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VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script written by Nick Williams

Where do they get all these guys, anyway? Join, as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Overused Video Game Enemy Types. For this list, we've selected games the most stereotypical and over-used generic or stereotypical type of enemies that are constantly used on video games.

Special Thanks to our users "MikeyP" " jarredkauffman" "zendaddy621" for suggesting this topic on our website WatchMojo.comsuggest

Script written by Nick Williams

#10: Aliens

Also in:

Aliens: Colonial Marines: Everything You Should Know

Space is scary! That vast expanse of nothingness is home to a wide assortment of evil beings intent on invading Earth and performing devious experiments on human-kind. Science fiction games are really popular, and therefore it makes sense that aliens are one of our most common adversaries. Luckily, aliens come in a limitless array of shapes and sizes, and often have names we can’t even pronounce. Yet no matter how many different species take turns at trying to invade us, human extermination always seems to be at the top of their list.

#9: Robots

Also in:

Top 10 Killer Robots In Video Games

The scariest thing about robots is that they are usually emotionless – making them cold, ruthless killing machines. But that’s a two way street; there’s no need to feel guilty about offing legions of toaster ovens now is there? If you’re really lucky, maybe you’re playing a game where you can re-program the robot to do your dirty work for you and take out some other enemies. Another enemy type that comes in all shapes and sizes, no science fiction romp would be complete without a few mechanical menaces.

#8: Goblins and Orcs

It ain’t easy being green. What goblins and orcs lack in intelligence, they make up for with strength, brutality, and a one-track mind that usually involves tenderizing with blunt objects. Commonly found in caves and castles. Whether you’re talking about the smaller goblins or their larger cousins the orcs, these ugly mugs are just human enough to be a satisfying foe, while being just monster enough to kill with a clear conscience.

#7: Russians

What do video game developers have against Russia? Probably stemming from some hold-over resentment left over from the Cold War? Whatever the reason, Russians are one of the most common-enemy types, especially in modern day first person shooters. The A.K. sporting, baklava-wearing soldier is public enemy #1 to your modern military game hero. No modern shooter would be complete without a snow-covered Russia-based infiltration mission, usually involving some form of nuclear McGuffin.

#6: Spiders

Also in:

Top 10 Video Game Spiders

Spiders are perhaps the most reviled creatures on Earth – for whatever reasons, these 8-legged monstrosities instill a crippling fear in most people. It makes perfect sense, then, that spiders make regular appearances as enemies in video games, not as much sense when they’re giant size. Often using a combination of poison, speed, and movement-reducing web attacks, spiders can be formidable foes. Sometimes you have to go to the source – which is why oftentimes you end up in spiders dens themselves, often littered with webbings everywhere, hope you’re not arachnophobic.

#5: Skeletons

If you’re playing a fantasy or role-playing game, chances are good that you will be encountering skeletons at one point or another. Skeletons use rusty weapons, bows, and sometimes even magic to try and stop you from looting whatever crypt or graveyard you’re trying to desecrate. They’re not just limited to human skeletons either, as you can sometimes find them in dinosaur form too. Luckily, these enemies are usually quite fragile - give skeletons a good whack with your mace and watch them crumble like man sized jenga towers.

#4: Rats and Bats

You’re in a dark cave, searching crates for free junk when a horrible squeak breaks the silence and you take damage. Sounds familiar? Rats are basically at the bottom of the enemy-type ladder. Commonly found in tutorial dungeons, rats aren’t much of a threat unless they attack in packs or can poison you. Then there are also bats, which are basically rats with wings! More of a nuisance than a threat since they’re so weak, it would be a real treat to walk through a cave someday and NOT get attacked by these creatures.

#3: Nazis

With a wide variety of World War 2 games on the market, there’s no shortage of Nazi soldiers for gamers to recklessly mow through. Given the atrocities committed by the Nazis in World War 2, Nazi soldiers are an easily despised enemy-type that were some of the first to be “ah okay” for videogame fodder. Perhaps the most tired stereotype in the realm of enemy types, Nazis have definitely overstayed their welcome as the supposed epitome of videogame evil.

#2: Terrorists

Also in:

Top 10 Terrorists in Video Games

Enter terrorists, the Nazis for the 21st century. Unlike their real world counterparts, videogame terrorists are often more numerous and much more well equipped. Rarely associated with a real-life nation and often sporting baklavas, their an evil fit for the modern world. They can be found in a huge variety of first-person-shooters, action games, rail shooters – whatever the genre, there’s bound to be a game or two that features a terrorist attack. The events of 9/11 made the fear of terrorists more profound, and as such they make perfect, if unimaginative villains for your armchair general.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.




#1: Zombies

Also in:

Top 10 Call of Duty Zombies Easter Eggs

Mindless, undead, intent on eating your flesh and brains – zombies are terrifying, abundant, and come in endless waves. Interpretations of zombies vary: sometimes they might be slow shamblers that overwhelm you with sheer numbers. Other times, they might be capable of running, and pouncing on you. Zombies are featured in a ton of games, which makes sense, because there’s nothing more satisfying than mowing through a horde of the formerly living. It’s all the gore and none of the guilt. Wether you’re in deep space or in the middle of the apocalypse, theres always a zombie type for you. Of course they also a combine brilliantly with another overused enemy type … Nazi Zombies.

Agree with our list? Which enemies are you getting tired of facing over and over again? For more, be sure to subscribe to

@Eddie Sanchez: I believe it%u2019s called Limbo.
Could you please tell me what the name of the first game that appear in the spiders category of Top 10 Overused Video Game Enemy Types (3 minutes and 2 seconds into the video)?