Top 10 Best Songs in Bob's Burgers

#10: “I Do”
“Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters for You”
After Bob begins to wonder if making burgers is a meaningful job, he’s invited to cater a wedding. Although he wants to be fulfilled by the gig, he finds himself stressed out and worried it's not going to be perfect. Bob eventually launches into a musical number about his anxieties and hopes for the job called “I Do”. He treats us to a song full of honesty, determination and a couple high notes. “I Do” gets even better when Linda joins in to criticize the married couple while expressing her worries about Bob. While their catering gig was full of big and small mistakes, the song was a perfect way to sum up their feelings while keeping us entertained.
#9: “Come Meet Our Family”
“Easy Com-mercial, Easy Go-mercial”
When Bob decides to make a commercial for the restaurant to air during the Super Bowl, he enlists his family to help. During the brainstorming process, Louise comes out with a clever and punny slogan. Linda takes her child’s words and turns them into the upbeat “Come Meet Our Family” tune. Her short song is full of a lot of heart and plays out over a ridiculously catchy beat. Although Bob didn't Initially choose to include this song in his big commercial spot, we got to see it get its full due by the end of the episode. You'll definitely want to meet the Belchers and the songwriters after listening to this fun song.
#8: “I Love You So Much (It's Scary)”
“The Hauntening”
Although the Boyz4Now musical group is a parody of the boy bands that a lot of us grew up with, they make some seriously great music. One of their best tunes is a spooky love ballad that comes with a creative music video. “I Love You So Much (It's Scary)” has funny lyrics and goes to hilarious lengths to rhyme certain words. It also takes a shot at modern pop trends by adding in a rap section out of nowhere. The song’s awareness of genre clichés, hysterical lyrics and a great beat make it a top Boyz4Now bop. We’d be happy to put this “Thriller” knock off on our next Halloween party playlist.
#7: “Kill the Turkey”
"An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal”
There aren't a ton of memorable songs for America's big fall food celebration out there. Fortunately, Linda gave us a new ditty for the holiday. The brilliant “Kill the Turkey” song hilariously simplifies what Thanksgiving is like and reminds us to be grateful for what we have. And since it's short, it's really easy for families to belt out right before they dig into the big meal together. While Bob still doesn't appreciate Linda's number, the celebrated band “The National” liked it well enough to release a somber cover. We’d highly recommend seeking out their take or the delicious original version of “Kill The Turkey” before your next big meal.
#6: “Burgers and Fries”
"Itty Bitty Ditty Committee"
“Burgers and Fries'' starts off as just another one of Gene’s many original songs. But it soon became symbolic of something greater. After Gene forms a band that he gets kicked out of, he becomes disillusioned with music. Luckily, Tina and Louise push him to make a glorious return to music with an updated version of “Burgers and Fries”. Gene’s straightforward lyrics and melody are accompanied by excellent straw performances from his sisters. This absolute earworm attracts a huge crowd while instantly getting stuck in our head at home. “Burgers and Fries” may not be the most complex number the show’s ever done, but its significance to Gene and pure catchiness make it a treasured tune for the show.
#5: “Bad Girls”
“Bad Tina”
While Tina typically likes to follow the rules, everything changes when she meets the new girl Tammy. Before long, the two girls are getting stuck in detention, hanging out with boys without permission and stealing alcohol free margarita mix. Their misadventures are perfectly captured in one musical number. The rock-inspired “Bad Girls” ballad is the perfect way to portray Tina’s struggle to stay good. Although the episode’s version of the tune is short, the full version, sung by the Grammy-award winning artist St.Vincent, gives this awesome tune the extra time it deserves. Thanks to Tina’s walk on the wild side, we have a song to rock out to whenever we think about breaking the rules.
#4: “Bad Stuff Happens in the Bathroom”
“Glued, Where's My Bob?”
During the great Belcher Goop War, Louise accidentally gets Bob glued to a toilet before a big magazine interview. He tries to keep a cool head by singing “Bad Stuff Happens in the Bathroom”. Bob’s optimism and hopes for a better life shine through the clever and surprisingly deep lyrics. Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, Louise jumps in and attempts to sing through the guilt she feels about getting her dad stuck on a toilet. Both voices eventually come together in a charming and heartwarming way. Their lovely and amazing duet, later backed by the ensemble, had us optimistic the father-daughter bond would survive this bathroom mishap.
#3: “Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl"
“Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl"
Gene’s dreams of putting on a musical based on 1988’s “Die Hard” are dashed when the school decides to go with a show inspired by 1988’s “Working Girl” instead. Although he initially debuts his creation in secret, he eventually agrees to combine elements of the two productions. The resulting combo of shows gave us what may be the best animated school musical of all time. It all leads up to the final ballad entitled “Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl". Not only is the song fantastic and funny, but the show’s team brought in the legendary Carly Simon for the track. Years after she won multiple awards for a song she wrote for “Working Girl”, she helped this parody musical number win us over.
#2: “Electric Love”
All a very bitter Louise wanted was to get back at her Thomas Edison-obsessed science teacher. She ropes Gene and Tina into doing a reenactment that will expose one of Edisons’ greatest misdeeds. Unfortunately for Louise, her siblings want to turn the skit into a fun fictional musical. Their creative liberties gave us the shockingly good “Electric Love”. Sung by Bob’s sister-in-law Aunt Gayle and Bob’s boss Mr. Fischoeder, the melody is a powerful ballad about an unlikely connection. Their voices are supported by Tina and Gene’s acting as well as instruments and a choir of voices. Although this musical wasn’t the Edison exposé Louise wanted, it was still a stellar song that will spark joy in any viewer’s heart.
Before we sing along to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“The Fart Song”, "The Frond Files"
A Strong Song About a Common Bodily Function
“Girls Being Girls”, “The Kids Run the Restaurant”
It’s Impossible Not to Sing Along to this Silly Tune
“Derek Dematopolis”, "Purple Rain-Union"
We Fell In Love With Gayle’s Awkward Romantic Ballad
“Happy Crappy Place”, “Late Afternoon in the Garden of Bob and Louise”
The Belchers Hit Personal Highs & Rock Bottoms in One Awesome Song
“Twinkly Lights”, “The Bleakening”
Todrick Hall Stuns Us By Performing This Brilliant Number
#1: “Nice Things Are Nice” & “Bad Things Are Bad”
“Wharf Horse” & “World Wharf II: The Wharfening”
The two part “Bob's Burgers” season 4 finale is full of great music. After Bob gets into a tight situation, Linda serenades us with a great James Bond inspired “Wharf of Wonder” number. However, “Nice Things Are Nice” & “Bad Things Are Bad” both steal the show. Since the songs are essentially two halves of one big number, they deserve to share the top honor. Both melodies bring in a large mix of familiar characters and guest stars to sing. Each of their personalities are wonderfully captured through well-crafted lyrics. And the way the music constantly shifts makes the next set of lyrics impossible to predict. Both musical numbers masterfully handle lots of moving parts while containing the humor and awesome composition “Bob’s” is beloved for.