Top 10 Times Attack On Titan Characters Went Beast Mode

#10: Ymir’s Transformation
Forever slipping through life using the identity of another, Ymir’s life has not been an easy one. While originally content to weasel her way out of conflict, that no longer became an option when she and the rest of the group were set upon by a horde of Titans. Determined to save Historia’s life, Ymir goes all in and reveals herself to be a Titan Shifter, and while on the smaller scale, still proves herself to have some serious bite. Anything to protect the best girl, right?
#9: Levi Escapes Kenny’s Squad
The reunion no one was expecting. Outnumbered and outgunned, Levi finds himself coming face to face with the man who had once raised him, only now to be at the top of his hit list. With no backup and no way to defend himself, Levi’s only option is to flee, which kicks off one of the most visually stunning and high-octane sequences in the series' thus far. Even when lacking blades, Levi’s skills are on a whole other level, evident from how he was able to avoid Kenny’s kill squad while racing through alleyways at sonic speed!
#8: Armin Destroys the Navy
Our golden boy has come so far. From saving his friends with speeches, rising through the ranks of the corp, even giving his own life just to give Eren a fighting chance. And now look at him! Transforming into a giant, walking nuke and wiping out countless lives in the process. In order to secure safe passage out of Marley, Armin is given no choice but to unleash the unstoppable power of the Colossal Titan right in the heart of their navy. The only thing more devastating than the ensuing explosion is Armin’s expression as he looks down at the catastrophe caused.
#7: Mikasa’s Thunder Spear
The Armored Titan isn’t something that can be taken down easily, unless you happen to be equipped with something as destructive as a Thunder Spear. These projectiles proved to be potent enough to stagger Reiner’s hulking form, though not enough to blast him to pieces. Thankfully, Mikasa got her chance to shine when Hange and the others gave her a golden opportunity after dislodging the Armored’s jaw, allowing her to send her miniature missile right into the belly of the beast. Guess you could say Reiner was…thunderstruck?
#6: Historia Lands the Kill Shot
From wallflower to the Queen of the Walls, Historia’s character arc was utterly majestic, the highlight undoubtedly being when she cut down the remnants of her father’s Titan form. With Rod Reiss now nothing more than a giant maul of flesh, it falls to the Survey Corp to take him down permanently by blowing it to kingdom come. Following a successful detonation, Historia takes it upon herself to land the final blow, not only saving her citizens but also closing the book on her family’s dark history. Patricide has never looked so epic.
#5: Reiner Destroys the Mid-East Alliance
Once a warrior, always a warrior. Four years after returning to Marley, Reiner and his PTSD were put right back to the front lines. With every nation now wanting a piece of Marley after their failed invasion of Paradis Island, the warrior candidates are called to arms again, even if they’re stuck in the throngs of trauma. Still reeling from his undercover mission, Reiner nonetheless goes all out, smashing apart strongholds and taking so much artillery his body is left with more holes than his psyche.
#4: Mikasa’s Revenge
Feared and respected for her prowess when it comes to killing Titans, Mikasa’s kill streak actually began at a tragically young age, starting with the men who killed her mother and kidnapped her. With her foreign heritage making her a valuable commodity, Mikasa became an easy target for the dregs of the underground. Unfortunately for her attackers, they didn’t count on Mikasa’s inner Ackerman rising to the surface. With Eren’s murderous words of encouragement, Mikasa was able to tap into her superhuman genes, and as such earned herself a swift vengeance.
#3: Levi vs. Female Titan
One of the earliest examples of Levi’s badassery, the hunt for the Female Titan took a sinister turn after it brutally did away with the entirety of Levi’s Squad. As you can guess, the miniature monster slayer was eager to get even. Despite being one man, Levi’s immense speed and skill singlehandedly shreds the Female Titan into bloody ribbons, though not before blinding her and cleaving through her arm like the world’s deadliest spinning top. This is what Levi looks like on the warpath.
#2: Eren Eats the War Hammer
The years following on from finding the truth inside the basement were rather…transformative for Eren, to the point where he was happy to wage a one-man war against Marley. After snacking on Willy Tybur and massacring Marley’s soldiers, Eren is forced into a brutal confrontation with arguably the strongest of the Nine Titans – the War Hammer. With no weakness in its nape and ability to conjure hardened matter, you’d think it would be game over right from the get-go. And it would have been, if Eren hadn’t snatched up the War Hammer’s vessel, used the Jaw Titan to crack it like an egg, and drink down all that bloody goodness inside.
#1: Levi vs. Beast Titan
A crowning achievement in terms of style and savagery, watching Levi obliterate the Beast Titan is the apex of hype. With Commander Erwin and the rest of the recruits torn to shreds by the Beast Titan’s throwing arm, it falls to Levi to even the playing field – which he proceeds to do in spectacular fashion. In spite of Zeke’s superior size, he’s got nothing on the Ackerman’s lethality with a blade, tearing him out of his hairy shell with a blizzard of slashes, all in record time.