The 10 BEST Resident Evil Fan Games

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
"Resident Evil" fans have made some pretty thrilling games in their own right! For this list, we're looking at our favorite unofficial “Resident Evil” games put together by the fans. Our list includes “The Arklay Chronicles,” “Resident Evil: Wesker's Rebirth,” “Resident Evil: Containment,” and more!
Script written by Ty Richardson
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at the 10 Best “Resident Evil” Fan Games! For this list, we’re looking at our favorite unofficial “Resident Evil” games put together by the fans. Have you tried any of these games for yourself? Let us know down in the comments!
Show of hands - when you first saw Castle Dimitrescu, did anyone else get a bit of deja vu? It felt a lot like Capcom was putting in their own spin on “Castlevania”, didn’t it? It sort of provokes the thought of a game meshing “Resident Evil” with “Castlevania’s” gameplay. user “OcO” provides a small window into that kind of game with “Residentvania”, a recreation of the first “Castlevania’s” first level with the cast of “RE: Village”. It won’t take you long to play all the way through - only about ten minutes, but here’s hoping OcO expands upon the idea a bit…or someone else decides to plunge further down the rabbit hole.
Why, yes, we are counting mods! “Resident Evil: Cold Blood” is a big enough and fun enough mod for us to throw it on here. Since 2019, a small team of modders have been working on this co-op survival experience where players can explore Raccoon City and fight the outbreak together. While the mod does not appear to be playable at the time of this video, we’re amazed at the amount of effort that’s been put into making a more survival-focused “Resident Evil” experience. No updates have been given since February 2022, unfortunately. Let’s hope no one got DMCA’d.
For as popular as he is among the RE villains, you would think Capcom would have done some fun spin-off with Wesker or some DLC mode in one of the games. If you have ten or fifteen minutes to spare, you should really check out “Wesker’s Rebirth”. This “REHD” mod attempts to explain how Wesker escaped Arklay Research Facility and Spencer Mansion. Don’t be surprised if you have a hard time as creator AydanWatkins mentions the experience replicates the difficulty featured in the “4th Survivor” mode. Good luck!
For all the times “Resident Evil” goes from horror to action game, why not have a spin-off that’s completely out of left field? You know, maybe NOT a shooter? What would a “Resident Evil” beat ‘em up look like? Enter “Crisis Evil”, where you can beat on zombies as Jill or Chris. The best part here is that all of the sprite work is based on “Marvel vs. Capcom 2”, a fitting tribute to a franchise we haven’t seen in ages. And once you’re done with this bite-sized brawler, you can immediately jump into “Crisis Evil 2”, which gives RE2 the same arcadey treatment!
Demakes are pretty cool with how they can sometimes strip visual elements and rework the games we know and love into more archaic looking works. That’s part of the reason why we love “Resident Evil Demake”. From the menus to the level design, it almost feels like this was some lost prototype for “Resident Evil” before it debuted on the original PlayStation. Then, again, if you want a true NES horror experience that would go onto inspire “Resident Evil”, perhaps check out “Sweet Home” after you’re done with this?
Capcom hasn’t really explored the world of “Resident Evil” prior to the outbreak of the T-virus and Oroboros and the mold and every other crazy thing we’ve seen. Most of the time, events and locales are told to us after the fact. If you’re someone who wants to experience the nuances or revisit events through another character’s lens, “The Arklay Chronicles” might fit the bill. This fan-made prequel puts you in the shoes of several characters as they learn what happened in the Arklay Mountains at Spencer Mansion. With multiple endings and two chapters released, you might wind up spending hours digging into this one.
Yes, there is still more to experience during the events of the first “Resident Evil”. What happened that caused the outbreak? What got us into the troublesome Spencer Mansion? “Resident Evil: Revisited” tells the story of an Umbrella agent named Trent (yes, the same Trent from the books) as he is dispatched to investigate the Arklay facility. We won’t go into too many details so as not to spoil it, but those who can’t get enough lore ought to give this a download.
I know, I know. “Freakin’ Ty always has to put ‘DOOM’ somewhere on these lists.” Well, maybe folks need to stop making awesome “DOOM” mods of other IPs? “DOOM: The Mercenaries” will satisfy both fanbases, though. Play through the original 1993 “DOOM” but in the style of RE4’s “Mercenaries” mode. As awkward as it sounds on paper, the gameplay is surprisingly satisfying to play, and it was all assembled with the same janky animations and pixels as the classic FPS legend.
Now, one event we’d love to see, one that precedes events of “Resident Evil 2”, is the lead-up to the breakout. “During the Storm” focuses on those moments and what occurs after. You play as Kevin Ryman, the protagonist of “Resident Evil: Outbreak”, and must brave the dangers of the now-panicked Raccoon City to keep the survivors alive and healthy. This truly is a remarkable fan game, which is why it pains us to relay that development for the project has been canceled for the foreseeable future. According to “Resevilnemesis30”, the director of the nine-person team, the project was getting really ambitious and had already had “almost 1,000 hours of coding put into the two available demos”. In a note to the fans, “Resevilnemesis30” states that co-director TheMitu97 might develop the rest of the story into a comic series. The demos are still available to download for those interested.
Honestly, there’s only one reason you need to check out “Resident Evil: Containment” - Hunk. That’s right, Hunk is one of the two main stars of this fan game (the other being a member of the supposed cleanup crew, Ghost). AydanWatkins, the same mind that brought you “Wesker’s Rebirth” and a plethora of other RE fan games, weaves an adventure that might be his best work yet. With a prologue and three episodes making up the package, you essentially have a full game that every “Resident Evil” fan absolutely must play.
