Top 10 Lessons for Adults in Bluey

#10: Goodbye Is Part of Life
They say nothing lasts forever. As we grow and experience different stages of life, we’re faced with various goodbyes — permanent and temporary alike. “Bluey” reminds us that it’s completely natural, and often unavoidable. Maybe it’s a friend you part ways with, at least for a time, like Bluey and Jean-Luc. And for parents, there’s the emotional moment when kids fly the proverbial nest, which is notably acted out in episodes like “Flat Pack” or “Mum School.” Of course, there’s also death, a weighty reality that can be difficult to come to grips with, and that “Bluey” addresses incredibly thoughtfully. Throughout these examples and others, the show gently teaches us that we must accept what we can’t control, and cherish the good times.
#9: There’s No One Way to Parent (or Live!)
Raising kids is hard, but if you’re ever questioning yourself, let “Bluey” reassure you – as long as you’re leading with love, you’ve got this. Indeed, no two adults on the show approach child-rearing in exactly the same manner, and it’s a nice indication that it’s okay to do things your way. Bandit and Chilli are one example, and they’re wonderful parents. But importantly, their methods aren’t the only ones validated. Just look at how Chloe and her dad find their own play style and end up having a blast! Or at how Stripe and Trixie operate with Muffin and Socks. Even if you don’t have children, the notion that there are often many different right ways to tackle a situation is always relevant.
#8: Balance & the “Boring” Stuff Matters
“The Pool”
The older we get, the more we see that life can’t always be fun and games. And that can be frustrating to accept. But here’s the thing: it doesn’t need to be a bummer! The trick is realizing that doing the so-called “boring” stuff is crucial. In fact, it’s often what enables us to have a good time. One of the “Bluey” episodes that demonstrates this best is “Pool,” where the girls and Bandit realize how crucial the basics Chilli keeps talking about are. Without them, their day at the swimming pool is horrendous — once she gets there with the necessary supplies, though? Well, then it’s a party! This speaks to the significance of balance, teaching a fundamental lesson that isn’t only for kids.
#7: The Value of Being Caring & Inclusive
It seems simple: people should be kind, caring, and inclusive whenever possible. But it can be easy to lose sight of those all-important values as lines blur through adulthood. Have no fear, “Bluey” is here to show us why it’s worth taking the time to treat others the way we would like to be treated. For one thing, Chilli, Bandit, Bingo, Bluey, and the other characters always show up for each other, doing things like sharing, taking the time to listen, or cheering whoever needs it up. Not just that, they embrace their differences as strengths. This is seen through the way they play, or through the way neurodiversity and disabilities are respected and humanized. That’s immensely valuable, to say the least.
#6: Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Up
You know how sometimes, people have a hard time finding their voices? While it’s a phenomenon often observed in kids, it’s not exclusive to them. Chances are many grown-ups who are more shy, reserved, or generally introverted can relate to Bingo. We see the younger Red Heeler gradually fight her discomfort and open up about what she needs on more than one occasion. In “Yoga Ball”, she works on her “big girl bark” to do so. And “Hairdressers” sees her search for her voice pay off. We also couldn’t forget “Dance Mode”, where she learns to say “no.” Seeing her flourish by taking up space in these ways is extremely meaningful, and can inspire anyone watching to do the same, regardless of age.
#5: Self-Care Is Important
“Sheep Dog”
Sometimes, a person just needs 20 minutes! That’s what happens in “Sheep Dog”, as Chilli asks not to be disturbed for a short period. Her requesting a break may seem basic. But it’s actually really powerful stuff, especially in a culture where self-care is sometimes perceived as antithetical to productivity, and sadly looked down upon. The fact of the matter is, we all get overwhelmed or tired. But it's easy to forget or put off our own needs because we feel guilty, or don’t want to appear selfish. What Chilli does here is proof that you shouldn’t be afraid to prioritize your own well-being, because it matters a great deal. After all, you can’t be your best self if you're overexerted!
#4: Honesty Pays Off
We all know the “honesty is the best policy” proverb. Still, things can get messy as we age, and we might occasionally lose sight of the why. But one need only observe how Chilli and Bandit are as upfront as possible with their girls to find the answer. It’s not always easy, but they discuss tough topics like death, and give their daughters space to ask questions, learn and be truthful in return. This doesn’t only apply to parenting on the show, either. Trixie and Stripe notably prove the value of frank conversations during a disagreement in “Faceytalk.” That honest philosophy doesn’t just give kids watching a model to follow — it gives the grown-ups one, too! We’re not lying when we say that’s priceless.
#3: It’s Normal to Get It Wrong Sometimes
While we wish we could always get everything right without ever messing up, that’s now how it works! Getting older means repeatedly stumbling and falling. But it’s crucial to view failure and mistakes as part of life – not moral shortcomings. Don’t just take our word for it though, take “Bluey”’s! We see the kids and adults alike struggle, mess up, and make mistakes on several occasions throughout the series. Nobody is above it – not even Bandit or Chilli – because it’s normal! The important thing is they persevere and aren’t too proud to apologize when needed. After all, that’s how one improves! It's easy to get discouraged by roadblocks at any age, but the Heelers and company teach us that we’ll be okay.
#2: “Run Your Own Race”
“Baby Race”
How many of us have looked at peers or acquaintances in our circles and felt like we were behind compared to them? Pretty much every grown-up knows this feeling. Whether it’s with regards to work or personal relationships, it’s easy to get bogged down in that harmful kind of thinking. So whenever we find ourselves stuck and going down a toxic comparison spiral, we put on “Baby Race.” In it, Chilli talks about how she understood the importance of moving through life at one’s own pace after she had Bluey. We know, it can be easier said than done. Yet watching her reminisce about how she learned the lesson gives us all the motivation to follow her lead.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Qualities of a Good Leader, “Circus”
Taking Charge of a Group Is a Big Task, & One Needs to be Prepared to Handle It with Care!
It’s Okay to Slow Down Sometimes, “Sticky Gecko”
Punctuality Is Important, But It’s Not Everything
Being Right Isn’t Always the Most Important Thing, “Grannies”
Sometimes, Swallowing Your Pride Is Worth It
#1: Embrace Your Inner Child
If there’s one lesson that’s embedded in “Bluey”’s DNA, it’s that we should foster our imaginations and have fun – whatever that looks like. Watching Bingo and Bluey make up games and run wild is enough to make any grown-up rediscover their childlike wonder. Perhaps more importantly, Bandit, Chilli, and the other adults are regularly willing to let their guards down, commit to the bit, and have a good time. Sometimes, that means doing activities they enjoy, like taking care of tree stumps or having lemonade and chatting. Other times, it’s playing with their kids, even if they’re busy or stressed. We obviously can’t shirk our adult responsibilities, but thanks to “Bluey,” we know it’s okay not to take life too seriously sometimes!