Top 10 Best Spider-Man Games

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Amazing Spider-Man Video Games!
#10: “Spider-Man” (2000)
We'll be the first to admit that this PS1/N64 classic probably hasn't held up too well with its controls. Just look at the wall-crawling. However, we love this game primarily because of how it finally let us live out those Spidey adventures we spent years reading. Seeing our favorite villains in action and ready to fight was incredibly exciting, and with Stan Lee narrating, it truly felt like we were living out our comic book fantasy. Plus, the corny voice acting still hits us a certain way regardless of how archaic it may seem to younger audiences.
#9: “Spider-Man: Web of Shadows” (2008)
You don't necessarily play "Web of Shadows" for the story or the combat. No, you play "Web of Shadows" for the utter ridiculousness that’s on display. We mean that in a positive way, too! "Web of Shadows" has some of the hokey, edgelord attitude that we saw in "Spider-Man 3". The difference between the two is that the game is way more fun than the movie. Even with questionable voice acting and writing, it's all smiles when you start using pedestrians to slide on and fight symbiote versions of your friends. It’s complete and total chaos in this game, but that’s what makes "Web of Shadows" such a fun and unforgettable experience.
#8: “Spider-Man” (2002)
We really got to give some love to the first game based on the Sam Raimi movies! "Spider-Man" for PS2, Xbox, and GameCube was simply remarkable in its scope and execution. Whereas the PS1/N64 "Spider-Man" nailed the tone and general gameplay, this title took it a step further by giving us complete freedom to swing around and explore New York. On top of that, you had spectacular unlockables like the Green Goblin campaign, a first-person camera mode, and even the ability to play as MJ! Plus you had the legendary Bruce Campbell as your tutorial guide!
#7: “Spider-Man: Mysterio’s Menace” (2001)
The handheld games really don't get a ton of love, and "Mysterio's Menace" is the one that’s unfairly overshadowed the most. This GBA title boasted some impressive visuals and audio design, a rarity amongst many third-party GBA games especially licensed ones. And even though it's a pretty short game, the level design, bosses, and controls make it thoroughly enjoyable to play. Besides, how often does Mysterio get to make a meaningful appearance and not be played up for laughs or dismissed to the role of an early boss?
#6: “Ultimate Spider-Man” (2005)
What do you get when you take the open world design of the Spider-Man movie games and give it a less-realistic artstyle? You get this tough cookie! "Ultimate Spider-Man" was exceptional in how it managed to introduce even more cool ideas to this new 3D era of the webslinger. Case in point, you can play as VENOM! So, if you wanted to be the hero of New York, then sure, be Spidey. But if you wanna tear stuff apart and eat people, it’s Venom all the way! The only reason this isn't higher is because the boss fights can be aggravating in the worst ways possible. Best to keep a cool head if you revisit this.
#5: “Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions” (2010)
Activision really had their studios go through a bizarre era of experimental Spidey games. Thankfully, they worked (for the most part), and of them all, "Shattered Dimensions" was an absolute blast! Here, you get to play as four versions of the webslinger, each playing differently from each other and having unique focuses for their levels. So, you have your mix of stealth, massive combat encounters, and a plethora of powers to play with on top of incredible redesigns of various villains. "Shattered Dimensions" was just filled to the brim with creativity and passion, and it's why so many swear by the game to this day.
#4: “Spider-Man 2” (2004)
Activision's "Spider-Man 2" was long heralded as the best Spider-Man video game, and it isn't hard to see why. Once again, we were given a recreation of Manhattan to swing around and play in. This time, the controls were tighter, the side missions had a bigger scope, more allies and villains were stuffed in despite not being in the movie, and who could forget those enjoyable pizza delivery missions. You had a video game based on the best Spidey movie ever coupled with a ton of amazing ideas to give players more to do. What more could you ask for?
#3: “Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales” (2020)
In all honesty, "Miles Morales" could have had a way better story than it turned out to be. But regardless of how one may feel about the Tinkerer's underwhelming reveal, the game still flourished with its new ideas. Venom powers, invisibility, and boss fights with foes like the Prowler made "Miles Morales" just as fun as the 2018 game. Even though the game is significantly shorter, we were more than happy to spend our time with what may be the first Spider-Man game NOT focused on Peter Parker.
#2: “Marvel’s Spider-Man” (2018)
Back in 2018, Insomniac Games did the unthinkable and managed to outdo Activision's "Spider-Man 2". How so? By making it the ultimate Spidey experience. Swing around Manhattan, stop crimes committed by criminals, utilize gadgets to investigate areas, making fights more interesting…and of course the suits! Oh, the glorious wardrobe of suits from movies, TV, and various comics! It was a massive love letter to the webhead from head to toe, and yet, somehow, they have outdone themselves.
#1: “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2” (2023)
Well, they went and did it again. The mad brilliance from Insomniac Games shines once more with Spidey’s latest outing. On the surface, “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2” looks like more of the same of what we saw in its predecessor. However, this new title comes with a handful of quality of life improvements between traversal, controls, and UI. As for the story, it is perhaps the best and most mature “Spider-Man” story we’ve seen since Raimi’s movies, between Pete’s internal conflicts with the Symbiote and the visceral depiction of Venom. If you don’t have a PS5 yet, now is the time to get one!
What's your favorite Spider-Man game? Did it make our list? Let us know down in the comments, and don't forget to subscribe to WatchMojo for more superhero videos!