Top 10 Funniest Bob's Burgers Moments

This family turns small failures into small triumphs. Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 funniest moments from “Bob's Burgers.”
For this list, we're looking at the funniest and most memorable scenes from this hilarious animated series.
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This family turns small failures into small triumphs. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 funniest moments from “Bob’s Burgers.”
For this list, we’re looking at the funniest and most memorable scenes from this hilarious animated series.
#10: Erotic Friend Fiction
“Bad Tina”
Tina makes friends with the new girl Tammy, but she picks up a bit of a bad attitude. Following a wild margarita mix party, Tammy steals Tina’s journal – which is filled with “erotic friend fiction”. Yeah, that’s almost exactly what it sounds like. While at first terrified of the potential blackmail possibilities, her mother Linda convinces her that no one can embarrass you unless you let them. She takes this to a literal extreme, deciding to write new friend fiction and share it with the entire school, thereby taking away Tammy’s threat. The student body then applauds her for her bravery. Just kidding. She gets laughed at, but Tammy lets a huge one rip, and all is forgotten.
#9: Shark Attack
“The Deepening”
While discussing the purchase of a mechanical shark as a new attraction for Wonder Wharf, Teddy warns that no good will come of it. Having worked on the set of “The Deepening”, the film for which the shark was a prop, he’s convinced that it’s evil and is also the instigator of his tragic backstory. As it turns out, he’s right… sort of. The shark breaks loose and runs amok downtown, eventually making its way to Bob’s basement. The culminating scene is rife with parody, with lines and sections directly paying homage to the classic shark film, “Jaws.”
#8: Gene Dresses Like Bob
“Broadcast Wagstaff School News”
Convinced he’ll grow up to look like his father, Gene decides to dress up just like him. As it turns out, it’s right on the money. Gene loves the new, older look, and Linda thinks it’s cute and hilarious. Bob, meanwhile, is less than impressed. Over the course of several days, Gene maintains the getup. He even begins to impersonate his father, right down to the parenting. Mini-Bob is somehow both hysterical and a little freaky. So what’s the only thing that can pull him back while he’s deep in his act? Potty humor, of course! Only a kid can get this excited about bodily functions.
#7: “Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl”
“Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl”
When Courtney muscles in and convinces the school to put on her musical adaptation of “Working Girl” rather than Gene’s adaption of “Die Hard,” Gene decides to secretly stage his play in the Wagstaff boiler room on the same night hers is meant to premiere. Louise is caught trying to steal Courtney’s audience for Gene, and Courtney’s dad’s false promise of having Carly Simon attend the play is almost enough to cancel both productions. Resolving their differences so there can be a school musical after all, the two auteurs combine their efforts and create the mash-up musical, “Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl.” Sounds like something we’d watch!
#6: Boyz 4 Now Concert
“Boyz 4 Now”
Despite being the youngest, it’s pretty clear which of the Belcher siblings is the brains of the operation. Cynical and more collected than either her brother or sister, Louise just doesn’t get Tina’s obsession with horses, boy bands, and other “girly” stuff. But when she attends a Boyz 4 Now concert with her sister, her scoffs quickly turn into screams as little Louise gets her first crush right before the viewers’ eyes. This shift in character is so sudden that even she’s not ready for it, and she tries to fight it. But Louise can’t help the way she feels, even if she has a weird way of articulating affection. At least she’s got her big sister there to guide her through it.
#5: Bob Hallucinating in Walls of House
“Crawl Space”
Early on, this show demonstrated its love of parody. In the second episode of the series, Bob finds a crawl space in his attic and enters it, pretending he’s stuck so he can avoid his in-laws. When Linda calls Teddy to help get Bob out, he tells him to leave and come back later. However, he then gets stuck for real – and when Linda finds out he was originally just avoiding her parents, she decides to let him stay there for a while and sweat it out. While scared at first, Bob slowly starts losing his mind, hallucinating that Louise’s night-light, kuchi kopi, is his friend à la Mr. Grady in “The Shining.”
#4: Linda’s Songs
Various Episodes
There are so many Linda songs, we just couldn’t pick! The great thing about Linda is how fun and confident she is. As such, she’s happy to burst out into song at a moment’s notice. Whether it’s for herself, her family, or family events, she’s likely to strike up a tune and sing her little heart out. It’s pretty easy to see where Gene and Tina get their creativity from. If it was our mom, maybe we’d be a little embarrassed, but aren’t moms supposed to be a little embarrassing? Linda’s such a delight; we can see why her kids don’t seem to mind.
#3: The Goonies Parody
“The Belchies”
The season two premiere was more than just good enough, it was taffy-covered gold. The Belcher and Pesto siblings, plus Zeke, explore an abandoned taffy factory, travelling deep underground and dodging old booby traps in their quest to find hidden treasure. Just like “The Goonies,” the film the episode pays homage to; it’s hard to pin down just one great moment. From the maps, to the traps, to the speeches, and even Cyndi Lauper chiming in with “Taffy Butt” – a mockup of her original song for the film, “The Goonies ‘r’ Good Enough” – it’s episodes like this that helped establish the show and win over audiences everywhere.
#2: Bob Hallucinating on Thanksgiving
“An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal”
Bob’s favorite holiday is ruined when his eccentric landlord convinces the Belchers to come over to his house and pose as his family to make an old flame of his jealous. What can we say? Mr. Fischoeder’s a weird guy. However, poor Bob has to play the part of the cook. Doing what many have done while sad and alone, he turns to alcohol. His beverage of choice, unfortunately, is absinthe, and the wormwood in it makes him hallucinate. As a result, he befriends the turkey – whom he calls “Lance,” imagining himself, Lance, and his loving family taking a magical, Totoro-esque flight. While he and Lance seem to share a real bond, things don’t work out so well for the turkey.
Before we reveal our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- The Toilet Heist
“O.T.: The Outside Toilet”
- Reservoir Dogs Parody
“Moody Foodie”
- Kill Me
“Glued, Where’s My Bob?”
#1: Tina’s Driving Lessons
“Tina-Rannosaurus Wrecks”
Ahgggghhhhggghh. Oh, Tina. After having a particularly good morning, and in a particularly good mood, Bob decides to let his eldest daughter do a little driving in a wide-open parking lot. This cute father-daughter moment quickly nosedives when Tina, ever the upstanding youngster and nervous about being underage and doing something illegal, slowly freaks out. Groaning as she drives, she can’t seem to veer out of the way as Bob begs her to turn the car. His increasing panic does nothing to help or stop the situation. After crashing, Tina insists on leaving a note for the other car, making for a perfect Bob and Tina moment.