10 Things We Need to See in You Season 4 Part 2

VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton
WRITTEN BY: Cassondra Feltus
We NEED to see these things in "You" Season 4 - Part 2. For this list, we'll be looking at the unanswered questions from this thrilling series thus far. Our countdown includes the retired hitman, what Joe said to Phoebe, the infamous Tom Lockwood, and more!
10 Things We Need to See in You Season 4 Part 2
Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re discussing the 10 Things We Need to See in You Season 4 Part 2.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the unanswered questions from this thrilling series thus far. Major spoilers ahead for the first three seasons and the first five episodes of season 4.
What is the biggest question you have after watching part 1? Let us know in the comments.
#10: The Retired Hitman
As we saw in “You” season 2, Love Quinn’s family is very well-connected. So, it’s not a huge surprise that her father hires someone to find Joe after his daughter’s headline-making death. A man named Elliot approaches Joe in a London pub and shockingly offers him a new identity. Why? Because Elliot wants to change his life and gives Joe a chance to do the same. After he starts getting anonymous texts, though, Joe’s contact confronts him. Elliot turns out not to be the mysterious stalker. But is there a possibility he could return to help Joe deal with it? Does he have any inkling that Joe didn’t kill Marienne? Maybe Elliot won’t make another appearance but it’ll be interesting if he does.
#9: Phoebe & Adam’s Relationship
Episode 4 left off with Lady Phoebe calling it quits with Adam. The disconnect in their relationship has her feeling like they’re doomed. But, before Joe/Jonathan exposed his secret and everything fell apart, Adam was planning on proposing to Phoebe. The two end episode 5 exchanging I love yous so it may not be completely over between them. Does Adam really love Phoebe or is it all about financial security? She’s seemingly unaware of his current money problems but, if she finds out, it probably won’t bode well. Let’s just hope Phoebe gets a prenup.
#8: The Literal Ghosts of Joe’s Past
As we’ve seen in previous seasons, Joe has some wild hallucinations. In season 2, Forty slips him LSD and Joe goes on a trip, seeing Love’s distorted face and his younger self. In season 3, he has a measles-induced fever dream that quickly takes him from arguing with a version of himself to being cared for by his former teacher. Season 4 part 1 sees him intoxicated and confused but not outright hallucinating. Love, or any of the other people he’s killed, could definitely make reappearances in the form of hallucinations or mental images. We hope part 2 gives us some more insights into Joe’s subconscious.
#7: The Whereabouts of Marienne Bellamy
Season 3 introduced us to Marienne Bellamy, the Madre Linda librarian and unfortunate object of Joe’s obsession. As we saw in the season 4 trailers, he does track her down. He catches up to her at an art fair in London. And naturally, she runs away. Needless to say, she’s not thrilled to see that an alleged murderer followed her across the world. When they come face-to-face, he passes on Elliot’s advice and lets her go to prove he’s not a killer. But, is this the last we’ll see of her this season? Will she tell anyone she saw him? There’s a possibility she’ll get in touch with the Quinn family, or maybe simply go into hiding… Or maybe both?
#6: Kate & Joe’s Relationship Status
Despite Kate’s icy exterior, we had a feeling she’d warm up to Professor Jonathan Moore…eventually. The two finally have an actual conversation in episode 3, though it starts off with Kate’s signature animosity. By episode 4, however, they’re giving into temptation while on their Hampsie holiday. They connect over their traumatic pasts, though, of course, Joe doesn’t go into details about his. Then, episode 5 forces them to get even closer, what with the act of hiding a body together. Back in London, Kate’s ready to take the next step but Joe rejects her. Will she dig into his background to find out what he’s so afraid of, or move on to someone who isn’t sending her mixed signals?
#5: The Infamous Tom Lockwood
While at the aforementioned Hampsie retreat, Kate opens up to Joe about her father Tom Lockwood. He’s an overbearing presence in her life, always keeping tabs on her, even though they’re estranged. He seems to be a great source of pain, both in the past and in the present. Will the controlling father and ruthless businessman make an appearance in part 2? From what’s been alluded to, his constant interference doesn’t sound too dissimilar to Joe’s killing off people who hurt his current obsession. We know Joe has a major savior complex and would do anything for “love,” if it can be called that. Will there be a showdown between the two men in Kate’s life? Could Tom become Joe’s next kill or is Mr. Lockwood too powerful to be touched?
#4: What Joe Said to Phoebe
Since the first night they met, Lady Phoebe has been incredibly gracious with Joe/Jonathan. Given his intoxicated state at the time, he has no idea what he said to her but he knows it made her cry and seemingly changed her life. Those must have been some words to pull that kind of reaction from her, and we’re just dying to know what he said! So far, though, it doesn’t seem like anyone but Phoebe is privy to those words. Were they truly profound, or did the “party favors” at the gathering skew the interpretation?
#3: Exposing Rhys Montrose
In episode 5’s finale, we find out that Rhys Montrose was behind the murders and the texts. Though his motives are a bit shaky, it does make sense why this rags-to-riches aspiring mayor would despise his privileged “friends” who spend money like it’s nothing. Rhys locks Joe in the estate’s dungeon, instructing his unwitting partner to kill Roald who is also chained underground. His plan is for Roald to go down as the eat-the-rich killer, which would be easier if he was deceased. Rhys sets the dungeon ablaze, leaving Joe to barely escape with Roald. Now back in London, will Joe tell anyone about Rhys, possibly whoever runs against him for mayor of London?
#2: The Eat-the-Rich Killer’s Public Reveal
In the last scene of episode 5, Joe vows to take Rhys down. But will he succeed? This season has been about Joe desperately trying to be a different person – a good person. Would he give up a potentially happy life with Kate and take the fall? His only options otherwise are to find a way to expose Rhys, which seems like it will prove rather difficult, or to find someone else to frame as the Eat-the-Rich Killer. But if he’s not willing to frame Roald as Rhys instructed, who will it be?
#1: The Mysterious Photographer
It goes without saying that season 4 has a lot going on. And this is only the first five episodes! One thing that hasn’t really been addressed is the woman taking photos of Joe. Yes, she’s likely paparazzi given that she goes wherever Joe’s new elite friend group goes. However, her reactions to seeing Joe are also rather noticeable. Is she working for someone, maybe Tom Lockwood or the Quinn family? Maybe she’s only posing as paparazzi… We haven’t heard her speak so she may be American. It won’t be too surprising if she’s connected to one of Joe’s victims. There are many so, really, the possibilities are endless.