Most HATED Video Game Trailers

VOICE OVER: Adrian Sousa
WRITTEN BY: Nathan Sharp
Don't disappoint video game fans. There will be hell to pay. Welcome to MojoPlays! Today we're looking at video game related trailers that fans hated. These trailers can either be for video games themselves or for video game movie adaptations.
Don’t disappoint video game fans. There will be hell to pay. Welcome to MojoPlays! Today we’re looking at video game related trailers that fans hated. These trailers can either be for video games themselves or for video game movie adaptations.
“Mighty No. 9” Masterclass Trailer
“Mighty No. 9” was one of the pioneers of the Kickstarter campaign. People were excited for a fresh “Mega Man”-style game, and the creator promised an unprecedented look into the development process. It was an intriguing prospect, both from a game and a design perspective. However, the game suffered from numerous delays, and interest began to wane. That interest all but disappeared with the release of the infamous Masterclass trailer. The trailer was met with pure vitriol, as many criticized the corny voiceover, the stupid jokes, and the particular line, “Make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night,” which many found to be in bad taste. The game was released the following month to a whimper, as all hype in the title was officially deflated.
“Contra Rogue Corps” Official Red Band Premiere Trailer
If “Contra Rogue Corps” proves anything, it’s that you can’t just slap the name of a beloved series onto a new game and expect its fans to come. This trailer was NOT something that old school “Contra” fans were expecting, as it contained a bright and “Fortnite”-esque visual design, corny characters, and graphics straight from 2005. The boring and cliché promotional taglines like “battle aliens,” “kill everything,” and “save the world!” certainly didn’t help, either. It looked nothing like the “Contra” of old, and fans were not having it. It’s fitting that they used Twisted Sister’s We’re Not Gonna Take It in the trailer, because we’re certainly not gonna take this nonsense.
“Sonic the Hedgehog” Movie Trailer
It’s no secret that video games and movies do not have a harmonious relationship. Hollywood has been attempting to adapt video games for the big screen since the early 90s, and aside from MAYBE one or two passable releases, the experiment has been a complete and total failure. So it’s no surprise that fans were waiting with bated breath and hoping that “Sonic the Hedgehog” would break the painful and protracted cycle, but all those hopes were dashed upon glancing at the horrendous and humanoid Sonic design. It caused such an intense backlash on the internet that Paramount delayed the movie to completely redesign Sonic’s physical appearance. Ah, the power of the internet.
“Metroid Prime: Federation Force” E3 2015 Trailer
By 2015, “Metroid” fans were practically begging for some new content. The latest entry in the series, “Metroid: Other M,” was released in 2010, and even that was considered a disappointment by some. Luckily, their wish was finally granted at E3, when Nintendo unveiled the trailer for the upcoming “Metroid Prime: Federation Force.” Unluckily, it was absolutely not what the fans were wanting. It looked nothing like traditional “Metroid,” it valued multiplayer (including a new soccer-based game mode called Blast Ball!), and the graphics were borderline insulting, even for a 3DS exclusive. Everyone hated it, a petition was made demanding the game be cancelled, and “Federation Force” ended up receiving middling reviews upon release. The whole enterprise was a disaster.
“Command and Conquer: Rivals” Reveal Trailer
If the “Federation Force” debacle taught us anything, it’s that they should just stop making cheap and pointless portable spinoffs of beloved franchises. EA has been on some real thin ice lately, and “Command & Conquer: Rivals” certainly didn’t do anything to bolster their reputation. Fans of the “Command & Conquer” series hated that EA had turned their beloved series into a free-to-play mobile game, and despite the trailer’s visual quality, it was bombarded with dislikes from disappointed fans. The comments ranged from calling the game a disgrace to stating that EA is the worst company in the world. Ironically, the game received pretty good reviews upon release, but it was far too late. The damage had already been done.
