10 Things CUT From Resident Evil 4 Remake

VOICE OVER: Aaron Kline
WRITTEN BY: Aaron Kline
With Resident Evil 4 Remake being a bit of a reimagining, there are a few things that have been changed from the original 2005 game. For this video, we're looking at 10 things that have been CUT from RE4 Remake. Our list includes QTEs, U-3 Boss Fight , Assignment Ada & Separate Ways, Laser Hallway, Cut Dialogue and more!
Script written by Aaron Kline
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 things cut from “Resident Evil 4” Remake.
With this remake being a bit of a reimagining, there are a few things that have been changed. Some things have been added and others have been cut for the game entirely.
What cut content do you miss in RE4 remake? Let us know in the comments. The main thing that I miss is the ability to kill the merchant over and over again. We can’t even point our weapons at the guy.
Wait there stranger, this video contains spoilers.
Some of the most iconic moments in the original “Resident Evil 4” were the quick time events. While the remake has some QTEs, they are far from impressive compared to the original. Probably two of the biggest QTEs that are missing have to be the boulder runs and knife fight. Throughout the early portion of RE4, players had to outrun boulders that the villagers somehow pushed in hopes to turn us into a pancake. The knife, while still in the remake, doesn't hit the same. The original plays out like a cutscene and when we’re least expecting it - we’re prompted to attack or defend. The QTEs in the original kept us on our toes, even cutsense weren’t safe to sit the controller down.
The clocktower makes its appearance in the castle section of the remake, however it looks a bit different. In the remake it’s a pretty straight forward section, get to the top and defeat anyone in your path. In the original we have to unjam the clock, fight our way up, and finally fight our way back down. This section was great as we were in a rather narrow yet vertical arena with enemies throwing axes and shooting arrows at us. The clocktower wasn’t the only “level” cut, we also lost the cultist gatling gun that had dodging bullets left and right. Another area that is missing is the lava room. We sort of miss the fire breathing dragon statues.
I genuinely love the U-3 boss fight and it’s sadly missing from the remake. For starters U-3 has a creepy design, a human-like face attached to the body of an insect with a giant pincher bug that will cut you in half if not careful. The suspense of making your way through the suspended maze while dodging and popping shots at this freak of nature can get rather stressful, as we’re in tight narrow paths being forced to face this creature. It’s a shame that we don’t get to see a highly detailed U-3 in the remake… it would’ve been a disgusting sight to see.
These two extra campaigns may make their way to RE4 remake as DLC just like the fan favorite Mericances mode. Separate Ways gives us a little more insight into what Ada was going during Leon’s adventure. Everything from her ringing the bingo bell, to stopping the iconic knife fight between Leon and Krauser. Assignment Ada may not be canon, but is still a fun little side story. It has Ada going after multiple plaga samples for Wesker. These extra modes were a fun way to mess around with other weapons and use new abilities that Ada has. Hopefully we’ll see these modes in future DLC and hopefully just like the remake, they’re re-imagined and expanded upon.
With QTEs gone that means we lost iconic set pieces. The laser hallway always felt a little out of place, but that didn’t take away from showing Leon as a badass. Once we enter the halfway we’re locked in and must jump and flip our way around lasers or else they cut right through us, all leading to him sitting on a throne like the king he is. It makes sense why this was cut, like I said it was out of place and is a slower part of the game, but I always looked at it as a nod to the first “Resident Evil” movie.
The original “Resident Evil 4” had your typical difficulty settings, Normal, Professional, and easy, which was only available outside of North America. If you were playing on Normal difficulty, it was more a sliding scale that shifted depending on how you played. The more accurate and less damage you take the game would get harder, throwing more aggressive baddies at you making you use more resources. If you were struggling on hitting your shots and taking more damage and dying, the game would throw less enemies at you and give you more resources to give you a helping hand. This dynamic difficulty didn’t make its way to the remake, which is a shame as it helped players get past parts that give them trouble after a few tries. I'm looking at you Salazar.
Another iconic set piece that is missing in the remake, well sort of, we can see it in the background we just don’t get to use it. The cable cars were a great portion of the game that would really test your long range accuracy. As we go down on the cable cars, enemies are on their way up. If you’re a top shot you can knock them off the cars before they’re able to throw axes your way!
How does Ashley know how to drive construction equipment? In the remake she uses a wrecking ball, in the original she somehow knows how to use an industrial bulldozer. During this section Ashley drives the bulldozer and tears down any obstacle in her path all while we’re in the back picking off infected before they can reach her. While on the subject of cut content involving vehicles, the giant mobile drill is missing. We had to take the driver out before the drill hit Ashley, as she was locked behind a door and couldn’t escape. What’s with these guys trying to run Ashley over? Another part that didn;t make it to the remake was the truck tumbling down the hill right before we got to the castle.
What if we could somehow skip the Bella Sisters? In the original RE4 right after we defend the house with Luis we’re greeted with a gate and an option, left or right. If we go left we’ll encounter the chainsaw welding Bella Sisters. If we go right we'll encounter another El Gigante that will chase us down a narrow path. If you’re feeling up for an extra challenge you could do both if you take the left path first and backtrack, giving you more treasure, but using more of your ammo. This decision didn’t make its way to the remake, we don’t fight another El Gigante until the new fight at the castle, we do however still get to face the Bella Sisters.
The biggest thing that is cut from “Resident Evil 4” Remake has to do with the dialogue. Just like the 2021 Quest exclusive, some dialogue was cut. Luckily we still have some fun campy lines like “Where’s everyone going? Bingo?”, but some are missing. These lines are more flirty and sexual in nature and might not fly like they did back in 2005. Lines like Luis commenting on Ashley's “ballistics”, Leon saying Ashley would be fine if she landed on her butt, and of course Ashley asking Leon to work some “overtime”. Yeah…we can see that not flying these days.
