The 10 SADDEST Moments in Spider-Man Games

VOICE OVER: Mathew Arter
WRITTEN BY: Mathew Arter
Just like the comics and movies, Spider-Man games have featured some tragic moments. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we'll be looking at the most tear jerking things to happen to Peter and his fellow Spider-Men in video games. Our list of the most heartbreaking moments in Spider-Man games includes the Anti-Hero Ending from “Spider-Man: Web of Shadows” (2008), May's Sacrifice from “Marvel's Spider-Man” (2018), The Death of Spider-Man from “Spider-Man: Edge of Time” (2011), and more!
Script written by Mathew Arter
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we are grabbing our tissues and taking a look at the 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments in Spider-Man Games. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most tear jerking things to happen to Peter and his fellow Spider-Men. With great power comes great responsibility, and Spider-Man learns this lesson more than the average super hero, through loss and heartbreak on an unending loop. Let’s try not to cry too much today. Which of these moments broke your heart the most? Let us know in the comments below.
NYPD Captain Yuri Watanabe is the close confidant of Spider-Man throughout the 2018 game. Getting a call from her always means high quality banter and even higher quality intel. During the events of the “Spider-Man” DLC, ‘The City that Never Sleeps,’ the player watches the descent of Yuri’s morals after crime boss Hammerhead brutally kills most of her men. She gets short-lived vengeance before the villain is resurrected. And Yuri continues down a dark path by murdering one of his enforcers, who she leaves tied up with evidence of his crimes scattered around him. Listening to the recordings of Yuri as well as slowly watching her descent into madness is as brutal to the player as it is to Peter.
Much like Uncle Ben to Peter, Rick Mason was a guardian to Phin, as well as her older brother. Watching good people lose their lives to evil is a constant theme throughout Spider-Man, and Rick’s death in “Spider-Man: Miles Morales” was not able to escape it. As a supportive and kind older brother figure to Miles as well, seeing Rick show up from time to time to shine nothing but light whenever he’s on screen always warms the player’s heart. In found footage, the player witnesses Rick’s death at the hands of Simon Kreiger, where in a final moment of bravery, he attempts to shut the reactor down. His toe curling screams and pleas for his younger sister to “look away” while he sacrificed himself, will haunt us for years to come.
During one of the Miles sections of 2018’s “Spider-Man,” we witness a terrorist bombing perpetrated by Mr. Negative. After we see Miles’ father attempt to lessen the blast impact on his fellow officers, we fade to black and into the eyes and ears of an unconscious Miles. This scene perfectly captures the (soon to be) two Spider-Men in a mirroring moment, with Miles' mother thanking god for her son's survival, while we (as Miles) hear this stranger (Mary Jane) pleading for Peter to be okay. We never see Peter wake up, and having to leave Mary Jane begging for Peter is both an incredibly heartbreaking moment, and a reminder that everyone has their own story and their own path, even in Spider-Man’s world. Luckily Peter is okay .. Other people however, well we’ll get to that a bit later on.
Spider-Man game fans had been pretty lucky up until this point to not have to live one of the most upsetting moments in Marvel history as Spider-Man. Players experienced a good amount of whiplash in “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” when the game unexpectedly opened with a flashback. To the player, they were simply Peter walking out of a store, but when a thief followed close behind and the shopkeeper gave us a hard time, we knew what was coming. In a brilliant voice acting performance by Sam Riegel, we got another brutal take on arguably the most infamous comic book death of all time. Damn it Spider-Man, why couldn’t you have just stopped that guy.
“Spider-Man: Edge of Time” is a game all about changing fate. In an opening scene that is as brutal as it is heartbreaking, Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099) witnesses a possible future for our original friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Peter Parker. Eddie Brock as Anti-Venom takes on the player as Peter, and no matter how well you handle the gameplay, the outcome is always the same. Venom viciously beats Peter into a pulp, and in the final moments of this flashback, we see our hero dead and torn apart in the arms of Miguel O’Hara. And the rest of the game is spent trying to prevent this tragedy from happening.
Let’s finish this heartbreaking moment from earlier with a bow of sadness thrown on top! After the explosion at City Hall that Miles’ Dad bravely protected his fellow officers from, Miles approaches the explosion zone to see his father’s lifeless body bloodied and still. The game protects us from seeing what the blast did to the brave Jefferson Davis, instead opting to show us the pained and broken expression that washes over Miles’ face as he pleads for his father to wake up. The funeral that immediately follows is a bittersweet moment as we see Peter is okay, but Miles is far from it. Jumping straight into Spider-Man’s story as an adult was supposed to protect us from these brutal origin stories, but then Miles HAD TO break our hearts.
“Web of Shadows” is a game that can actually have a lot of heartbreaking endings, depending on your temperament. Sure, it’s difficult as a player to watch Peter in the evil ending vow that he will get Mary Jane back and that no one will ever “say no” to him again. But for this ending to happen, you would really have to make decisions that meant, by this point, you’ve probably decided what kind of Spider-Man you are. The anti-hero ending is a little less black and white, with Peter leaving a voice message for Mary Jane that shows us he knows he’s made the wrong decisions, and wishes she could understand. We watch the lonely Spider-Man stroll away, and our hearts break for him … shoulda just gone evil Peter.
I feel like we could make a list of heartbreaking Spider-Man moments, and just use Insomniac’s games. Throughout the 2018 installment, we get a much longer and drawn out look at Dr. Octavius and his relationship with Peter. Although it’s nice to spend more time with the kind doctor before things go bad, it does make his ending far sadder for the player, and obviously Peter. After defeating him in a brutal fight, we strip the man of his tools and leave him lowly and weak. Seeing Doc Ock back to just a frail man is heartbreaking enough, but listening to his cries and pleas as a heartbroken Peter realizes he can’t help his old mentor anymore is a whole lot of hurt for our little gamer hearts. Me personally? I’d have thumped him over the head with a rolled up newspaper .. He was being a turd!
During the events of “Spider-Man: Miles Morales,” we watch the degradation and downfall of our dear friend Phin. Much like many Spider-Man villains, she starts her mission of destruction from a place of altruism before she quickly loses sight and is taken over by anger. From this point, it is very easy for the player to hate her. In the final moments of this game's story, Phin sees our protagonist Miles absorb the power of the reactor in an effort to protect the city. With Miles unable to hold it in, Phin sacrifices herself by getting Miles to a safe distance and telling him to let the blast go. Phin’s sacrifice, her caring nature towards Miles in this moment, and having to watch Miles let the power go and kill his own friend, is the perfect recipe for an absolute tear jerker sandwich. I should have just ordered the soup.
I can’t express to you enough how much I was crying while writing this, after rewatching this scene for probably the 10th time. Not only is this the most heartbreaking moment in any Spider-Man game, but it’s one of the most heartbreaking moments in a game period. In a final conversation with a dying Aunt May, she reveals that she’s known Peter was Spider-Man for some time with the infamous line, “I want to see my nephew.” In her final moments, she tells Peter that she is unbelievably proud of the man he’s become, and that Uncle Ben would be too. Watching Peter fight with the decision of whether to use the antidote to save Aunt May, or use it to save the city, is (and I’m sorry to use this word for the 100th time) heartbreaking. Peters sobbing as May passes is a moment that will live with gamers for as long as they live.
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we are grabbing our tissues and taking a look at the 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments in Spider-Man Games. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most tear jerking things to happen to Peter and his fellow Spider-Men. With great power comes great responsibility, and Spider-Man learns this lesson more than the average super hero, through loss and heartbreak on an unending loop. Let’s try not to cry too much today. Which of these moments broke your heart the most? Let us know in the comments below.
Yuri Becomes Wraith
“Marvel’s Spider-Man” (2018)NYPD Captain Yuri Watanabe is the close confidant of Spider-Man throughout the 2018 game. Getting a call from her always means high quality banter and even higher quality intel. During the events of the “Spider-Man” DLC, ‘The City that Never Sleeps,’ the player watches the descent of Yuri’s morals after crime boss Hammerhead brutally kills most of her men. She gets short-lived vengeance before the villain is resurrected. And Yuri continues down a dark path by murdering one of his enforcers, who she leaves tied up with evidence of his crimes scattered around him. Listening to the recordings of Yuri as well as slowly watching her descent into madness is as brutal to the player as it is to Peter.
Rick’s Death
“Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales” (2020)Much like Uncle Ben to Peter, Rick Mason was a guardian to Phin, as well as her older brother. Watching good people lose their lives to evil is a constant theme throughout Spider-Man, and Rick’s death in “Spider-Man: Miles Morales” was not able to escape it. As a supportive and kind older brother figure to Miles as well, seeing Rick show up from time to time to shine nothing but light whenever he’s on screen always warms the player’s heart. In found footage, the player witnesses Rick’s death at the hands of Simon Kreiger, where in a final moment of bravery, he attempts to shut the reactor down. His toe curling screams and pleas for his younger sister to “look away” while he sacrificed himself, will haunt us for years to come.
Stay with Me
“Marvel’s Spider-Man” (2018)During one of the Miles sections of 2018’s “Spider-Man,” we witness a terrorist bombing perpetrated by Mr. Negative. After we see Miles’ father attempt to lessen the blast impact on his fellow officers, we fade to black and into the eyes and ears of an unconscious Miles. This scene perfectly captures the (soon to be) two Spider-Men in a mirroring moment, with Miles' mother thanking god for her son's survival, while we (as Miles) hear this stranger (Mary Jane) pleading for Peter to be okay. We never see Peter wake up, and having to leave Mary Jane begging for Peter is both an incredibly heartbreaking moment, and a reminder that everyone has their own story and their own path, even in Spider-Man’s world. Luckily Peter is okay .. Other people however, well we’ll get to that a bit later on.