“Diablo Immortal” Gameplay Trailer
And the trend continues with “Diablo Immortal.” Oh Blizzard, what happened to you? The “Diablo Immortal” gameplay trailer was revealed in November 2018, and like both “Federation Force” and “Rivals,” it was met with great hostility. Fans were clamoring for a beefy and monumental announcement, only to met with some crappy-looking online multiplayer mobile game that absolutely no one asked for. The response at BlizzCon was particularly antagonistic, complete with audible boos from the audience and the now-infamous statement, “Do you guys not have phones!?” Yes, Blizzard, we have phones. We just don’t want to play this cheap mobile crap.
“Commander Keen” E3 Announce Trailer
While their reputation has tanked recently (thanks mostly to the atrocity that was “Fallout 76”), it seems as if the “Commander Keen” announcement trailer served as the official death knell of the once great company for many long time fans. Fans detested the tone-deaf trailer that made the game look like a Saturday morning cartoon, and many decried both the direction of the “Commander Keen” series and Bethesda in general. And, yes, it’s yet ANOTHER crappy mobile game based on a beloved series. The industry REALLY isn’t getting the message. Maybe they will once all the classic franchises have been killed and buried.
“Doom: Annihilation” Movie Trailer
Despite its surprisingly great cast, the “Doom” movie is a mess. A guilty pleasure, maybe, but a mess, nonetheless. Some fans have been clamoring for a proper adaptation of the game’s story, and it seems like they finally got that with the new (and horribly titled) “Doom: Annihilation.” Only, the movie’s trailer made it look like utter nonsense, complete with some terrible D-level acting and shoddy visual effects work. Basically, it looks exactly how you would expect a cheap direct-to-video adaptation to look. The trailer and its reception were so bad that id Software distanced themselves from the disaster, tweeting, “We’re not involved with the movie.” Why can’t they just make a good “Doom” movie!? We’re really not expecting Shakespeare here, just…something better than this!
“Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare” Reveal Trailer
This infamous trailer is now in the annals of video game history. Released back in May of 2016, the “Infinite Warfare” trailer was met with incredible backlash and has since amassed nearly four million dislikes on YouTube, making it the sixth most disliked video in the site’s history. It still holds the distinction of being the most disliked gaming-related video, which is quite the feat considering how much crap has come out since its release. Funnily enough, the game received quite favorable reviews, but regardless of the game’s quality, the trailer was widely detested, and the message was clear – simply changing the setting will not alleviate franchise fatigue. In fact, it may only make the whole situation worse.
“Mighty No. 9” Masterclass Trailer
“Mighty No. 9” was one of the pioneers of the Kickstarter campaign. People were excited for a fresh “Mega Man”-style game, and the creator promised an unprecedented look into the development process. It was an intriguing prospect, both from a game and a design perspective. However, the game suffered from numerous delays, and interest began to wane. That interest all but disappeared with the release of the infamous Masterclass trailer. The trailer was met with pure vitriol, as many criticized the corny voiceover, the stupid jokes, and the particular line, “Make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night,” which many found to be in bad taste. The game was released the following month to a whimper, as all hype in the title was officially deflated.
“Contra Rogue Corps” Official Red Band Premiere Trailer
If “Contra Rogue Corps” proves anything, it’s that you can’t just slap the name of a beloved series onto a new game and expect its fans to come. This trailer was NOT something that old school “Contra” fans were expecting, as it contained a bright and “Fortnite”-esque visual design, corny characters, and graphics straight from 2005. The boring and cliché promotional taglines like “battle aliens,” “kill everything,” and “save the world!” certainly didn’t help, either. It looked nothing like the “Contra” of old, and fans were not having it. It’s fitting that they used Twisted Sister’s We’re Not Gonna Take It in the trailer, because we’re certainly not gonna take this nonsense.
“Sonic the Hedgehog” Movie Trailer
It’s no secret that video games and movies do not have a harmonious relationship. Hollywood has been attempting to adapt video games for the big screen since the early 90s, and aside from MAYBE one or two passable releases, the experiment has been a complete and total failure. So it’s no surprise that fans were waiting with bated breath and hoping that “Sonic the Hedgehog” would break the painful and protracted cycle, but all those hopes were dashed upon glancing at the horrendous and humanoid Sonic design. It caused such an intense backlash on the internet that Paramount delayed the movie to completely redesign Sonic’s physical appearance. Ah, the power of the internet.
“Metroid Prime: Federation Force” E3 2015 Trailer
By 2015, “Metroid” fans were practically begging for some new content. The latest entry in the series, “Metroid: Other M,” was released in 2010, and even that was considered a disappointment by some. Luckily, their wish was finally granted at E3, when Nintendo unveiled the trailer for the upcoming “Metroid Prime: Federation Force.” Unluckily, it was absolutely not what the fans were wanting. It looked nothing like traditional “Metroid,” it valued multiplayer (including a new soccer-based game mode called Blast Ball!), and the graphics were borderline insulting, even for a 3DS exclusive. Everyone hated it, a petition was made demanding the game be cancelled, and “Federation Force” ended up receiving middling reviews upon release. The whole enterprise was a disaster.
“Command and Conquer: Rivals” Reveal Trailer
If the “Federation Force” debacle taught us anything, it’s that they should just stop making cheap and pointless portable spinoffs of beloved franchises. EA has been on some real thin ice lately, and “Command & Conquer: Rivals” certainly didn’t do anything to bolster their reputation. Fans of the “Command & Conquer” series hated that EA had turned their beloved series into a free-to-play mobile game, and despite the trailer’s visual quality, it was bombarded with dislikes from disappointed fans. The comments ranged from calling the game a disgrace to stating that EA is the worst company in the world. Ironically, the game received pretty good reviews upon release, but it was far too late. The damage had already been done.
“Diablo Immortal” Gameplay Trailer
And the trend continues with “Diablo Immortal.” Oh Blizzard, what happened to you? The “Diablo Immortal” gameplay trailer was revealed in November 2018, and like both “Federation Force” and “Rivals,” it was met with great hostility. Fans were clamoring for a beefy and monumental announcement, only to met with some crappy-looking online multiplayer mobile game that absolutely no one asked for. The response at BlizzCon was particularly antagonistic, complete with audible boos from the audience and the now-infamous statement, “Do you guys not have phones!?” Yes, Blizzard, we have phones. We just don’t want to play this cheap mobile crap.
“Commander Keen” E3 Announce Trailer
While their reputation has tanked recently (thanks mostly to the atrocity that was “Fallout 76”), it seems as if the “Commander Keen” announcement trailer served as the official death knell of the once great company for many long time fans. Fans detested the tone-deaf trailer that made the game look like a Saturday morning cartoon, and many decried both the direction of the “Commander Keen” series and Bethesda in general. And, yes, it’s yet ANOTHER crappy mobile game based on a beloved series. The industry REALLY isn’t getting the message. Maybe they will once all the classic franchises have been killed and buried.
“Doom: Annihilation” Movie Trailer
Despite its surprisingly great cast, the “Doom” movie is a mess. A guilty pleasure, maybe, but a mess, nonetheless. Some fans have been clamoring for a proper adaptation of the game’s story, and it seems like they finally got that with the new (and horribly titled) “Doom: Annihilation.” Only, the movie’s trailer made it look like utter nonsense, complete with some terrible D-level acting and shoddy visual effects work. Basically, it looks exactly how you would expect a cheap direct-to-video adaptation to look. The trailer and its reception were so bad that id Software distanced themselves from the disaster, tweeting, “We’re not involved with the movie.” Why can’t they just make a good “Doom” movie!? We’re really not expecting Shakespeare here, just…something better than this!
“Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare” Reveal Trailer
This infamous trailer is now in the annals of video game history. Released back in May of 2016, the “Infinite Warfare” trailer was met with incredible backlash and has since amassed nearly four million dislikes on YouTube, making it the sixth most disliked video in the site’s history. It still holds the distinction of being the most disliked gaming-related video, which is quite the feat considering how much crap has come out since its release. Funnily enough, the game received quite favorable reviews, but regardless of the game’s quality, the trailer was widely detested, and the message was clear – simply changing the setting will not alleviate franchise fatigue. In fact, it may only make the whole situation worse.