This is the 7th installment of the legendary franchise, and the highly anticipated follow-up to Treyarch's 'World At War.' In this spiritual successor, you control Mason and Hudson, two 'Studies and Observations Group Operatives' that are sent behind enemy lines throughout various time periods of the Cold War. As a result, you will engage the enemy at a variety of well-known Cold War locales from around the globe, including Russia, Laos, Cuba and Vietnam. Continuing to provide an addictive online experience, this exciting entry in the franchise boasts a wide array of multiplayer modes and features, such as Wager Matches, which allow you to bet your credits in a series of free-for-all game modes. Learn all about Call of Duty: Back Ops with read more...
7 Things You Should Know About Call of Duty: Black Ops
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton