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Top 10 Best Fights in Cobra Kai Season 6 Part One

Top 10 Best Fights in Cobra Kai Season 6 Part One
The sixth season of "Cobra Kai" brought us some epic battles! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the best fights in “Cobra Kai Season 6: Part One.” Our countdown of the best fights in "Cobra Kai" season 6 includes Demetri vs. Hawk, Miyagi-Do Battle Royale, Johnny vs. Mike Barnes, and more!

#10: Demetri vs. Hawk


Before these longtime friends competed for the final spot in the Sekai Taikai, they had a falling out over their college decisions. Their last heated conversation was still fresh in their minds when the two were forced to fight. Although Hawk had been established as a top contender, Demetri surprised us by keeping up with his friend’s moves. Their even duel went back and forth so quickly that we weren’t sure who would come out on top. Ultimately, Hawk’s attempt to make amends during battle left him open to a shocking upset. The emotional nature of this surprising duel left us stunned and excited to see Demetri get the chance to step up for Miyagi-Do.

#9: Kreese Is Crushed By Kim

“The Prize”

The brutal master Kim initially forbade his granddaughter from learning his karate style. When he caught her spying during a lesson, he prepared to deal out brutal punishment. But before things went too far, Kreese stepped in to defend the girl. We were rooting for The wannabe hero to teach his master a lesson. However, the Master was miles ahead of Kreese. Kim absolutely decimated his opponent with just a few blows. It got so bad that the master’s granddaughter defied him just to stop the fight. Fortunately, the rebellion convinced the master that the girl was ready to be trained. While this matchup was definitely one sided, it’s worth noting because it gave us another rare peek at Kreese’s heroic side.

#8: Batting Cage Brawl

“Peacetime In the Valley”

After trying and failing to reach out to Kenny Payne, Robbie approached the Cobra Kai kid and his older brother at a batting cage. It didn’t take long for the conversation to turn into a confrontation. Although Robbie initially had to take on the Payne brothers alone, Miguel came in to provide backup. He also showed off his reflexes by punching a fastball right out of the air. It was amazing to see two former rivals unite against the Paynes. To make matters even better, Tory and Sam jumped in to help defend and de-escalate. While the battle ended without a winner, it was clear that the Miyagi-Do students had the advantage. The four of them together could definitely overcome any Paynes.

#7: Kreese Fights His Weakness

“The Prize”

During a martial arts test, the original cobra kai sensei got bitten by a snake. The reptile’s venom caused a realistic hallucination of Johnny Lawrence to appear. After concluding that his old student was his biggest weakness, Kreese fought the illusion. The sensei was able to deflect and redirect his student’s blows easily. And whenever Johnny slipped up, Kreese wasn’t afraid to strike hard and without mercy. Since their last real world fight made it clear the student had surpassed the master, we knew this dream duel was unrealistic. But it was still fun to watch Kreese live out his twisted martial fantasy for a moment. Time will tell if winning this mental battle will make the sensei a better fighter in the real world.

#6: Miyagi-Do Battle Royale


Only six students from each dojo could go to the Sekai Taikai. In order to select the top Miyagi-Do fighters, Barnes made them steal flags from allies without losing all their own. This test gave us a massive battle royale between the best of the best. Thanks to dynamic camera movement, it felt like we were right in the center of the action. The large-scale battle was also made up of tiny clashes that were ridiculously fun to watch. Since the stakes were so high, our eyes were glued to the scene to see who was in and out of the battle royale. Packed with great choreography and surprises, this exciting battle proved that Miyagi-Do’s students have come incredibly far.

#5: A Fantastic Fraternity Fight

“The Prize”

When Kyler discovered that all the hazing he endured for a fraternity would amount to nothing, he got a little petty revenge on one of its members. His small gesture quickly erupted into a big brawl. Fortunately, Kyler had Miguel, Hawk, Demetri, and Brucks there to help him take on an entire fraternity of enemies. The heroes made clever use of their environment to turn the tables on their opponents. Additionally, the team showed off their martial arts mastery by dodging hits and slithering out of tight spots. We never thought we’d see the day where heroes would team up with the obnoxious Kyler. But this fantastic fraternity fight made us glad that they put aside their pasts to make this unlikely alliance.

#4: A Clash of Classmates


Although Kwon was one of his dojo’s best fighters, his cocky nature and rebellious attitude kept him from being seen as the top student. But everything changed after Kreese encouraged him to prove he was the best. Kwon then decided to take on the dojo’s top fighters solo. The cocky student was skilled enough to taunt opponents while beating the living daylights out of them. Although Kwon was outnumbered during the entire fight, he was so dominating that it never felt like he was at a disadvantage. The fast and brutal choreography turned this dark fight into one of the shining jewels of “Part One”. By the end of the clash, we knew he had what it took to become a top series villain.

#3: Sam vs. Tory

“Best of the Best”

What should’ve been a friendly fight between rivals was tainted by tragedy. Just a day after Tory lost her mother, she had to duel Sam to see who would become Miyagi-Do’s female captain. At first, it seemed like the grief had overwhelmed the promising fighter. But when Tory started turning her rage into power, everyone realized that this clash had gotten all too real. The intense circumstances of the fight made each hit and block carry more weight. Additionally, Peyton List excelled at making Tory’s fight and grief feel achingly raw. It would’ve been great if Sam and Dory’s duel had gotten to conclude with one of the two women victorious. Even though it was interrupted, the match still made a huge impact on us.

#2: Johnny vs. Mike Barnes


It seemed like the Valley wasn’t big enough to hold two former Cobra Kai villains at once. After they had several public disagreements, Johnny tried to clear the air between them privately. However, they ended up trading insults and blows instead. We loved seeing these franchise antagonists finally get into a one-on-one next to a table saw. But this battle wasn’t just about fanservice. Underneath the surface, they dueled to see who had grown the most as a fighter. Johnny was only able to beat his opponent after he combined Miyagi-Do lessons with his personal style. His definitive win over Mike established that the sensei had evolved past his bad Cobra Kai teachings.

#1: Robby vs. Miguel

“Best of the Best”

Five and half seasons after this duo clashed over the All Valley Title, they battled to see who would take the first Miyagi-Do captain spot. Although they both had immense talent and great training, Miguel pulled out ahead at first. But Robby was able to get back into the battle after he centered himself once more. As soon as he tied the score, we moved to the edge of our seats. The duel’s stakes or choreography would’ve been enough to put it at the top. But what made it the best of the batch was Robby’s win. After watching him come up second so many times, it was immensely satisfying to see him celebrated as Miyagi-Do’s champion.

What fight do you want to see before the series ends? Let us know in the comments below.