Uncle Ben’s Death
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (2014)Spider-Man game fans had been pretty lucky up until this point to not have to live one of the most upsetting moments in Marvel history as Spider-Man. Players experienced a good amount of whiplash in “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” when the game unexpectedly opened with a flashback. To the player, they were simply Peter walking out of a store, but when a thief followed close behind and the shopkeeper gave us a hard time, we knew what was coming. In a brilliant voice acting performance by Sam Riegel, we got another brutal take on arguably the most infamous comic book death of all time. Damn it Spider-Man, why couldn’t you have just stopped that guy.
The Death of Spider-Man
“Spider-Man: Edge of Time” (2011)“Spider-Man: Edge of Time” is a game all about changing fate. In an opening scene that is as brutal as it is heartbreaking, Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099) witnesses a possible future for our original friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Peter Parker. Eddie Brock as Anti-Venom takes on the player as Peter, and no matter how well you handle the gameplay, the outcome is always the same. Venom viciously beats Peter into a pulp, and in the final moments of this flashback, we see our hero dead and torn apart in the arms of Miguel O’Hara. And the rest of the game is spent trying to prevent this tragedy from happening.
Miles’ Dad
“Marvel’s Spider-Man” (2018)Let’s finish this heartbreaking moment from earlier with a bow of sadness thrown on top! After the explosion at City Hall that Miles’ Dad bravely protected his fellow officers from, Miles approaches the explosion zone to see his father’s lifeless body bloodied and still. The game protects us from seeing what the blast did to the brave Jefferson Davis, instead opting to show us the pained and broken expression that washes over Miles’ face as he pleads for his father to wake up. The funeral that immediately follows is a bittersweet moment as we see Peter is okay, but Miles is far from it. Jumping straight into Spider-Man’s story as an adult was supposed to protect us from these brutal origin stories, but then Miles HAD TO break our hearts.
Anti-Hero Ending
“Spider-Man: Web of Shadows” (2008)“Web of Shadows” is a game that can actually have a lot of heartbreaking endings, depending on your temperament. Sure, it’s difficult as a player to watch Peter in the evil ending vow that he will get Mary Jane back and that no one will ever “say no” to him again. But for this ending to happen, you would really have to make decisions that meant, by this point, you’ve probably decided what kind of Spider-Man you are. The anti-hero ending is a little less black and white, with Peter leaving a voice message for Mary Jane that shows us he knows he’s made the wrong decisions, and wishes she could understand. We watch the lonely Spider-Man stroll away, and our hearts break for him … shoulda just gone evil Peter.
Losing a Mentor
“Marvel’s Spider-Man” (2018)I feel like we could make a list of heartbreaking Spider-Man moments, and just use Insomniac’s games. Throughout the 2018 installment, we get a much longer and drawn out look at Dr. Octavius and his relationship with Peter. Although it’s nice to spend more time with the kind doctor before things go bad, it does make his ending far sadder for the player, and obviously Peter. After defeating him in a brutal fight, we strip the man of his tools and leave him lowly and weak. Seeing Doc Ock back to just a frail man is heartbreaking enough, but listening to his cries and pleas as a heartbroken Peter realizes he can’t help his old mentor anymore is a whole lot of hurt for our little gamer hearts. Me personally? I’d have thumped him over the head with a rolled up newspaper .. He was being a turd!
The Death of Phin
“Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales” (2020)During the events of “Spider-Man: Miles Morales,” we watch the degradation and downfall of our dear friend Phin. Much like many Spider-Man villains, she starts her mission of destruction from a place of altruism before she quickly loses sight and is taken over by anger. From this point, it is very easy for the player to hate her. In the final moments of this game's story, Phin sees our protagonist Miles absorb the power of the reactor in an effort to protect the city. With Miles unable to hold it in, Phin sacrifices herself by getting Miles to a safe distance and telling him to let the blast go. Phin’s sacrifice, her caring nature towards Miles in this moment, and having to watch Miles let the power go and kill his own friend, is the perfect recipe for an absolute tear jerker sandwich. I should have just ordered the soup.
May’s Sacrifice
“Marvel’s Spider-Man” (2018)I can’t express to you enough how much I was crying while writing this, after rewatching this scene for probably the 10th time. Not only is this the most heartbreaking moment in any Spider-Man game, but it’s one of the most heartbreaking moments in a game period. In a final conversation with a dying Aunt May, she reveals that she’s known Peter was Spider-Man for some time with the infamous line, “I want to see my nephew.” In her final moments, she tells Peter that she is unbelievably proud of the man he’s become, and that Uncle Ben would be too. Watching Peter fight with the decision of whether to use the antidote to save Aunt May, or use it to save the city, is (and I’m sorry to use this word for the 100th time) heartbreaking. Peters sobbing as May passes is a moment that will live with gamers for as long as they live.