What Your Favorite Resident Evil Game Says About You

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
You can learn a lot about someone based on their favorite Horror games. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we're taking a look at what your favorite “Resident Evil” game probably says about you and your gaming habits. We'll be going through each mainline game in the series, as well as spin-offs.
What Your Favorite Resident Evil Game Says About You
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at what your favorite “Resident Evil” game probably says about you and your gaming habits. Just keep in mind this is all in good fun. No harsh judgments here… maybe.
“Resident Evil” (1996)
For some, it can be hard to go back to a time where mechanics weren’t exactly refined. But for you, you see it differently. This was a time when “Resident Evil” was truly something special that few ever played, back when gaming was sort of this niche hobby and not so mainstream. You are probably also some kind of maniac who will defend tank controls until the bitter end even though you know how blasphemous they can be. God help you if Capcom ever decides to finally remake the very first game.
“Resident Evil 2” (1998)
Loving “Resident Evil 2” more than any other game in the franchise can mean one of two things. On one side of the coin, you’re a simp for Leon or Claire, or maybe both. On the other side, you enjoyed exploring a desolate police station that reveals some kind of conspiracy behind an evil corporation performing experiments underneath the station. You may also just enjoy all the crazy ideas between Mr. X stalking you around every corner and how Hunters were an immediate cause for panic whenever they spawned. Or perhaps you’ve been to a police station several times in your real life and felt cozy playing RE2, in which case, we might have some questions.
“Resident Evil 3: Nemesis” (1999)
We could easily chalk this one up to your love simping over Jill Valentine. You’re not wrong for doing so; we just hope it's healthy simping and not anything to do with Nemmy’s wrist tentacle. But in all seriousness, you might be the kind of player that enjoys horror games that make you feel like you’re in danger. You enjoy being the prey and having that extra level of challenge in trying to make the most of what little defense you have. If that’s the case, have you given “Clock Tower 3” or the “Silent Hill” games a try?
“Resident Evil: Code - Veronica” (2000)
When looking at the RE fanbase as a whole, the die-hard “Code - Veronica” fans are the hipsters of the bunch. These are the folks that go against the grain and try to champion the things they find truly special. However, some of this tunnel vision might cause you to obfuscate its glaring flaws or even the special aspects about the mainline RE games. There is something envious about this level of passion, but at some point, we have to wonder how much of this birthed from the desire to give Claire her own mainline game.
“Resident Evil: Survivor” (2000) & “Resident Evil: Dead Aim” (2003)
If you’re walking around saying “Survivor” or “Dead Aim” are your favorite “Resident Evil” games, then you need to be prepared for a few things. One: you are going to get weird reactions from die-hard fans who will start questioning your fandom. Two: you will probably be immediately dismissed as a “House of the Dead” fan who has infiltrated the Capcom waters. And three: you will be mocked for enjoying two games that most of the fanbase find to be some of the worst games in the franchise.
“Resident Evil: Gaiden” (2001)
Much like with “Survivor” and “Dead Aim”, your fellow RE fans might determine the kind of person you really are the second you claim that “Gaiden” is your favorite RE game. You might be asked if you have played any of the other games, if you owned any other console besides a Game Boy Color, and/or when you were dropped on your head as a child. Regardless of what answer you give, you might be trebuchet’d into Capcom’s offices for further interrogation.
“Resident Evil 0” (2002)
We can understand why someone would enjoy RE0 over the other games. Loneliness can elevate tension in horror games, and RE0 kind of mitigates that feeling entirely. Since you control both Rebecca and Billy, it never really feels like you’re alone. So, you might be the kind of player who enjoys a scary game but only when you’re in the presence of good company. And that is totally fair and valid! Horror isn’t for everyone. Just let us know if you prefer Huggies or Pampers.
“Resident Evil HD” (2002)
By saying RE HD is your favorite game in the franchise, you are not only making a safe choice, you may also be igniting a war between you and the RE1 purists. Don’t let that deter you, though. RE HD was one of the best games on GameCube, and the uncanny visuals add to the humor and horror of the original story. Just be mindful that you may come across some elitism between those who played the original game, those who played on GameCube, and those who played on modern hardware.
“Resident Evil: Outbreak” (2003)
You are one of the oddballs of the RE community and probably in many other communities. We can understand why you might enjoy “Outbreak” more than the others. Perhaps you’ve played too much of the mainline games and got bored of the same rigamarole. So, “Outbreak” was the choconilla mix you needed with its own cast and mechanics. We get it, and we wish more would enjoy “Outbreak” on the same level as you.
“Resident Evil 4” (2005)
If you enjoy RE4 more than any other game in the franchise, well, you are very much not alone. This is a game that is beloved by millions of people both in and outside the RE fanbase, and it’s easy for anyone to find enjoyment in it. It can be scary, it can be funny, and most of the time, it offers dumb fun with its mechanics and physics. You are very much someone who loves a diverse toybox where everything can do something with each other in different ways like shooting a stick of dynamite in a villager’s hand or suplexing an infected villager so hard their head explodes. Also, you probably enjoy bingo like a true psycho.
“Resident Evil: Deadly Silence” (2006)
A fourth faction has unknowingly entered the RE1 war! There aren’t many of them, but those who name “Deadly Silence” as their favorite carry a couple of assumptions about them. The first one is you must have been glued to your DS so much that you didn’t even give home consoles the time of the day. The second assumption is you just enjoyed the local multiplayer with a friend. Both are fine reasons to love this game, but you might have to make friends with the “Gaiden” fans.
“Resident Evil 5” (2009)
We can definitely see why someone might say RE5 is their favorite game in the franchise, but it may not be for the same kinds of reasons why fans of the other games love theirs. Much of the satisfaction of RE5 is in playing through the game with a friend. Playing alone is frustrating because of Sheva’s awful AI. The other enjoyment folks will find in RE5 is just the sheer ridiculousness on display and reliving the memes all over again. The boulder-punching, the “seven minutes” line, spamming “c’mon” or “gimme an egg”... RE5 is for the memelords and buddy comedy fans more than it is for RE fans.
“Resident Evil: The Mercenaries” (2011)
If you love this 3DS spin-off, you won’t be looked as harshly by other RE fans…maybe. You are probably the kind of player that values gameplay the most and couldn’t care about story, presentation, atmosphere, or anything else. You’re here for a satisfying combat system and to play for a high score whether it's your own or someone else’s. So long as you know you’re missing out on what makes “Resident Evil” what it is, then by all means, you do you.
“Resident Evil 6” (2012)
We know some of you are out there. Somewhere, there is a group of RE fans who swear that RE6 was not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. This section of the community chooses to remain silent and hide in the shadows because they know even the RE5 fans will break out their pitchforks. They don’t even breathe when in the presence of older fans from the PS1 and N64 days. And it's because they know it’s heresy to say RE6 is worth loving, not when only a fraction of the game is genuinely decent. You always gotta be suspicious of the quiet ones…
“Resident Evil: Revelations” (2012)
It’s kind of hard to judge anyone who loves “Revelations”. Yeah, the story could get a little weird at times, but for the most part, this game was damn good! For those who choose this over every other RE title, it isn’t a bad choice, but we have one question: do you enjoy horror games and movies that take place underwater? Do you have some morbid curiosity about the monsters that lurk in the water? You do know humans don’t belong in the water, right? Well, if the underwater setting had nothing to do with your love for this game, then you were probably just someone who spent a lot of time on their 3DS.
“Resident Evil: Revelations 2” (2015)
Those who love “Revelations 2” the most are some kind of weird hybrid between the “Revelations” fanbase and the “Mercenaries 3D” crowd. You probably didn’t enjoy this game for the story or even its puzzles. You probably enjoyed it for the replayability and trying to shoot for higher ranks in the main story and post-game modes. That isn’t a bad thing - we just want what’s best for you. So if you really want to be a hardcore “Revelations 2” fan, so be it.
“Resident Evil: Biohazard” (2017)
If RE7 was your favorite game, you were probably a fan of other survival horror games before this one. You perhaps started with “Amnesia”, “Alien: Isolation”, “Dying Light”, or some other game. This was the first time RE looked appealing to you, and you may have even taken a liking to Ethan Winters. Honestly, you could not have chosen a better time to jump into the franchise as this was the game that rejuvenated interest in both Capcom and the general public.
“Resident Evil: Village” (2021)
The die-hard fans of “Village” are divided into three sections. The first third are the folks who are coming from the previous game and want to see how Ethan Winters’ story closes. The second third are RE4 fans who saw traits of RE4 in “Village” and wanted to see how Capcom approached this setting a second time. As for the remaining third, these are the vampire mommy simps that made Capcom’s marketing team lean super heavy into using Lady D as the game’s mascot. We’ll let you all decide who is who.
“Resident Evil Re:Verse” (2022)
It’s one thing to love “Gaiden”, “Mercenaries”, or even RE6 more than any other RE game in existence. It’s another to come out and profess your love for a game like “Re:Verse”. At that point, everyone has the right to start asking if you even like “Resident Evil” or even know what it is. You aren’t going to get trebuchet’d into Capcom’s offices. No, you’re going to space where no one can hear your fake opinion. Maybe you’ll be allowed back to Earth if you can prove Pluto is inhabited by aliens. Then, you can tell us all about how they love “Re:Verse” just like you.
The REmakes (2019-)
If the remakes for RE2, 3, or 4 are your favorites, well, let us end things here by saying welcome to the “Resident Evil” community! We have hot sandwiches, big hulking best friends, and an assortment of sexy authority figures from the police, military, and hospital for you to simp for. Things have been perfect since the series started in 1996, and we’ve never had a crappy multiplayer spin-off or a garbage PvP game aimed at eSports players. We are the perfect community, and we are so glad you have joined us for the ride! Now, tell us why you think Leon and Jill are the best video game characters ever made.
So, which “Resident Evil” game is your favorite? Nah, don’t be ashamed! Go ahead and let us know down in the comments below, and be sure to subscribe to MojoPlays for more great videos everyday… assuming the other RE fans don’t get to you.