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Top 10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes

Top 10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script written by Justin Giglio

May the force be with you. Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes. For this list, we're looking at episodes from the 2008 CGI television series, not to be confused with the 2003 animated TV mini series as that is a similar, but completely different show altogether.

Special thanks to our users CaptainSandwich or submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
Script written by Justin Giglio

#10: "To Catch a Jedi"

Named after the 1955 Alfred Hitchcock masterpiece, To Catch A Thief, this episode follows Anakin’s Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, on the run from the Jedi andthe Republic for a crime she did not commit. Working together to clear both their names, Ahsoka teams up with Asajj Ventress, a series villain-turned-bounty-hunter. The tone of this episode is noticeably different from the rest of the series: it’s gritty, claustrophobic, and works as much as a crime drama as it does as a Clone Wars episode, and an exceptional one at that.

#9: "Darkness on Umbara"

Focusing on the clone troopers and their tense relationship with their Jedi masters, this episode introduces fans to Jedi General Pong Krell, who isn’t quite as kind to his troopers as Anakin or Obi-Wan. The best part of this series is its willingness to tell us stories we don’t get to see in the films. Giving us theperspective of a group of clones and their experience fighting a war they were created to fight is a refreshing take on an amazing concept that gets brushed over in the prequels.

#8: "Monster"

Introducing Savage Opress, this Sith-in-training also happens to be the brother of Darth Maul. With Asajj Ventress now working against Count Dooku, she seeks the help of the Nightsisters and Mother Talzin. Talzin offers Asajj a number of possible allies to assist her in taking down Dooku, which leads to a series of tests to find a worthy apprentice. The winner, of course, is Savage, who is then placed undercover at Dooku’s side as his new apprentice. This episode is crucial in setting up the eventual return of Darth Maul to the Star Wars saga.

#7: "Witches of the Mist"

With Savage training with Dooku in the ways of the Sith, Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent by the Jedi Order to find out more about this mysterious new Force-sensitive warrior. This episode demonstrates Savage’s power, as he is able to take on both Anakin and Obi-Wan in battle. Savage then turns on Ventress and Dooku after both underestimate his power. Weakened from battle, Savage returns to Mother Talzin, who sends him off to find his brother in the Outer Rim. Savage proves he is more than Darth Maul’s brother, but a capable warrior who can stand toe-to-toe with the most powerful beings in the galaxy.

#6: "Rookies"

An early indication of the show’s ability to expand the Star Wars universe in unexpected ways, this episode features rookie clone troopers facing impossible odds in their first real mission. It’s the first time the series shows the clones as more than just killing-machines, depicting them as individuals that theaudience care care about. Only two of the rookies escape the episode with their lives, Fives and Echo, who would go on to become recurring character throughout the run of the series.

#5: "The Ghosts of Mortis"

The final instalment of the Mortis arc shows us Anakin having visions of his future, foreshadowing several key events in Revenge of the Sith and his eventual turn to the dark side as Darth Vader. Anakin’s memory of these visions however, is later erased. The Ghosts of Mortis also features information about the Force previously unknown to even the most die-hard Star Wars fans. The Mortis trilogy stands as some of the best episodes the show had to offer, and its conclusion is no exception.

#4: "Revenge"

When Darth Maul made his first appearance in The Clone Wars, he was a monster-like creature with spider-legs – not exactly the Maul fan’s had gotten to know in The Phantom Menace. However, “Revenge” sees Mother Talzin restoring Maul’s sanity and giving him robotic legs to replace his spider-body. “Revenge” features a few pivotal moments in the series, including Assaj Ventress teaming-up with Obi-Wan to take on Maul and his brother Savage, and thelong-awaited re-match between Maul and Obi-Wan.

#3: "The Wrong Jedi"

What was long considered the series finale before the Netflix-produced “Lost Missions” we see the end of the arc that featured Ahsoka on the run. It also explains why Ahsoka doesn’t appear or is even mentioned in Revenge of the Sith. Like the rest of the arc, this episode was named after Alfred Hitchcock’sThe Wrong Man. The episode ends on a sad note, with Ahsoka refusing to return to the Jedi order. This moment marks a high note both for the series and for Ahsoka’s character.

#2: "The Lawless"

One of, if not the most heartbreaking and action-packed episodes this series has to offer. Darth Maul, along with his brother Savage Opress, have taken over the planet Mandalore. With Duchess Satine held prisoner by the brothers, Obi-Wan goes undercover to rescue the woman he loves, unknowingly falling into a trap. Along with a devastating moment which makes Obi-Wan an even more sympathetic character, this episode also includes on of the most badass lightsaber duels of the series, pitting Savage and Maul up against Darth Sidious, who sees Maul’s rise to power as a threat against him.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
"The Citadel"
"Altar of Mortis"
"The Box"
"Wookie Hunt"

#1: "Sacrifice"

In the series finale, Yoda visits the Sith home world Moraband, giving fans their first look at the birthplace of the most evil force in the galaxy. Yoda must face a number of tests in order to discover the truth about the Sith. This episode also features the voice of Luke Skywalker himself - Mark Hamill, lending his acting talents in his return to the Star Wars franchise as Darth Bane, the legendary Sith Lord. Who doesn’t want to see more of Yoda in action? A fitting end to an awesome series.

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