Marley’s military into paste. The carnage and fallout of this act is unprecedented, both in scope, and as an indicator to how drastically Eren has changed after all these years.
#13: Mike’s End
He may have had the sharpest nose out of the whole Survey Corp, but it seems that not even Mike could pick up the scent of death circling him. Making the fatal mistake of trying to take out the Beast Titan, not only was the veteran soldier presented with the unseen sight of a Titan actually talking…but was then subjected to one of the most gruesome deaths any character has had to suffer. Being torn apart by multiple Titan like they’re at a buffet? That’s a bad way to jump off the mortal coil.
#12: The Female Titan Kills Squad Levi
No matter how skilled you are, no matter how coordinated, unless your name is Levi, there’s always a chance you’ll end up undone by a Titan. Despite their solid teamwork, the Special Operation Squad are ultimately bested by the Female Titan’s regenerative abilities and fondness for smearing her foes across the forest floor. It’s a bitter reminder of just how ruthless and unfair this world can be, especially when it comes to characters we had only recently grown fond of. That goes double for Petra. Can’t unsee that sight.
#11: Armin Nukes Marley
Who could have ever imagined that the timid, yet kind-hearted Armin, would one day cause such destruction? After Eren and the Survey Corps infiltrate the nation of Marley and declare all out-war, Armin infiltrates the perimeter of Marley’s naval fleet. Once in position, he transforms into the Colossal Titan, annihilating the fleet as well as killing scores of innocent people. What makes this even more tragic, is that only by becoming the very thing he fought against, was he finally able to understand the feelings of his predecessor Bertholdt.
#10: Gelgar & Nanaba's Despair
Although they fight valiantly against an incoming Titan horde, veteran scouts Gelgar and Nanaba perish feeling not pride, but overwhelming anguish. In his final moments before being carried away by Titans, Gelgar desperately tries to enjoy one last bottle of booze. Unluckily for him, it was ironically used to treat Reiner’s wounds. As for Nanaba...her final moments are a lot worse. Falling into hysteria as she’s torn apart by Titans, all while begging for mercy from her abusive father. It is a scene so brutal, that even Ymir felt sickened by it.
#9: Levi Beats the Hell Out of Eren Jaeger
Despite risking his life to stop a Titan invasion, the revelation of his Titan powers results in Eren being brought to trial. The fact that most people are demanding his execution is bad enough, but even that is tame compared to what comes next. After an intense declaration from Eren almost causes him to be shot by armed guards, Levi intervenes and proceeds to beat the ever loving crap out of him. Although he does this to save him, watching Levi dish out a beating while Eren is unable to fight back is a sight so savage that even those wishing for Eren’s demise are left speechless.
#8: Leaving Marco to Die
In the aftermath of the Battle for Trost, Jean discovers that his friend Marco is among the many victims who perished during the Titans invasion. The fact that Marco was bitten nearly in half is brutal enough, but when the true details of his death are later revealed, it becomes so much worse. After accidentally discovering that Bertholdt and Reiner are the Colossal and Armored Titans, they quickly subdue him. Rather than kill him themselves, Reiner forces Annie to strip Marco of his ODM gear, making him unable to escape from an incoming Titan. Though they successfully keep their secret intact, the act of leaving Marco to die leaves them all traumatized.
#7: Armin Gets Burned
When it comes to standing up to bullies, they don’t get much bigger than the Colossal Titan. In order to help Eren defeat the Titan, Armin acts as a decoy by fighting it on his own. Gathering all of his courage and determination, Armin forces the Titan into a battle of attrition after it tries forcing him away using a blast of scalding steam. Forced to endure unimaginable pain, Armin refuses to back down. While his resolve remains strong, Armin’s self-sacrifice results in his body being burned beyond recognition.
#6: The Deaths of Zofia & Udo
One moment you’re enjoying a festival with your friends, next thing you know you’re fighting to stay alive. After Eren transforms into a Titan and kills the head of the Tybur family, his actions also result in the deaths of numerous civilians. Among them is the Marleyan soldier Zofia, who is crushed by a piece of debris. Her comrade Udo, on the other hand, is not as lucky. In his futile attempt to save Zofia, he’s trampled to death by a terrified mob, while his friends Gabi and Colt are forced to watch the horrific scene, unable to help.
#5: Hannes’ Death
During the operation to save Eren from the Armored and Colossal Titans, both he and Mikasa have an unfortunate reunion with the Titan responsible for killing his mother. Eager to make up for his cowardice and inability to save Eren’s mom, Hannes attempts to kill it himself. Upon learning that he is unable to turn into a Titan and help Hannes, Eren desperately tries to trigger his transformation to the point where he damn well nearly bites through his hand. In the end, Hannes is unable to avoid the Titan’s grip and is devoured. The scene is so traumatic that Eren’s mind breaks down, cursing his own powerlessness.
#4: Bertholdt Begs to Be Saved
Whether fans like or despise Bertholdt for what he’s done, there is no denying that his end is wholly unpleasant. After losing the battle against Eren, they decide to keep him alive long enough to turn a dying Armin into a Titan, so that he can eat Bertholdt and acquire the Colossal Titan’s power. Rather than accept his fate, Bertholdt desperately calls for help from his former comrades, who refuse to rush to his aid. However, it is Bertholdt’s final words that are the most chilling, as he desperately calls out to his Marleyan comrades. Though he reaped what he sowed, watching Bertholdt squirm in his final moments is easy to sit through.
#3: Levi Slaughters the Beast Titan
After being forced to watch the Beast Titan mercilessly kill his fellow soldiers, Levi is more than ready to unleash his full fury on it. Though the Beast Titan is among the strongest Titans out there, it proves powerless against Levi’s rage. What follows is a one-sided revenge massacre where Levi overpowers and eviscerates the Beast Titan. Hacking and slashing until he rips Zeke right out of his hairy hideyhole and gives him a taste of Survey Corp steel. Turns out there was only one beast on that battlefield, and it wasn’t Zeke.
#2: Eren Loses His Head
Gabi’s personal arc may have seen her dramatically transform as a character, but one thing remains the same – you put a weapon in this girl’s hand and someone important is going to die! Case and point, when she blasts Eren’s head off just he’s about to make contact with Zeke. Narratively, this moment is exquisite. Emotionally, it’s exhausting, given how we’re sort of rooting for both characters by this point. Visually…she turned Eren’s head into a blood-gushing Beyblade, there are no words!
#1: Eren Eats the War Hammer Titan
Originally wanting to destroy all Titans, learning the truth about the world behind the walls forces Eren to confront a new enemy; humanity. As a result, Eren’s personality drastically changes to the point where he’s even willing to kill other humans, including civilians. One of the most brutal examples of this was demonstrated in his victory over the War Hammer Titan, Lyra. Following Lyra’s defeat and capture, Eren brutally dismembers the Jaw Titan, Porco, before using his Titan to break open the Lyra’s crystal shell. Eren then demonstrates a new level of ruthlessness by forcing Porco to kill his comrade against his will and then gluttonously swallowing her remains. Holy shit Eren.