Top 10 Clone Troopers in Star Wars: The Clone Wars

#10: Wolffe
A clone who served under Jedi Plo Koon in the famed Wolfpack squad, Wolffe is distinguished from his brethren by the scar on his face and his cybernetic eye. As Plo Koon’s right hand man, Wolffe often fought alongside the general on various missions throughout the Clone Wars. This ranged from mercy missions, to investigating Jedi mysteries, to frequent rescues whenever our usual heroes are in jam. He also displayed very little patience for C-3PO – and let’s face it, you probably would too in his shoes. Unlike many clones, Wolffe does survive the war, showing up again in “Rebels”.
#9: Hevy
Named for his fondness for heavy weapons, Hevy was a member of Domino Squad, a group of troopers the show follows throughout the war. During training, Hevy was initially rebellious and prone to going his own way, to the cost of his squad. However, after getting some sage advice from another clone, Hevy began to step up and become more of a leader. Unfortunately, the squad’s first posting came under a Separatist attack that put their homeworld in danger of invasion. Thanks to Hevy’s heroic sacrifice, that invasion was delayed. He even goes out on an awesome one-liner! Despite only appearing a few times, Hevy’s impact on his fellow Domino Squad members, and the show in general, is definitely felt.
#8: Waxer
Waxer served in the 212th as part of Ghost Company under Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was often spotted with fellow clone trooper Boil, who he considered to be a good friend. The two are first seen on Ryloth, where they participated in the planet’s liberation, while also befriending a young Twi’lek girl named Numa. The experience clearly influenced Waxer, as he added a drawing of Numa on his helmet after this. On Geonosis, Waxer and Boil also helped rescue General Kenobi when his transport was shot down. Sadly, Waxer met a heartbreaking end during the Umbaran campaign. When the traitorous Jedi, Pong Krell, tricked two Clone forces into fighting each other, Waxer lost his life due to friendly fire. His tears get us every time.
#7: Jesse
Jesse can be distinguished from his brothers and other ARC troopers in the 501st Legion by the large Republic emblem tattooed on his face and painted on his helmet. As one of the most recurring clones, he frequently fought alongside the other men in Anakin’s legion. Jesse placed a lot of trust in Fives especially. When Fives went against General Krell’s orders, Jesse sided with him. This action nearly got them both executed. Tragically, Jesse succumbed to the Order 66 conditioning near the war’s end. He spent his final hours fighting against Captain Rex and Ahsoka before perishing in a starship crash. While a lot of clones are lost in the series’ final episode, Jesse’s demise hits especially hard.
#6: The Bad Batch
We know we’ve been doing one person per entry, but we had to make an exception for Clone Force 99, otherwise known as “the Bad Batch”, since they’re such a tight unit. The squad consists of clone troopers with special genetic mutations. There’s Wrecker, the heavily muscular, berserker clone. Crosshair serves as the sniper. Tech is the brains of the operation. And they’re led by Hunter, who has excellent senses. Oh, and there’s one more, but we’ll be discussing him later. Bottom line, the Bad Batch are both intriguing as a concept and in execution. We look forward to seeing these unconventional clones star in their own upcoming spin-off.
#5: Cody
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s right-hand man Commander Cody was very much like the Jedi he served under – by the book. Steadfast, loyal, and an excellent leader, Cody is a model clone officer. Because of how often Kenobi and Skywalker work together, Cody is also good friends with Skywalker’s frequent collaborator Captain Rex. The two clones often spent time together, whether they were off duty or working a mission together. Although Cody doesn’t get as many moments to shine as some of the other clones on our list, he’s still one of the most popular clones out there.
#4: 99
Not all clones are created equal. As we’ve already seen, some of them have mutations. 99’s imperfections caused him to be looked over for combat and made to work in maintenance on Kamino. Despite this turn of events, he saw all the clones as his family. 99 formed attachments to a lot of the cadets, particularly Domino Squad. He even inspired Hevy to become a better man. During the invasion of Kamino, 99 aided in the defense, helping retrieve ammunition. Regrettably, 99 lost his life while assisting his other clones in battle. He had what it took to be a soldier after all. Touchingly, Clone Force 99 was named after him.
#3: Echo
Named because he often repeated orders during training, Echo is another member of Domino Squad. Of all the clones featured on the show, Echo arguably has the most dramatic transformation. After going through many trials with his squad mates and the 501st, Echo appears to perish during the rescue at the Citadel. However, the show’s final season reveals this not to be the case. Echo was actually captured and cybernetically integrated into a Separatist computer to feed them Republic strategies. Thankfully, Echo is rescued and shows he’s still loyal to the Republic by proving instrumental in winning the Battle of Anaxes. And given that he’s joined the Bad Batch, Echo’s story isn’t finished yet!
#2: Fives
CT-5555, or Fives, is the final member of Domino Squad on our list and he’s easily the most prominent. After surviving the squad’s early losses, Fives makes his way up to ARC trooper. Fives participates in critical missions like the Citadel rescue, as well as taking center stage in the Umbara story arc, where he rebels against General Krell’s orders. However, it’s his final mission that really stands out. After a fellow clone triggers Order 66 early, Fives sets out to uncover the mystery behind why. Knowing that he’s doomed to fail makes it even harder to watch as Fives is discredited at every turn. Watching him meet his final fate is among the show’s most tragic moments. Rest in peace, Fives.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
This Commando Beat Amnesia, Regained His Memories, & Became a Soldier Again
A Hyperactive & Rebellious Clone that Sacrificed Himself to Save His Brothers
His Malfunctioning Chip & Demise Pushes Fives To Embark on His Final Mission
Cut Lawquane
A Clone Who Tires of War and Starts a Family
His Last Stand with His Jedi Is Awesome!
#1: Rex
You all knew this was coming, right? When it comes to “The Clone Wars,” Captain Rex is the clone of the show. Anakin Skywalker’s most trusted clone soldier in the 501st and a frequent confidant to Ahsoka Tano, Rex is also an inspiration to his men. While he may not always be the model clone trooper, mainly thanks to his time under the unconventional Anakin, Rex is everything a clone should be: loyal, brave, and willing to question authority, Rex is also a certified badass. He’s not only the best clone on “The Clone Wars,” he’s also one of its best characters, period!