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Top 10 Bluey Moments That Made Us Laugh Uncontrollably

Top 10 Bluey Moments That Made Us Laugh Uncontrollably
VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton WRITTEN BY: Val Namaki
These Bluey moments will make you laugh until you turn blue. For this list, we'll be looking at this family show's funniest quotes, bits, characters, and everything in between. Our countdown includes Marjorie, the grannies, "Takeaway" hijinks, and more!

#10: Bingo's Movie Theater Behavior

Going to the movies usually involves buying tickets, getting snacks, and settling in quietly to watch the latest motion picture – right? That may be true for most people, but not the Heelers! When Bandit takes the girls to the movie theater, things devolve. While the episode is about Bluey accepting herself amid the new experience, it’s Bingo who steals the show. From the jump, her energy level is through the roof. Soon, she’s spilling popcorn, fidgeting, and “exploring.” Each moment is more unhinged than the last, and every time she giggles, we do too. Let’s also not forget her legendary hand dryer stint in the bathroom. It’s all out of control yet wonderfully innocent, making us grin from ear to ear. Never change, Bingo!

#9: Unicorse & His Diet

They say you get one chance to make a first impression. Puppet Unicorse — who’s controlled by Bandit — doesn’t make a conventionally good one for audiences. But boy is it memorable. We’re first acquainted with him in his eponymous episode, as he throws Chilli and Bluey’s night into disarray with frantic energy and an unbothered catchphrase. The wildest moment of all may be when he’s asked about his favorite food. We’re not sure what we expected him to say, but it definitely wasn’t that. Of course, the left field response and matter-of-fact tone with which he delivers it make it hard not to crack up. He promptly reveals he’s just kidding, but we’re dead serious when we say he should consider a full-time comedy career.

#8: A Childless Magic Claw
"The Claw"

Those who choose to have children often describe parenthood as a great joy, and an incredibly fulfilling experience. They’ll also tell you it’s hard work! Bandit and Chilli know all about this, and the father Blue Heeler isn’t afraid to poke fun at it while playing with Bluey and Bingo. Here, he’s acting as a claw machine – you know, the game that’s basically impossible to win toys from? He isn’t going easy on the girls, prompting Bluey to call her dad out. Bandit’s reaction is priceless, as he reminds her that he’s Magic Claw – not their father – in the most uproarious way imaginable, giving us a glimpse into his character’s life. You know this deadpan response made every parent watching burst into a loud guffaw.

#7: Marjorie
"Daddy Dropoff"

Have you ever called the wrong number? If so, we’re betting the interaction was perhaps awkward but overall standard, and nothing comical to write home about. But that’s because you didn’t mistakenly phone Marjorie like Bandit! A simple desire to check whether Bingo has brought her jumper as he drives the girls to school leads to what else but a telephone-heavy game. He’s trying to get a hold of his youngest, but time and time again, it’s Bluey – oops, sorry, Marjorie – he ‘dials.’ She’s not thrilled about the disruption and is vocal about her displeasure, leading to some very lively, very amusing conversations – and one heck of a musical performance. We feel for Bandit, but not enough to stop cackling.

#6: Bandit Is Pregnant
"Dad Baby"

Pregnancy is no joke. It can come with pains, cravings, general discomfort, and much more. To say labor itself is usually no picnic would also be an understatement. So yeah, not a laughing matter — except when it’s Bandit simulating the whole thing, with Bingo playing the baby in his belly! He initially thinks it’ll be a breeze, which makes it extra funny when he gets a swift helping of reality. Kicking, backaches, hunger — it’s all explored as hilariously as you’d expect. It culminates in him acting like he’s giving birth, and you can bet Bingo makes him work for it. It’s kind of brutal for Bandit, but endlessly diverting for us!

#5: Imitating Bandit & Chilli
"The Show"

May we interest you in some theater? Our starring actors are Bingo and Bluey in the roles of Chilli and Bandit, respectively. They treat us to the most rib-tickling recreation of their parents’ love story we could’ve asked for. From a first meeting at a party featuring the Queen, to an interesting proposal and beyond, the girls’ show is hysterical. Bluey’s take on her dad in particular is nothing short of epic, but that’s just one example in a sea of them. Sure, production hits a snag at one point. But our performers find their way past it to deliver a finale for the ages, with Bandit in his debut as baby Bluey! How could anyone watch this with a straight face?!

#4: “Takeaway” Hijinks

Kids usually know how to have a good time, no matter where they are. Can that lead to things flying off the rails? Yes, and “Bluey” episodes are all the funnier for it. A prime example of this is “Takeaway.” When what should be a quick trip to the restaurant for a pick up turns lengthy, the girls let loose and make the best of it. Soon, it’s pandemonium, and we bust a gut. Bluey loses control of the tap she’s been invested in, crows start eating the food that spilled, and Bingo…well, Bingo is relieving herself throughout all this. And unfortunately for Bandit, it’s taking a while! It’s hectic, disorderly, and absolutely riotous.

#3: The Grannies

Brace yourself, things are about to get even more entertaining. That’s because it’s time to give some love to the grandmother alter egos on “Bluey.” Bluey and Bingo bring these personas to life on a few occasions, and no words could do Janet and Rita justice. In “Grannies,” napping, stealthily trying to grab beans, ‘driving’ in questionable fashion, and flossing are a few of the farcical activities they engage in. There’s also plenty more good times where that came from, as the girls notably bring the characters back in “Bus,” playful as ever. Even Muffin gets in on the fun alongside them in “Granny Mobile”! If “Bluey” grannies are around in all their zany glory, nobody watching will be stone-faced for long.

#2: Muffin’s Antics

You know those people who just exude a frenzied, captivating energy in the best way? That’s how we would describe Muffin. This pup takes no prisoners, and she has us splitting our sides practically every time she shows up on screen. Whether she’s driving her toy car, relishing being special, or running away from her dad, our girl loves to cause chaos, and we love watching her do it. Don’t even get us started on the hijinks that unfold when she’s sleep deprived. Seriously, our stomachs hurt from all the laughter, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We dare you to get through a Muffin-heavy episode without losing your composure. It’s simply not possible, she’s too iconic.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Hecuba’s Demise, "Hammerbarn"
The Garden Gnome Pays a Heavy Price, but Chilli’s Reaction Is Too Good

A Special Wedding, "Horsey Ride"
We’re Speechless

The Questions, "Double Babysitter"
You Know What They Say About Kids Having No Filter!

Goodbye to the Good Vase, "Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound"
Chilli’s Not Thrilled About This, but We Can’t Deny It’s Hilarious

Any Time Bingo Says “Babe,” Various
It’s Priceless

#1: Bandit’s Many Characters

If you’re ever feeling down, all you need to do is enlist Bandit’s help. He’s always willing to release his inhibitions and become whoever while playing, and the hilarity his characters bring to the show is unmatched. His distinct French chef, for one, has us chortling. And his willingness to go along on a painful journey as a hospital patient is a comedic sight to behold. We’d also be remiss not to mention how much of a hoot he is when pretending to be ‘sheepdog,’ or talking about “bum worms”. The results leave us weak in the knees in stitches every time, without fail. No matter who he’s embodying, Bandit’s unwavering commitment and fantastic sense of humor means there’s never a dull moment.

Top 10 Bingo Moments, please!