Top 10 Bluey Moments That Made Us Ugly Cry

#10: Jack Describes How He Sees Himself
Our hearts break for the Jack Russell terrier when he explains his situation to his new friend, Rusty. Jack, who has ADHD, claims to struggle with following directions, remembering things, and keeping still. It’s sad to see him doubt himself, especially considering he is capable of the things he says he’s not. He demonstrates his memory, obedience, and ability to stay put during a game of Army with the Red Kelpie. Rusty’s response is simple, but kind and supportive, which helps both Jack and us feel better, turning our sad tears into happy ones. Things get even better at the end of the episode, when Rusty reunites with his father upon his return from patrol. These two pups have our heart!
#9: Mackenzie's Childhood Memory
This flashback moment suggests one of Bluey’s friends suffers from PTSD. During a game of space, Mackenzie continues to run away from his friends, Jack and Rusty. He’s not sure why until he confronts a traumatic childhood memory. The Border Collie goes through a storm drain and recalls sliding down a tube slide as a pup. At the bottom, he calls out for his mom, fearing that he has been abandoned. Thankfully, teacher Calypso finds young Mackenzie and assures him that his mom is still there. She then encourages the pup to move on, emotionally speaking. While we’re happy Mackenzie is able to find closure, watching him relive the event is tragic.
#8: Bluey & Judo Abandon Bingo
Bluey and Bingo often enjoy playing together. However, when their neighbor Judo joins them for a game of butterflies, she convinces the older sister to leave the younger one behind. Bingo emerges from her pretend cocoon to discover that her playmates have moved on. She confronts the older girls, only for them to run away again. The rejection really hurts Bingo, and brings tears to our eyes. The shot of the young Red Heeler sadly singing to herself in the fabric swing is especially heart-wrenching. Bluey, feeling remorseful, eventually returns to make amends.
#7: Bluey Misses Rooming with Her Sister
Although it’s the girls’ idea that Bluey move into the room across the hall, their plan fails to stick. Over the course of the episode, it becomes clear that Bluey and Bingo don’t want to sleep separately. They put off going to bed by splitting up their belongings and exchanging adorable hand-drawn messages. Chilli eventually asks Bluey what else she needs in order to go to sleep. While we don’t hear her answer, we’re pretty sure she replies by saying she needs her sister. The episode’s final shot shows the girls together in Bluey’s bed. Their sisterly love is so sweet, we can’t help but cry.
#6: Chilli & Her Dad Reminisce About the Past
We all know that Chilli is a loving mother, but this moment shows that she’s a dedicated daughter as well. She takes Bluey and Bingo to see her dad Mort while he’s recovering from an illness and has instructions to rest. During their visit, Mort stubbornly refuses to heed his doctor and daughter’s orders, much like the way Bluey refuses to eat her pumpkin seeds. Chilli expresses why it's important to her that Mort take care of himself, which he overhears. They have a nice reunion at the end of the episode, during which they reflect on her childhood. Briefly, a younger version of Chilli is shown sitting on the dock beside her father. It’s a truly touching moment.
#5: Chilli Explains Why Aunt Brandy Stayed Away
A visit from Chilli’s sister Brandy prompts Bluey to ask about why she stayed away for so long. This brings about one of the saddest revelations in the show. Chilli uses an allegory to explain that there’s something Brandy really longs for, but cannot have. Meanwhile, Brandy is shown playing with Bingo. She becomes sad when her niece takes off, and the look she gives is devastating. It’s implied that she has a desire for children, but is unable to have any. Not only is she unable to build the family she wants, but she finds it difficult to maintain a relationship with Chilli, Bandit, Bluey and Bingo.
#4: Bingo Flies Off to Space
“Flat Pack”
The episode depicting evolution shows Bluey and Bingo simulating prehistoric life and the progression of humans (well, dogs), acting as parent and child. Their characters get progressively older, until Bingo is grown and Bluey is using a pretend cane. The younger Heeler takes off in a spaceship, leaving the older one alone. This is where it gets really deep. Earlier in the episode, Bluey’s cavedog drawings suggest Chilli and Bandit are holy beings residing atop the porch stairs. When Bingo flies away, Bluey is left feeling directionless until her parents call her to join them. Bandit’s final remark pretty much confirms that Bluey’s walk up the steps symbolizes a peaceful death. We know it’s a game, but the bittersweet ending always gets us.
#3: Bluey & Jean-Luc Reunite
While camping with her family, Bluey makes friends with Jean-Luc, a French-Canadian Labrador. Despite the language barrier, the two children enjoy playing together. When it comes time for Jean-Luc and his family to leave, he’s unable to communicate it to Bluey. It’s heartbreaking to watch the Blue Heeler discover her new buddy’s absence. Chilli advises Bluey to be happy about the time she spent with Jean-Luc, while giving her hope that they might meet again. To our tearful delight, they reunite years later. The show rarely depicts what’s in store for Bluey and Bingo’s future. The montage of the younger Heeler’s friendship with Lila is one of the few other times that does so. That makes Bluey’s moment with Jean-Luc even more special.
#2: Bella Reassures Chilli
“Baby Race”
The flashback-heavy episode about Chilli as a new mom has a couple of touching moments. It shows Bluey and her school mates as infants, learning mobility. Chilli is discouraged when Bluey doesn’t start walking in the time frame she wants. A clip from another episode, “The Show,” suggests that at one point, Chilli suffered a miscarriage. Whether that’s the case or not, we can understand why she would feel so much pressure to help her first-born succeed. Thankfully, Coco’s mom, veteran parent Bella, offers Chilli words of reassurance. Her support causes the red Heeler, and us, to well up. We do so again when baby Bluey finally learns to walk.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Bingo Is Comforted in the Hospital, “Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound”
The Red Heeler’s Loved Ones Make an Uplifting Home Video for Her
A Classic Game Gets a Rule Change, “Musical Statues”
Chilli Advises Her Family to Live in the Moment
Bandit Makes a Promise That Melts Our Hearts, “Promises”
We Don’t Doubt Him for a Second
Bingo Is a Hero, “Curry Quest”
Her Epic Journey Teaches Her She Can Survive Anything, Even Her Dad’s Absence
Chilli Helps Bluey with Her Dam, “Rain”
Our Tears Rival the Amount of Precipitation in This Episode
#1: Bingo’s Emotional Nocturnal Journey
This award-winning episode brings tears to our eyes over and over. It follows Bingo throughout a single night's sleep, depicting both her reality and dream state. The four-year-old ends up sleepwalking during the night, and her galactic dreams parallel her real life experiences. For instance, when she drops her toy Floppy, she imagines the stuffed bunny leaving her in outer space. Chilli overhears Bingo crying in her sleep, and briefly offers her comfort. She’s represented in the dream by the sun. While still unconscious, Bingo finds the strength to be a big girl and rest on her own. We can’t help but cry tears of pride when the sun rises on Bingo, asleep in her own bed.