Since its release in 1982, Tron has become an influential part of pop culture and changed the way movies are made. This is because it was the first feature film to use computer-generated graphics, and took place within the cyber world long before we started using modern computers or began surfing the Internet. The story of Tron is centered on a gifted hacker and arcade owner named Kevin Flynn, played by Jeff Bridges, who is digitally broken down into a data stream by a villainous artificial intelligence called the Master Control Program. Digitized within the world of the computers he comes across the blazingly colorful, geometrically landscapes of cyberspace and must join forces with a security program called Tron to survive the games and defeat the evil program in order to escape. Join as we guide you through the events of the first film and explain the plot of its stunning sequel Tron: Legacy. read more...
Tron: The Story So Far