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at the 10 Best “Resident Evil” Fan Games! For this list, we’re looking at our favorite unofficial “Resident Evil” games put together by the fans. Have you tried any of these games for yourself? Let us know down in the comments!
Show of hands - when you first saw Castle Dimitrescu, did anyone else get a bit of deja vu? It felt a lot like Capcom was putting in their own spin on “Castlevania”, didn’t it? It sort of provokes the thought of a game meshing “Resident Evil” with “Castlevania’s” gameplay. user “OcO” provides a small window into that kind of game with “Residentvania”, a recreation of the first “Castlevania’s” first level with the cast of “RE: Village”. It won’t take you long to play all the way through - only about ten minutes, but here’s hoping OcO expands upon the idea a bit…or someone else decides to plunge further down the rabbit hole.
“Resident Evil: Cold Blood”
Why, yes, we are counting mods! “Resident Evil: Cold Blood” is a big enough and fun enough mod for us to throw it on here. Since 2019, a small team of modders have been working on this co-op survival experience where players can explore Raccoon City and fight the outbreak together. While the mod does not appear to be playable at the time of this video, we’re amazed at the amount of effort that’s been put into making a more survival-focused “Resident Evil” experience. No updates have been given since February 2022, unfortunately. Let’s hope no one got DMCA’d.
“Resident Evil: Wesker’s Rebirth”
For as popular as he is among the RE villains, you would think Capcom would have done some fun spin-off with Wesker or some DLC mode in one of the games. If you have ten or fifteen minutes to spare, you should really check out “Wesker’s Rebirth”. This “REHD” mod attempts to explain how Wesker escaped Arklay Research Facility and Spencer Mansion. Don’t be surprised if you have a hard time as creator AydanWatkins mentions the experience replicates the difficulty featured in the “4th Survivor” mode. Good luck!
“Crisis Evil”
For all the times “Resident Evil” goes from horror to action game, why not have a spin-off that’s completely out of left field? You know, maybe NOT a shooter? What would a “Resident Evil” beat ‘em up look like? Enter “Crisis Evil”, where you can beat on zombies as Jill or Chris. The best part here is that all of the sprite work is based on “Marvel vs. Capcom 2”, a fitting tribute to a franchise we haven’t seen in ages. And once you’re done with this bite-sized brawler, you can immediately jump into “Crisis Evil 2”, which gives RE2 the same arcadey treatment!
“Resident Evil Demake”
Demakes are pretty cool with how they can sometimes strip visual elements and rework the games we know and love into more archaic looking works. That’s part of the reason why we love “Resident Evil Demake”. From the menus to the level design, it almost feels like this was some lost prototype for “Resident Evil” before it debuted on the original PlayStation. Then, again, if you want a true NES horror experience that would go onto inspire “Resident Evil”, perhaps check out “Sweet Home” after you’re done with this?
“The Arklay Chronicles”
Capcom hasn’t really explored the world of “Resident Evil” prior to the outbreak of the T-virus and Oroboros and the mold and every other crazy thing we’ve seen. Most of the time, events and locales are told to us after the fact. If you’re someone who wants to experience the nuances or revisit events through another character’s lens, “The Arklay Chronicles” might fit the bill. This fan-made prequel puts you in the shoes of several characters as they learn what happened in the Arklay Mountains at Spencer Mansion. With multiple endings and two chapters released, you might wind up spending hours digging into this one.
“Resident Evil: Revisited”
Yes, there is still more to experience during the events of the first “Resident Evil”. What happened that caused the outbreak? What got us into the troublesome Spencer Mansion? “Resident Evil: Revisited” tells the story of an Umbrella agent named Trent (yes, the same Trent from the books) as he is dispatched to investigate the Arklay facility. We won’t go into too many details so as not to spoil it, but those who can’t get enough lore ought to give this a download.
“DOOM: The Mercenaries”
I know, I know. “Freakin’ Ty always has to put ‘DOOM’ somewhere on these lists.” Well, maybe folks need to stop making awesome “DOOM” mods of other IPs? “DOOM: The Mercenaries” will satisfy both fanbases, though. Play through the original 1993 “DOOM” but in the style of RE4’s “Mercenaries” mode. As awkward as it sounds on paper, the gameplay is surprisingly satisfying to play, and it was all assembled with the same janky animations and pixels as the classic FPS legend.
“During the Storm”
Now, one event we’d love to see, one that precedes events of “Resident Evil 2”, is the lead-up to the breakout. “During the Storm” focuses on those moments and what occurs after. You play as Kevin Ryman, the protagonist of “Resident Evil: Outbreak”, and must brave the dangers of the now-panicked Raccoon City to keep the survivors alive and healthy. This truly is a remarkable fan game, which is why it pains us to relay that development for the project has been canceled for the foreseeable future. According to “Resevilnemesis30”, the director of the nine-person team, the project was getting really ambitious and had already had “almost 1,000 hours of coding put into the two available demos”. In a note to the fans, “Resevilnemesis30” states that co-director TheMitu97 might develop the rest of the story into a comic series. The demos are still available to download for those interested.
“Resident Evil: Containment”
Honestly, there’s only one reason you need to check out “Resident Evil: Containment” - Hunk. That’s right, Hunk is one of the two main stars of this fan game (the other being a member of the supposed cleanup crew, Ghost). AydanWatkins, the same mind that brought you “Wesker’s Rebirth” and a plethora of other RE fan games, weaves an adventure that might be his best work yet. With a prologue and three episodes making up the package, you essentially have a full game that every “Resident Evil” fan absolutely must play.