10 Things CUT From Resident Evil 4 Remake
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 things cut from “Resident Evil 4” Remake.
With this remake being a bit of a reimagining, there are a few things that have been changed. Some things have been added and others have been cut for the game entirely.
What cut content do you miss in RE4 remake? Let us know in the comments. The main thing that I miss is the ability to kill the merchant over and over again. We can’t even point our weapons at the guy.
Wait there stranger, this video contains spoilers.
#10: QTEs
Some of the most iconic moments in the original “Resident Evil 4” were the quick time events. While the remake has some QTEs, they are far from impressive compared to the original. Probably two of the biggest QTEs that are missing have to be the boulder runs and knife fight. Throughout the early portion of RE4, players had to outrun boulders that the villagers somehow pushed in hopes to turn us into a pancake. The knife, while still in the remake, doesn't hit the same. The original plays out like a cutscene and when we’re least expecting it - we’re prompted to attack or defend. The QTEs in the original kept us on our toes, even cutsense weren’t safe to sit the controller down.
#9: Jammed Clocktower
The clocktower makes its appearance in the castle section of the remake, however it looks a bit different. In the remake it’s a pretty straight forward section, get to the top and defeat anyone in your path. In the original we have to unjam the clock, fight our way up, and finally fight our way back down. This section was great as we were in a rather narrow yet vertical arena with enemies throwing axes and shooting arrows at us. The clocktower wasn’t the only “level” cut, we also lost the cultist gatling gun that had dodging bullets left and right. Another area that is missing is the lava room. We sort of miss the fire breathing dragon statues.
#8: U-3 Boss Fight
I genuinely love the U-3 boss fight and it’s sadly missing from the remake. For starters U-3 has a creepy design, a human-like face attached to the body of an insect with a giant pincher bug that will cut you in half if not careful. The suspense of making your way through the suspended maze while dodging and popping shots at this freak of nature can get rather stressful, as we’re in tight narrow paths being forced to face this creature. It’s a shame that we don’t get to see a highly detailed U-3 in the remake… it would’ve been a disgusting sight to see.
#7: Assignment Ada & Separate Ways
These two extra campaigns may make their way to RE4 remake as DLC just like the fan favorite Mericances mode. Separate Ways gives us a little more insight into what Ada was going during Leon’s adventure. Everything from her ringing the bingo bell, to stopping the iconic knife fight between Leon and Krauser. Assignment Ada may not be canon, but is still a fun little side story. It has Ada going after multiple plaga samples for Wesker. These extra modes were a fun way to mess around with other weapons and use new abilities that Ada has. Hopefully we’ll see these modes in future DLC and hopefully just like the remake, they’re re-imagined and expanded upon.
#6: Laser Hallway
With QTEs gone that means we lost iconic set pieces. The laser hallway always felt a little out of place, but that didn’t take away from showing Leon as a badass. Once we enter the halfway we’re locked in and must jump and flip our way around lasers or else they cut right through us, all leading to him sitting on a throne like the king he is. It makes sense why this was cut, like I said it was out of place and is a slower part of the game, but I always looked at it as a nod to the first “Resident Evil” movie.
#5: Dynamic Difficulty
The original “Resident Evil 4” had your typical difficulty settings, Normal, Professional, and easy, which was only available outside of North America. If you were playing on Normal difficulty, it was more a sliding scale that shifted depending on how you played. The more accurate and less damage you take the game would get harder, throwing more aggressive baddies at you making you use more resources. If you were struggling on hitting your shots and taking more damage and dying, the game would throw less enemies at you and give you more resources to give you a helping hand. This dynamic difficulty didn’t make its way to the remake, which is a shame as it helped players get past parts that give them trouble after a few tries. I'm looking at you Salazar.
#4: Cable Car
Another iconic set piece that is missing in the remake, well sort of, we can see it in the background we just don’t get to use it. The cable cars were a great portion of the game that would really test your long range accuracy. As we go down on the cable cars, enemies are on their way up. If you’re a top shot you can knock them off the cars before they’re able to throw axes your way!
#3: The Bulldozer
How does Ashley know how to drive construction equipment? In the remake she uses a wrecking ball, in the original she somehow knows how to use an industrial bulldozer. During this section Ashley drives the bulldozer and tears down any obstacle in her path all while we’re in the back picking off infected before they can reach her. While on the subject of cut content involving vehicles, the giant mobile drill is missing. We had to take the driver out before the drill hit Ashley, as she was locked behind a door and couldn’t escape. What’s with these guys trying to run Ashley over? Another part that didn;t make it to the remake was the truck tumbling down the hill right before we got to the castle.
#2: The Gate
What if we could somehow skip the Bella Sisters? In the original RE4 right after we defend the house with Luis we’re greeted with a gate and an option, left or right. If we go left we’ll encounter the chainsaw welding Bella Sisters. If we go right we'll encounter another El Gigante that will chase us down a narrow path. If you’re feeling up for an extra challenge you could do both if you take the left path first and backtrack, giving you more treasure, but using more of your ammo. This decision didn’t make its way to the remake, we don’t fight another El Gigante until the new fight at the castle, we do however still get to face the Bella Sisters.
#1: Cut Dialogue
The biggest thing that is cut from “Resident Evil 4” Remake has to do with the dialogue. Just like the 2021 Quest exclusive, some dialogue was cut. Luckily we still have some fun campy lines like “Where’s everyone going? Bingo?”, but some are missing. These lines are more flirty and sexual in nature and might not fly like they did back in 2005. Lines like Luis commenting on Ashley's “ballistics”, Leon saying Ashley would be fine if she landed on her butt, and of course Ashley asking Leon to work some “overtime”. Yeah…we can see that not flying these days.