Top 10 Cartoon Character Snacks That Take Us Back

#10: Tiny Toons Cereal
A tie-in with the zany ‘90s animated series, this Quaker breakfast cereal surely made for plenty of Saturday morning meals spent in front of the tube. Presented by Steven Spielberg, “Tiny Toon Adventures” saw a new generation of cartoon characters attend Acme Acres Looniversity, where they sat under the learning tree of past Looney Tunes favourites. Given that the show was defined by its energy and vibrance, the cereal —a mix of rice, corn, and oats shaped into beige letters— admittedly felt a little uninspired. But with Babs and Buster on the box, we were just happy to be eating in such great company!
#9: SpongeBob Popsicle
These popular frozen treats, also known as “Spongsicles,” are made to resemble a certain square-pants-wearing sea sponge! Well, for the most part anyways. You see, while it has a tasty fruit punch and cotton candy flavor, the frozen treat is perhaps most remembered for its comical deformities. Whether it’s the result of being left in the sun too long, or a manufacturer’s error, the Spongebob popsicle’s droopy features and altered eye placements have become ultimate meme fodder. But honestly, that’s all part of the fun! You can still find these frozen treats in many ice cream trucks, so who knows which version of our sponge-buddy you’ll unwrap?
#8: Darkwing Duck Fruit Snacks
From Garfield to Tom and Jerry, it seems just about every popular cartoon has joined the fruit snack market at one point or another. But, of all the animated-themed gummies that made their way into school lunchboxes, it’s Darkwing Duck’s real fruit snacks that reign supreme. From Fruit Parade, these bite-sized treats came in the shape of various characters from the beloved Disney series, which followed a bumbling superhero as he fights crime with the aid of his feisty daughter and trusty pilot. Given the show’s ever-growing cult status, we bet a return of these chewy mallard delights would be a welcome one!
#7: Scooby Snacks
Jinkies - there is perhaps no fictional food item more famous than Scooby Snacks, the incentive treat of choice for everyone’s favorite mystery solving canine! In fact, the animated delicacy has been a constant feature in the many Scooby-Doo related series and films released over his 50 plus years of history. So, there’s really no wonder as to why the snack made the leap from screen to store shelves. Of the many variations to hit the market, the Scooby-Doo Keebler baked graham cracker cookies are perhaps the product remembered most fondly. That mix of honey and cinnamon crunch has satisfied many-a-kid’s appetite! No mystery here gang, these biscuits are Scooby-dooby-scrumptious!
#6: Shrek Twinkies
Ok, so not all cartoon-themed snacks are equal on the “appetizing scale.” Unfortunately for these Shrek Twinkies, the green icing filling made for a, shall we say, unsettling visual. But this 2001 cross-promotional item apparently went over well enough with junk food consumers, as they would go on to make a return just three years later for “Shrek 2”. And while the big green guy has seen his noggin’ on everything from waffles to marshmallow bites, it’s this striking take on the classic Twinkie that conjures up the most youthful recollections. It would seem that kids weren’t really thrown by that “Ogre Green Creamy Filling” after all!
#5: Popeye Candy Sticks
A candy staple for multiple generations, Popeye sticks are timeless. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t indulged in these crunchy sugar sticks. In association with the vintage cartoon, these Popeye treats actually started out by being marketed as “tasty candy cigarettes” and were sold with red tips. Yep, kids of bygone eras could pretend to smoke away using these faux “ciggys”, before chomping down on them. For obvious reasons, they were later renamed "candy sticks" and had their red tips removed. Regardless of its smoky past, you can’t deny that Popeye Sticks make for a truly retro treat.
#4: X-Men Pasta
For kids of the early ‘90s, there was perhaps no better tasting pasta than the ones shaped like these mutant superheroes! Chef Boyardee’s tomato and cheese flavoured X-Men pasta soared in popularity right alongside the much-lauded animated series of the time. The celebrated X-cartoon was a true translation of the Marvel books, mixing faithful adaptations of iconic stories with exciting new journeys. So, naturally, hungry youngsters jumped at the chance to take their favourite heroes with them to the kitchen table. From page, to screen, to spoon, this was more than a meal, it was an adventure!
#3: Smurf Berry-Crunch Cereal
Given the perfect pairing of cartoons and cereal, it’s no wonder the loveable mushroom dwelling Smurfs got in on the breakfast craze of the early ‘80s. From Post Cereal, these brightly decorated boxes provided a delicious offering of berry crunch goodness. Composed of fruity sweetened corn, oats and wheat, the cereal was given a “berry red” and Smurfy blue” colour. Kids apparently couldn’t get enough, as a second Smurf cereal would be introduced by the end of the decade, this time adding marshmallows to the mix. Perhaps the only thing more memorable than the cereal itself, was the TV ad’s jolly jingle!
#2: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pies
With Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mania running wild in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, a busload of food tie-ins followed suit. So, with the likes of “hero shaped” pasta and “ninja net” cereal, kids of the time had no shortage of turtle endorsed snacks to choose from. But, there was one sweet treat that proved to be most radical – Hostess Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pies. The packaging alone is enough to strike up some “bodacious” nostalgia! As for the green glazed pie crust and "Vanilla Puddin' Power" treat inside, the adverts promised they were "fresh from the sewer.” Oh, how unsanitary ...but kids loved everything about it!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are some honourable mentions:
Scooby-Doo Fruit Snacks
Pokémon Macaroni & Cheese
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mini Pizza Slices
Nickelodeon Cartoon Fruit Roll-Ups
Street Sharks Pasta
#1: Flintstones Push-Ups
For a family from the Stone Age, the Flintstones sure are marketing savvy! Over the decades, the endearing Bedrock residents have lent their likeness to MANY items, with more than a few falling under the snack category. Of the bunch, it’s the prehistoric gang’s version of “push pops” that will surely send tongues into a tailspin of tasty remembrance. These colorful sherbet push-ups came in some pretty unique flavors, the likes of Lime Rock Lime, Raspberry Rubble, and Cave Kid Cherry. They even released a version of these cool treats with Nerds candy inside! To that we say - Yaba-daba-dee-lish!