Top 10 Most Relatable Bluey Moments

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Relatable “Bluey” Moments. For this list, we’ll be looking at instances from the show that are most likely to resonate with parents of young children, if not everyone. Which of our picks do you relate to most? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: Flat Pack Furniture
"Flat Pack"
Whether it’s for a first apartment or a family home, putting together a flat-pack piece of furniture is practically an adult rite of passage. The entire experience, from shopping at a massive, immersive retailer like IKEA, to building a piece at home, is one that most know. Chilli and Bandit live out what many of us do when they attempt to construct their newly purchased porch swing together. The activity tests their physical strength, ability to follow directions, and communication skills. With teamwork, the two are eventually able to construct the item. Meanwhile, the girls make the most of the playing with the packaging, which is also pretty relatable.
#9: Dusting Yourself Off
"The Show"
Everybody gets discouraged from time to time, whether it’s due to receiving bad news or making a silly mistake. We’ve all been knocked down by something and found ourselves in need of a pick-me-up. This happens to Bingo a couple of times this episode. But fortunately, Chilli’s words of encouragement, as well as Bluey’s support, ultimately help her get back on her feet — both literally and figuratively! We all need to find ways to process mistakes in life, so Bingo’s journey definitely resonates. If we ever need help on that front though, Chilli’s advice is pretty good. No matter your age or the problem you’re facing, her four-step routine is sure to help you regain your composure and rebuild your confidence.
#8: Going to the Movies, Especially with Kids
Going to the cinema is an experience in itself, and bringing kids along adds a whole other element. “Bluey” absolutely captures what it’s like in this episode, which shows Bandit and the girls seeing “Chunky Chimp” at the cinema. We go everywhere from the lobby to the theater room itself, and the segment is full of all the little things that moviegoers are sure to recognize. The chaos brought by the children (especially Bingo), for its part, is something that we’ve all likely witnessed out and about, if not had to manage ourselves. And no matter what, all of us are sure to relate to Bluey as she overcomes her fear.
#7: Facing a Difficult Challenge
"Duck Cake"
Parents will go to great lengths for their children, even when that gets them in over their heads. Just look at Bandit. When he’s tasked with making Bingo’s duck-shaped birthday cake, he finds himself facing a challenge. Although he doesn’t have the pro baking skills to flawlessly construct the complicated confection, he still tries his best. Seeing Bandit give it his best shot and persevere surely makes a whole lot of parents and non-parents alike feel seen. After all, we’ve all been faced with situations like this, where our best doesn’t seem good enough even though it is. Things don’t always turn out picture perfect, but the effort we put in matters.
#6: Being a New Parent
"Baby Race"
Attending a parents’ group with a newborn child is a very specific situation, and anyone who’s ever been to one will recognize how perfectly “Bluey” depicts it. In this flashback-heavy episode, Chilli reflects on her life as a new mom just after Bluey was born. Her overly competitive spirit during that time is probably something a lot of young parents can understand. Meanwhile, the realization she comes to is a good reminder for all of us. Plus, during her story, Chilli recalls some important milestones from Bluey’s early development, such as her first time rolling over, crawling, and walking. It’s unlikely children will remember benchmark moments like these, but parents will get how invested the mom is in the significant events!
#5: Trying to Get Out the Door
"Sticky Gecko"
Sometimes, it’s just so hard to get out the door. Add a couple kids to the equation, and leaving the house can become a massive undertaking. In this episode, Chilli finds herself in a situation familiar to many parents. With a messy house, distracted kids, and a scheduled play date, the mom of two is doing everything she can to avoid being late. Employing classic parenting tactics, Chilli challenges Bingo by putting her on a timer and resorts to using her mom glare with Bluey. When she still can’t manage to get the girls moving, the aggravated mom melts down completely. Those of us who have been there feel for her – and smile when she lets go a little by the end.
#4: Bandit’s Dad Humor
Not only is Bandit one of the best characters on the show, he’s also one of our favorite TV dads. As a father, it’s basically his duty to dole out one-liners, and his jokes always land. From silly puns that please children to references that resonate with adults, his quips are sure to get a laugh from the audience. Whether you’re the one cracking these so-bad-they’re-good jokes or the one on the receiving end of them, they’re also something we’re familiar with in our own lives. Sure, Dad jokes aren’t known to be the pinnacle of comedy, but they fill our days with some much needed light-hearted humor, and that’s pretty priceless.
#3: A Very Tired Muffin
"The Sleepover"
Keeping kids on a good sleeping schedule is an important part of childcare. Anybody who’s ever been around a sleep deprived youngin knows that missing nap time is a recipe for disaster. Muffin demonstrates why when she comes over to have a slumber party with Bingo and Bluey. Her behavior is, in a word, unhinged. But as wild as things get, the crux of the plot is very familiar to most of us. If you have kids, you’ve likely experienced some version of this story. Even if you don’t, you’ve probably been sleep deprived at one point or another, and found yourself acting more or less like Muffin! Honestly, we feel for pretty much everyone in this episode – it’s all too real!
#2: Picking Up Takeaway
One of the things that “Bluey” does best is capture average, daily life for a family, especially one with young children. For example, this episode shows Bandit’s errand being hilariously derailed by Bluey and Bingo. While waiting for their carry-out order to be prepared, the girls don’t give their father any peace. Driven by boredom, short attention spans, and hungry bellies, they end up creating quite a mess. We’re betting a lot of people have been there! Although they’re a lot for Bandit to handle, they also help him remember the importance of being a kid while you can. This episode shows the everyday realities of child raising, capturing both its challenges and its rewards.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Road Tripping as a Family, "Road Trip"
Four Words: Are We There Yet?
Grocery Shopping, "Kids"
It’s a Constant Battle Between Treats & Veggies
Messy Back Seats, Various
Who Knows What All Is Back There?
Too Much Screen Time, "Bob Bilby"
Phones, Tablets, & TVs Are a Big Part of Modern Life, & Not Going Overboard Is Hard
Chilli’s Alone Time, Various
Taking Care of Yourself Is Key
#1: Endless Curiosity
If there’s one thing pretty much all kids have in common, it’s their insatiable curiosity. Young and new to the world, it seems they always have something that needs answering. True to reality, Bluey and Bingo are constantly shooting questions at the adult figures in their lives, especially Chilli and Bandit. While some of their queries have easy answers, others leave the askees stumped. Those who have been on the receiving end of a child’s stream of questions know what we’re talking about. Navigating it is tricky, and we give major props to everyone out there handling it to the best of their ability. We also have to shout out the amazing adults who see their own inquisitiveness reflected in the little ones’ curiosity!