The 10 Best Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we're taking a look at the 10 Best Weapons in “Cyberpunk 2077”! For this video, we're looking at our favorite weapons in CD Projekt's action RPG based on the “Cyberpunk” tabletop RPG series. Our list includes Prejudice, Kang Tao G-58 Dian, Monowire, Skippy, Rostovic DB-2 Satara and more!
10 Best Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at the 10 Best Weapons in “Cyberpunk 2077”!
For this list, we’re looking at our favorite weapons in CD Projekt’s action RPG based on the “Cyberpunk” tabletop RPG series. Which weapon is your favorite? Did it make the list? Let us know down in the comments.
Rogue’s pistol, Pride, isn’t a weapon to scoff at with its array of buffs, but her assault rifle is arguably the better of the two. First, you’ve got the slick orange paint job. Mm! And then, you’ve got that sweet bullet ricochet perk equipped. Best of all, Prejudice fires off rounds powerful enough to pierce through walls, turning any enemies trying to hide into swiss cheese. We only wish we could have used this gun more outside of the From Whom the Bells Tolls mission.Gorilla Arms
The Gorilla Arms may seem like a simple increase in melee damage. However, there is more to buffing your arms with these than it may seem. As you land basic attacks, you receive charges for your strong attack, building up the amount of damage you’ll deal upon using your next strong attack. It's just so satisfying to dole out baby punches before decking some poor sap in the face with a single blow. Plus, the bonuses to Body Attribute skill checks is icing on the cake.Kang Tao G-58 Dian
If you want to gain the advantage in fights as soon as possible, this is one of the better weapons to nab in the early game. While it doesn’t come with any fancy perks or bonuses to stack upon your stats, the G-58 is an excellent introduction to Smart weapons. So long as you have a Smart Link equipped in your cyberware, you’ll utilize the SMG’s smart-targeting system, taking away some of the work in aiming your shots. Of course, you’ll eventually find weapons that will replace the G-58, but for early game, this is a great weapon to get a hold of when you’re thrusted into Night City.Overwatch
“Cyberpunk 2077” doesn’t exactly boast many opportunities for folks to fully take advantage of sniper rifles, but of the few times you can, the sniper rifle dubbed “Overwatch” is the best tool for the job. In addition to a better reload speed than most sniper rifles and a custom silencer attached, it also boasts an incredibly high damage multiplier on headshots. Basically, it’s a sniper’s best friend, and it should make popping off enemies a breeze (assuming you’re a good shot).Monowire
In lore, monowire is an absolutely lethal weapon thanks to its plasma-like qualities. With this, players can create a spectacle of gore and neon by whipping the wire around at foes. But this isn’t like other melee weapons that follow the basic regular and strong attacks. Monowire functions on charges that you will have to maintain mid-combat with each attack using a charge. To replenish your attacks, you’ll have to cease the offense for a bit before you can start wailing on baddies again. It’s pretty, it’s powerful, and it’s a ton of fun to use!Contagion
Of all the quick hacks you should keep installed, the Contagion quick hack is without a doubt the best of them. With this, you can infect a single target with an illness, causing them to vomit and spread the virus to nearby enemies. Powerful enough stats and perks can add to the lethality, potentially causing them to die from this quickhack alone. And stronger variants of the quickhack can increase the infection beyond your first target and the enemies they infect. Sure, there are quick hacks that straight up off enemies in one move, but this is the more fun way to do it.Skippy
You know we had to put Skippy on this list! Skippy is the most fun weapon in terms of humor and questionable balance in combat. Upon obtaining Skippy, he will ask if you want to incapacitate enemies or outright kill them. He also comes with Smart targeting and will sometimes act on his own murderous intentions. Should you go into stealth while he’s equipped, don’t be surprised if he randomly shoots at an enemy. Sure, some may not like that lack of control, but Skippy will always keep things interesting.Mantis Blades
The Mantis blades are awesome as hell!! Big blades popping out of your arms!? Come on, no other melee weapon is cooler than this! Leap and mangle enemies with arm blades that can inflict a number of status effects (depending on what mods you have equipped, of coruse). We just can’t help bringing out our inner Xenomorph or Demogorgon when jumping onto enemies and slicing them up, and once you give these a try for yourself, you’ll find your inner cyberpsycho, too.Rostovic DB-2 Satara
It is the shotgun to end all shotguns. The Satara is so powerful that even the “Edgerunners” anime had to feature it, even if it was only for a minute or two. Whereas other shotguns function exactly as you would expect, the Satara comes with some nifty perks to bring out your inner Doom Slayer. See, the Satara allows you to charge your shots, and once they reach full power, they can blast through walls and terrain. In other words, no one can hide when this beefcake is in your hands!Malorian Arms 3516
Most of you know this legendary pistol as Johnny Silverhand’s gun, and it is indeed the best weapon in the game. From our first flashback using it as Johnny, this pistol felt insanely good to fire at Arasaka agents. With its titanium frame and beefy bullets, the Malorian packs a shot about as powerful as a shotgun, inflicting thermal damage in addition to allowing its bullets to ricochet off walls. It even inflicts more damage with headshots than other weapons with a 1.2 multiplier. Fill it with the right mods, and you can turn this pistol into Death itself.